Things that annoy you (7 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
We have a friend who used to come away with us golfing. At night we would all chip in 50 euros in the kitty, he would then start doubling up on his drinks so get a short everytime we would get a pint. Just pissed everyone off


I feel that is a much better answer than that of the reality of our waiters always ending up with ridiculously high tips.

There's one lad at Bella Italia who fights his way through the staff there in order to serve us.

He's only served us three times in total, yet has already bought himself a yacht and a powerboat and has been to Hawaii twice and has a cruise of the Caribbean coming up around Christmas time.

He even writes everything down with a Parker pen on a Paper chase notepad.
I got told off by the wife at Chiquritos once, the bloke clearly forgot to log everything so we ended up paying about £20 instead of £50 - £60. She told me to leave a tip, I said his boss would give him a tip later. Didn't leave a tip. Not stingy, just see it as their job now as their wage isn't made up by tips.


Well-Known Member
I got told off by the wife at Chiquritos once, the bloke clearly forgot to log everything so we ended up paying about £20 instead of £50 - £60. She told me to leave a tip, I said his boss would give him a tip later. Didn't leave a tip. Not stingy, just see it as their job now as their wage isn't made up by tips.

1st job out of school was waitering, did it for 3 years, good social side helped.

But the amount of people that thought them spending £40 meant they had purchased me for an hour to do EVERYTHING they required was unreal!

I think thankfully I was naive and just got on with that where as a few years older I may have told people where to go!

Anyway with regards to tips, My pet hate wasn't the people that didn't tip it was the ones that'd get coppers or 5p's back in change and leave them on the table, so they would've consciously thought about leaving a 'tip'.

Best response to this was we had a big bucket of coppers, one of the lads served a regular of the above copper leaving brigade, so he delivered (20 minutes later) his change of about £8 in 1 & 2p's, think the lad left shortly after!!


I got told off by the wife at Chiquritos once, the bloke clearly forgot to log everything so we ended up paying about £20 instead of £50 - £60. She told me to leave a tip, I said his boss would give him a tip later. Didn't leave a tip. Not stingy, just see it as their job now as their wage isn't made up by tips.

That's pretty off IMO. From experience, bar/restaurant work is absolutely horrible. You work unsociable, long hours for minimum wage, are constantly on the go, and having to deal with drunken/loud people more often than not. Having done my fair share of bar work and to now be in a position where I can afford to leave a tip, I always do. These people are most likely students/fresh out of school who need every bit of help they can get.

On the "tight people" theme, there's more than their fair share in my social group. People who never offer to get the first round in, skip their rounds when it finally comes round to them, put in less or exact change for meals whilst squabbling over what they did/didn't have etc etc. Makes you wonder how they have been raised to think it is acceptable behavior. If I go out for a meal, as a rule I always round up whatever mine costs (or total if I'm paying for the lot) to the nearest £5 (£10 if it's a large amount) and leave that down.


Well-Known Member
That's pretty off IMO. From experience, bar/restaurant work is absolutely horrible. You work unsociable, long hours for minimum wage, are constantly on the go, and having to deal with drunken/loud people more often than not. Having done my fair share of bar work and to now be in a position where I can afford to leave a tip, I always do. These people are most likely students/fresh out of school who need every bit of help they can get.

On the "tight people" theme, there's more than their fair share in my social group. People who never offer to get the first round in, skip their rounds when it finally comes round to them, put in less or exact change for meals whilst squabbling over what they did/didn't have etc etc. Makes you wonder how they have been raised to think it is acceptable behavior. If I go out for a meal, as a rule I always round up whatever mine costs (or total if I'm paying for the lot) to the nearest £5 (£10 if it's a large amount) and leave that down.

Yep agree completely, bar work is awful, currently working at a pub, while waiting for Navy application to go through, and while the hours is something you are able to get used to, the pay is crap and as you say some people you run into are just rude. Friend of mine was serving a lady last night, who was just rude from the offset and came up to order a cocktail, the menu was behind the bar, but he couldn't see it, and she just shouts, 'It's right there you idiot, you clearly aren't the brightest', so he just turned around and told her that she can reading the menu for the rest of the night and walked off. Don't see the need for people to be rude, nobody gets paid enough to take abuse.

