Things that annoy you (24 Viewers)


Deleted member 5849

Interesting. In what sense?
Each time, everything is piecemeal, and disjointed. Look at the Millenium developments, Broadgate (twice!) etc.

Pre-war those beautiful tudor buildings were seen as inconvenient slums - Hitler didn't cause the regeneration of the city centre, he just widened its scope!

Now, tbf I'd need to look at what they actually plan to do around there(!) but on the image as you linked, the square area there has promise as it is (the least said about Barracks the better, however! And thank God they're pulling the tower block down round thecorner!) - there are a number of linked, interesting buildings in the city centre, that do indeed have character - often the issue is we neglect areas, let them go rank and dark and dreary - it's not *necessarily* the architecture that's the issue. I'm thinking in this respect the arcade that goes to Argos is a fine example that, tidied up, could work as-is. The circular cafe is an example of how development can work in sympathy with what's already there - originally the plans were to demolish it, but I think the lower precinct has become an excellent little space, with distinction. Before they did that development, *that* was dank and dreary.

So, I'm not saying save *everything* or preserve it in aspic, but I am saying have sympathy with whatever we already have, too.

I repeat, I don't actually know if what they're proposing around there does do that or not, in my view, so I reserve judgement, but I am sympathetic to not just starting with a clean slate every 20 years, to then knock it all down again once the next generation decide whatever we do is shitter than what was there before!


Well-Known Member
I like the mural on the three tuns, but it certainly doesn't look like it is carved on, it just looks like what it is, a sculpture on stop of a cast concrete block. Get it demolished and incorporate it on to a more deserving building. Not stuck in the corner of a tatty square leading to a dingy service area.


Well-Known Member
I like the mural on the three tuns, but it certainly doesn't look like it is carved on, it just looks like what it is, a sculpture on stop of a cast concrete block. Get it demolished and incorporate it on to a more deserving building. Not stuck in the corner of a tatty square leading to a dingy service area.
Be very simple to replicate with 3D lazer cutting etc.


Well-Known Member
Those bellends on social media that feel the need to film themselves while helping someone out. They're everywhere now. From giving homeless people presents and money, to paying off a family members mortgage.
If you're wanting to be nice, just be nice. Stop trying to inflate your ego and gain likes on social media, by filming it. I find it fucking crass tbh, and it annoys the shit out of me.

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My Missus told me that Greg James on Radio 1 had done a clip where they replace ‘fascination’ with ‘vaccination’ in the cheesy song by Alphabeat and I now can’t stop singing it every time I hear the word vaccination. Which is a fucking lot.



Well-Known Member
Actually, i don't recall Cadbury's ever using such an explicit ad for a Creme Egg with a straight couple, so i would question the need for it at all.

Yep. No need whatsoever. Its a kids sweet for fucks sake.

This just strikes me as more viral advertising.....just like them two attention seeking woman on their Derbyshire reservoir product placement photoshoot.....

...and the social media dumb millions lap it up & forward it around like its fucking news.


Well-Known Member
Actually, i don't recall Cadbury's ever using such an explicit ad for a Creme Egg with a straight couple, so i would question the need for it at all.

Firstly 'explciit'? It's two people kissing. Regardless:

Yes. How despicable to use sexual overtones to sell sweets, this is definitely the first time this has ever happened and a completely new low and this has nothing to do with homophobia:



Well-Known Member
Woke BBC - watching countryfile last night and Anita Rani hijacks a story with her own woke agenda !


Well-Known Member
There was a girl at my school who had the reputation that her bf ate creme eggs out of her twat. Question most people asked was "with the wrapper or without?"!!!
But i wouldn't have suggested Cadbury's use her in their ads either!


Well-Known Member
There was a girl at my school who had the reputation that her bf ate creme eggs out of her twat. Question most people asked was "with the wrapper or without?"!!!
But i wouldn't have suggested Cadbury's use her in their ads either!
Not at that age anyway.


Well-Known Member
People who tell you the bleeding obvious.
Tuffers- Joe Root is on 99 he only needs 1 more run to reach 100.
Now I am no mathematician but even I can work that one out.


Well-Known Member
People who tell you the bleeding obvious.
Tuffers- Joe Root is on 99 he only needs 1 more run to reach 100.
Now I am no mathematician but even I can work that one out.
Whilst we are on the subject of cricket - when they trot out meaningless stats like ‘the 3rd highest 4th wicket partnership in Sagittarius’ or some bollocks like that... and then all the people in ground clap at obscure moments you don’t understand.

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