Things that annoy you (23 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
And another work related thing. My boss abbreviates “month end” to “mnth end”

WHY??? It’s one friggin letter. What’s the point ? 😠

Just start randomly removing vowels in your responses to him.


News Apps that somehow think I give a fuck about the US election.

It's no wonder you have strange cunts over here acting like US Politics Reporters when you have alerts every 5 minutes with some bullshit.


Well-Known Member
'Sorry I was on mute'

It's been 7 months FFS, how long do you need?

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Absolutely fucking spot-on!! And in some cases, these are people who have been put in positions of authority regarding Covid response in major educational establishments (mentioning no names) Fucking clueless!
Oh, and Chris "I'm Very" Whitty and Patrick Unbalanced needing to ask the "projectionist" to move to the next slide at No. 10 Press briefings. These people are living in the Dark Ages!


'Sorry I was on mute'

It's been 7 months FFS, how long do you need?

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That just means they were watching TV or having a conversation with somebody else and not paying attention, not always a technical issue ;)


Well-Known Member
I'd rather people muted themselves when they aren't contributing (so why are they there at all, you might ask!), as the "noises off" can be really distracting, but the learning curve really shouldn't be that steep, as @skyblue1991 says


Well-Known Member
It is funny when someone has their camera on a Zoom/Teams call and don’t realise though. It’s happened twice recently. Once, the Operations Director’s feet... complete with Donnay Socks from Sports Direct (the guy is on £100k plus salary) filled his screen for an hour. The second, a young trainee lad was blowing huge vape clouds at the camera in full view of the board of directors.


It is funny when someone has their camera on a Zoom/Teams call and don’t realise though. It’s happened twice recently. Once, the Operations Director’s feet... complete with Donnay Socks from Sports Direct (the guy is on £100k plus salary) filled his screen for an hour. The second, a young trainee lad was blowing huge vape clouds at the camera in full view of the board of directors.



Well-Known Member
It is funny when someone has their camera on a Zoom/Teams call and don’t realise though. It’s happened twice recently. Once, the Operations Director’s feet... complete with Donnay Socks from Sports Direct (the guy is on £100k plus salary) filled his screen for an hour. The second, a young trainee lad was blowing huge vape clouds at the camera in full view of the board of directors.

i vape during zoom meetings. Fuck it. I’m in my house and it’s allowed. I only don’t vape in meetings cos it’s banned.


Well-Known Member
Brian (shouty twat) Blessed. Just hate the fucking sound of his voice now.

The Cinch advert (there are currently two) where the bloke in each advert is made to look a bit of a twat.


Well-Known Member
My wife! Small matter I know, but bloody irritating. When I take the plastic lids off an opened butter or large tub of yoghurt, she always leaves the foil on them. I end up getting covered in it when I peel them back. Take them off woman when you open them!


Well-Known Member
I leave for work much earlier than the rest of my family, so I'm also home before everyone else. Every day I come home to every fucking light left on. How hard is it to flick a bloody switch!!!

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Well-Known Member
I leave for work much earlier than the rest of my family, so I'm also home before everyone else. Every day I come home to every fucking light left on. How hard is it to flick a bloody switch!!!

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When I lived with the ex wife EVERY bulb in the house was one of these, for peace of mind more than anything. I don't think she ever turned a light off. Handy to turn on as well if you are away.

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Well-Known Member
When I lived with the ex wide EVERY bulb in the house was one of these, for peace of mind more than anything. I don't think she ever turned a light off. Handy to turn on as well if you are away.

Cheers mate, need to do something. Drives me nuts.

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Well-Known Member
Forgetting to drag all my pallets off the yard & into the workshop before locking up for bonfire night last night.......DOH!!

.....the buggers have nicked & torched the lot of 'em!


People in shops who take the piss and take ages.

"Can I have 2 lucky dips for tonight, 1 for next wednesday and 3 for saturday? Then can I have a number 3, 6 and 17 scratch card. Actually no can I change the 3 for another 6. Can I then have 5 quid gas on this and then 7 quid electricity on this and then can I have a packet of baccy, not that baccy the other one. Then can I have some filters, then a lighter." Then they want to pay with exact money so they are scratting about for 5ps for ages.

Fucking 10 minutes stood waiting while the cunts made up their mind and sorted their lives out. Just wanted to buy something, tap the machine with my card then go.


Well-Known Member
Thank god I'm not the only one.

There's something about him that's just really really really annoying.
I agree. Who is he? I've assumed that he is somehow famous. Maybe from some sort of 'reality' TV program.


Well-Known Member
People in shops who take the piss and take ages.

"Can I have 2 lucky dips for tonight, 1 for next wednesday and 3 for saturday? Then can I have a number 3, 6 and 17 scratch card. Actually no can I change the 3 for another 6. Can I then have 5 quid gas on this and then 7 quid electricity on this and then can I have a packet of baccy, not that baccy the other one. Then can I have some filters, then a lighter." Then they want to pay with exact money so they are scratting about for 5ps for ages.

Fucking 10 minutes stood waiting while the cunts made up their mind and sorted their lives out. Just wanted to buy something, tap the machine with my card then go.

Again this drives me up the wall!! Can you check all my lotto tickets for me from the last 3 months?? Check them at home you lazy c**t!!!

Like when your stood in subway and a couple of twats in front are stood talking for ten minutes and then get up to the counter and take another 10 minutes deciding what they want. Do that while your fucking waiting and stop the bloody chatting!!!


Well-Known Member
Again this drives me up the wall!! Can you check all my lotto tickets for me from the last 3 months?? Check them at home you lazy c**t!!!

Like when your stood in subway and a couple of twats in front are stood talking for ten minutes and then get up to the counter and take another 10 minutes deciding what they want. Do that while your fucking waiting and stop the bloody chatting!!!
The ones that annoy me are people who are clearly running some business from home and can't be bothered to go to an actual post office so hold up the queue in the local shop trying to post a ridiculous number of packages.


The ones that annoy me are people who are clearly running some business from home and can't be bothered to go to an actual post office so hold up the queue in the local shop trying to post a ridiculous number of packages.
It's much cheaper than the royal mail to use a courier drop off though. I have only just realised that but have found a shop where you can go in and do it yourself


Well-Known Member
I leave for work much earlier than the rest of my family, so I'm also home before everyone else. Every day I come home to every fucking light left on. How hard is it to flick a bloody switch!!!

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Flick the fuses off before you leave every morning ;) They'll just think it's a power cut.


Well-Known Member
The simple art lost of when opening a door and checking if someone is behind you to hold it open for them, totally lost on the younger generation, it’s just fucking rude and bordering on total retardedness!! Fucking knuckle dragging imbeciles


Well-Known Member
The TV guide.
When you set to record with a series link you can't access/get the current episodes info/description.🙄


Well-Known Member
Forgetting to put the cap back on after you've topped the oil up then done about 50-60 miles before you find out .
Sooo messy.

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