Another thing I now hate working at a pub, is when people push in and claim they were 'next' and then moan when they don't get served because we actually have the ability to remember who was at the bar first.


1st job out of school was waitering, did it for 3 years, good social side helped.

But the amount of people that thought them spending £40 meant they had purchased me for an hour to do EVERYTHING they required was unreal!

I think thankfully I was naive and just got on with that where as a few years older I may have told people where to go!

Anyway with regards to tips, My pet hate wasn't the people that didn't tip it was the ones that'd get coppers or 5p's back in change and leave them on the table, so they would've consciously thought about leaving a 'tip'.

Best response to this was we had a big bucket of coppers, one of the lads served a regular of the above copper leaving brigade, so he delivered (20 minutes later) his change of about £8 in 1 & 2p's, think the lad left shortly after!!

To be fair, nowdays don't the waiters get a wage? I wouldn't expect them to come and do everything and anything like a slave, just take the order, bring it out and bring the bill :)

I do leave tips sometimes, but usually when they have it on the card machine so it pops up I make a point not to.


Yep agree completely, bar work is awful, currently working at a pub, while waiting for Navy application to go through, and while the hours is something you are able to get used to, the pay is crap and as you say some people you run into are just rude. Friend of mine was serving a lady last night, who was just rude from the offset and came up to order a cocktail, the menu was behind the bar, but he couldn't see it, and she just shouts, 'It's right there you idiot, you clearly aren't the brightest', so he just turned around and told her that she can reading the menu for the rest of the night and walked off. Don't see the need for people to be rude, nobody gets paid enough to take abuse.

Another thing I now hate working at a pub, is when people push in and claim they were 'next' and then moan when they don't get served because we actually have the ability to remember who was at the bar first.

What annoys me is where people stand at the bar when it is busy to have their drink.

Spend ages to get towards the front and when you do you have to battle with people just stood there with a full pint staring into thin air. Move away.


Yep agree completely, bar work is awful, currently working at a pub, while waiting for Navy application to go through, and while the hours is something you are able to get used to, the pay is crap and as you say some people you run into are just rude. Friend of mine was serving a lady last night, who was just rude from the offset and came up to order a cocktail, the menu was behind the bar, but he couldn't see it, and she just shouts, 'It's right there you idiot, you clearly aren't the brightest', so he just turned around and told her that she can reading the menu for the rest of the night and walked off. Don't see the need for people to be rude, nobody gets paid enough to take abuse.

Another thing I now hate working at a pub, is when people push in and claim they were 'next' and then moan when they don't get served because we actually have the ability to remember who was at the bar first.

Yeah it's awful. On the contrary to that I used to work in a pub that could get 3 or 4 deep at the bar on a Friday or Saturday night. People expect you to remember the exact order they squeezed their way to the bar when all you're trying to do is concentrate on getting the previous order of about 12 different pints/mixers/shots etc right!

On this theme - people who butt and order at bars, knowing full well the person standing to their right/left was here well before them.


That's pretty off IMO. From experience, bar/restaurant work is absolutely horrible. You work unsociable, long hours for minimum wage, are constantly on the go, and having to deal with drunken/loud people more often than not. Having done my fair share of bar work and to now be in a position where I can afford to leave a tip, I always do. These people are most likely students/fresh out of school who need every bit of help they can get.

On the "tight people" theme, there's more than their fair share in my social group. People who never offer to get the first round in, skip their rounds when it finally comes round to them, put in less or exact change for meals whilst squabbling over what they did/didn't have etc etc. Makes you wonder how they have been raised to think it is acceptable behavior. If I go out for a meal, as a rule I always round up whatever mine costs (or total if I'm paying for the lot) to the nearest £5 (£10 if it's a large amount) and leave that down.

To be fair, it was a Weekday afternoon and there was only about 3 or 4 tables on. The tip would have been done on the card machine and I don't tend have any cash on me unless it's shrapnel so that was the only reason really. He wasn't run off his feet,.

Another annoyance is when you have people sign receipts like they are your best mate to get a tip. I can understand they might be on minimum wage, but so are a lot of others and we aren't expected to give them money for doing their job. How many people hand over a fiver when they get served in One Stop or something?

It Waiters were only paid by tips, when it would be different.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, nowdays don't the waiters get a wage? I wouldn't expect them to come and do everything and anything like a slave, just take the order, bring it out and bring the bill :)

I do leave tips sometimes, but usually when they have it on the card machine so it pops up I make a point not to.

Can't remember what I was on but would have been min & the tips from the card machine we never got it was introduced at the place I was at 6 months before I was left and there was an 'error' as to why they were not added to our payslips.

When I left new management was on its way in so I hope the 'issue' was resolved as someone was making a few quid out of us poor sods.

In all its a funny old industry to work in, not a bad way for a first proper job and a good eye opener to customers, sorry "guests" they are "guests you have welcomed in with a warm heart", Zzzzz!!


Well-Known Member
What annoys me is where people stand at the bar when it is busy to have their drink.

Spend ages to get towards the front and when you do you have to battle with people just stood there with a full pint staring into thin air. Move away.

Yep annoys the bar staff as well trust me, had two lads standing in front of one of the two tills we had on last night, meaning people were having to speak across them to give me their food orders. It's a very frustrating job, and then when people have the cheek to ask for free drinks or free desserts, because their food took 25 mins to come out... for a table of 6, some ordering steak...


Well-Known Member
I was a barman in the Wallace many moons ago
And there was a little clique who thought they owned the place
They would regularly try to push their way into trying to get serve as I remember one of their wives was a barmaid and she would always serve them first
I took great pleasure in making them wait
I always try to buy the person who's served me a drink as I've been on both sides of the counter and appreciate how hard the job can be


Well-Known Member
To be fair, it was a Weekday afternoon and there was only about 3 or 4 tables on. The tip would have been done on the card machine and I don't tend have any cash on me unless it's shrapnel so that was the only reason really. He wasn't run off his feet,.

Another annoyance is when you have people sign receipts like they are your best mate to get a tip. I can understand they might be on minimum wage, but so are a lot of others and we aren't expected to give them money for doing their job. How many people hand over a fiver when they get served in One Stop or something?

It Waiters were only paid by tips, when it would be different.

Agree I don't expect tips from anyone, and any i do get, go in the charity box. However, I would add that we are only paid to do as you say, deliver food, pour drinks and take orders, not half the stuff tat some people expect from us.


Agree I don't expect tips from anyone, and any i do get, go in the charity box. However, I would add that we are only paid to do as you say, deliver food, pour drinks and take orders, not half the stuff tat some people expect from us.

Yeah, does my head in when people demand things. If people expect tips it kind of makes me want to not give them one. Sometimes people go out of their way to sort things when it hasn't been asked for, so then I probably would tip if I had some cash on me.

What other things do people expect from a waiter?


Yep annoys the bar staff as well trust me, had two lads standing in front of one of the two tills we had on last night, meaning people were having to speak across them to give me their food orders. It's a very frustrating job, and then when people have the cheek to ask for free drinks or free desserts, because their food took 25 mins to come out... for a table of 6, some ordering steak...

Yeah, does my head in when people try and take the piss.

It is usually the "locals" who stand at the bar because they see it as their place, which is all well and good on a Monday afternoon but on a Saturday when football is on it doesn't work the same.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, does my head in when people demand things. If people expect tips it kind of makes me want to not give them one. Sometimes people go out of their way to sort things when it hasn't been asked for, so then I probably would tip if I had some cash on me.

What other things do people expect from a waiter?

With regards to that final question. Some of the stuff myself and more so colleagues were subjected to by Xmas parties, they'd be out of a job and have great difficulty getting another, if you get my drift!


Well-Known Member
Also when I worked as a barman
People who had the exact change every time like they'd raided the back of the sofa but would never hand you the money they would leave it on the counter for you to pick up.
And when I'd go out to collect glasses there was one cockwomble who would move the glasses to the opposite end of the table just as I was about to collect them, fuckin prick

There was a guy who used to come in for a few of a lunchtime he literally have 5 pints at £2 a pint but always paid with coins
One afternoon he come In and the price had gone up to £2.05 it really confused him


Well-Known Member
I always tip for good service.....

....and when I used to travel a lot with work, I always used to tip up front & large when staying in a posh hotel.....tipping upon arrival always guaranteed first class service & upgrades galore throughout my stay:cool:


Well-Known Member
We always tip unless we have not been treated well.

Been the odd occasion where the waiter/waitress has been rather unhelpful and a bit rude. Cannot ever feel the need to tip anyone for service (lack of) like that.

I used to moonlight at a hotel once and customers were so, so rude. People forever clicking their fingers at you and never ever saying please or thank you.

I only stayed about 3 months and then left.


Well-Known Member
We always tip unless we have not been treated well.

Been the odd occasion where the waiter/waitress has been rather unhelpful and a bit rude. Cannot ever feel the need to tip anyone for service (lack of) like that.

I used to moonlight at a hotel once and customers were so, so rude. People forever clicking their fingers at you and never ever saying please or thank you.

I only stayed about 3 months and then left.

I always say "You're welcome" to anyone who doesn't say thank you to me in everyday life,the confusion on their face 90% of time still makes me smile!

Same as letting someone through in a car and giving them the palm of thanks when they don't do it.

Life's little pleasures.


Another one is with the internet and social media, how Sunday League football teams make announcements and statements FFS. "We are pleased to announce the signing of".

Another one is "Life coaches", what's a life coach? Get a proper job.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, does my head in when people try and take the piss.

It is usually the "locals" who stand at the bar because they see it as their place, which is all well and good on a Monday afternoon but on a Saturday when football is on it doesn't work the same.

Found our locals actually very pleasant and friendly, barring one, who if he doesn't get served first, texts our boss to complain.

Deleted member 5849

when people have the cheek to ask for free drinks or free desserts, because their food took 25 mins to come out... for a table of 6, some ordering steak...

Do people really do that?!?

As long as it's not extreme waiting, I'd rather wait than have it come out instantly. Instant food suggests freshly microwaved...


Well-Known Member
Do people really do that?!?

As long as it's not extreme waiting, I'd rather wait than have it come out instantly. Instant food suggests freshly microwaved...

Yeah happens quite regularly, almost all of the food is cooked on the grill or in fryers, at our place, except one meal I think. People just want things for free. Had two ladies try and leave without paying for a £8 meal the other day.

If there is a wait of more than 30 mins we let the customers know before ordering so they can then decide if they want to stay.


Well-Known Member
I was a barman in the Wallace many moons ago
And there was a little clique who thought they owned the place
They would regularly try to push their way into trying to get serve as I remember one of their wives was a barmaid and she would always serve them first
I took great pleasure in making them wait
I always try to buy the person who's served me a drink as I've been on both sides of the counter and appreciate how hard the job can be

Was barred from there a few times daz


Well-Known Member
I always say "You're welcome" to anyone who doesn't say thank you to me in everyday life,the confusion on their face 90% of time still makes me smile!

Same as letting someone through in a car and giving them the palm of thanks when they don't do it.

Life's little pleasures.

Palm of thanks or if they don't a palm of wanks.....


Well-Known Member
Agree I don't expect tips from anyone, and any i do get, go in the charity box. However, I would add that we are only paid to do as you say, deliver food, pour drinks and take orders, not half the stuff tat some people expect from us.

Some people really have the nerve like

dancers lance

Well-Known Member
Robbie Williams.

The wife sneakily fitting pieces into the 3000 piece jigsaw I have been working on for 2 months (f*cking contemporary woodland scene with mostly ginger wildlife) Grrrrr!


Well-Known Member
Robbie Williams.

The wife sneakily fitting pieces into the 3000 piece jigsaw I have been working on for 2 months (f*cking contemporary woodland scene with mostly ginger wildlife) Grrrrr!
Be much worse if she hid the last piece though
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