Things that annoy you (14 Viewers)

Wyken Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure i 100% agree with you on this one, but everyone has their different ways of working, i suppose.
The whole idea of Teams, etc., is to enable more flexible working amongst colleagues who are scattered to the winds, but it depends also on how people like to work. Personally, i'm happiest getting my thoughts down "on paper" and sending emails, but my boss will always call me on Teams for a quick chat. Often, it is quickest to get resolution on something from a 2 minute chat - but people do need to respect your boundaries.
If i want to talk to a member of the team, i'll drop them a note in Teams to say "Got 5?" or "Free?", then i would hope that they would either call me or say "Yep" and i'll call them.
There are different status indicators on Teams which allow you to be "Focussing" or "Do not disturb", and that will block certain callers, but if you are green, it's open season , subject to being polite!
For me if I want to speak to someone that a chat won't resolve I would message them saying 'are you free for a call?'. I would never ring someone out of the blue on Teams.

For some reason it's worse when calling on Teams which is PC based in the main than calling my mobile which used to happen pre Covid.. Maybe it's because I concentrate on my laptop and if my mobile rings it's a different device for communicating.

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
I'm back in the office after several years working from home and I'm finding it astonishing how little work is done and how much time is spent fucking around and talking everything over. And even if you don't want to get involved you are dragged into it anyway. My productivity has dropped through the floor

how do you measure your productivity? I don’t know why anyone in a company would want to sit on their own and not engage and exchange ideas with colleagues


Well-Known Member
Not sure why that is? I find it easy to crack on with stuff in the office and also see other adult humans. It's good.
I was looking forward to going back in for that exact reason. It's pretty solitary when you're working entirely from home. And I'm with you, I can quiet happily crack on in an office but not when I'm being interrupted constantly. Seems nobody else can do a job without having a discussion involving everyone in the department first
how do you measure your productivity? I don’t know why anyone in a company would want to sit on their own and not engage and exchange ideas with colleagues
I don't want to sit on my own, that's why I'm back in the office! My productivity is pretty easy to measure. I work in tech support so can see how many tickets I've closed every day and that number has plummeted in the office because I'm constantly being interrupted, some of the interruptions relate to work but not really things that need a discussion, other things defiantly aren't work related


Well-Known Member
Energy companies. Just bought our own place and letter through from Eon saying estimated annual price of £2,855. However, they recommend we set up a direct debit for £386 per month. Not sure on the maths myself…

Today’s instalment - artex ceilings.


Well-Known Member
how do you measure your productivity? I don’t know why anyone in a company would want to sit on their own and not engage and exchange ideas with colleagues
The amount of shit i get done that is on my "important" list. Massively reduces when im in the office. People pop by and if you don't have headphones on think you're free and start chatting. Loads of just general chatter about shit.

I see that there's a benefit of being in the office now and then to engage in some of that, but definitely don't get your strong opposition to home working. Honestly half the time i'm in the office i fuck off to a quiet corner/booth anyway do get stuff done


Well-Known Member
Depending on its age, be very cautious if you are considering trying to sand it off - pre-1984 it contained white asbestos to strengthen it. Leave well alone or plaster over the top of it, unless you are sure it dates from post-2000.

This is exactly the quandary. House is 1970s so likely it contains asbestos. Few cracks in it so looks like a replastering job. Money money money.


Well-Known Member
You have a very small field of vision. The Teams dial tone is quieter than your average phone unless you have your volume inexplicably loud.

I work with headphones in listening to music to focus and in focus mode of VS Code.


Well-Known Member
how do you measure your productivity? I don’t know why anyone in a company would want to sit on their own and not engage and exchange ideas with colleagues

Because most people do actual jobs where they produce stuff and don’t just sit in endless talking shops like marketeers.


Well-Known Member
General communication rules for 21st century:

Slack/text: get me an answer when you can
Meeting: I need the input of these specific people to make a decision about this specific thing by this specific time.
Call: OMG something is on fire and I need you immediately
Email: This never needs to be read.


On the work note, when you have to take on other people's general work because they don't really know what they are doing and you are the baddy for pointing it out.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
On the work note, when you have to take on other people's general work because they don't really know what they are doing and you are the baddy for pointing it out.
Had this this week with someone unable to copy and paste content onto a website (3 attempts and still not correct) - it’s incredible.


Had this this week with someone unable to copy and paste content onto a website (3 attempts and still not correct) - it’s incredible.

Yep, same sort of level for me.

I didnt hire them, I said they weren't up to the job before they were hired, they were still hired, they generally don't really know what they are doing so everybody else is impacted. People then get arsy with me for pointing it out.



Up and down at about 90 in a 30 on a stolen bike, no license, no insurance and cannabis in the system. Mate left him to die at the side of the road.

Yet the police patter to the rest of them whenever they want to go out and let fireworks off and cause trouble because "they are showing their respects". Get to fuck, show them the chart of "fuck around and find out".

Chavs losing their shit about him being a lovely lad and being more offended about people who comment about it than his mate who left him to die.


Well-Known Member

Up and down at about 90 in a 30 on a stolen bike, no license, no insurance and cannabis in the system. Mate left him to die at the side of the road.

Yet the police patter to the rest of them whenever they want to go out and let fireworks off and cause trouble because "they are showing their respects". Get to fuck, show them the chart of "fuck around and find out".

Chavs losing their shit about him being a lovely lad and being more offended about people who comment about it than his mate who left him to die.

Ohhhh, not my boy. He’s such a kind heart and wouldn’t hurt a fly!


Well-Known Member

Up and down at about 90 in a 30 on a stolen bike, no license, no insurance and cannabis in the system. Mate left him to die at the side of the road.

Yet the police patter to the rest of them whenever they want to go out and let fireworks off and cause trouble because "they are showing their respects". Get to fuck, show them the chart of "fuck around and find out".

Chavs losing their shit about him being a lovely lad and being more offended about people who comment about it than his mate who left him to die.

@Sky Blue Pete would be offering him tea and sympathy


Well-Known Member
"how do u no it woz stolen"
"proov it woz stolen"
"tha lad wot left him woz like his bruvva"
"how wud u like it if it woz ur fam that dyed"
"every1 makez mistakez, u have too"

Fuck off.
think there's a bit of censorship going on over at the Telegraph Facebook page. Says there's 143 comments but all the ones not saying he was amazing seem to have disappeared and comments now turned off


Well-Known Member
Trying to get a trades person to do work on your house. Lots seem to think some jobs are below them and will come out but then don't bother to quote.
Builders are wealthy these days, they all live in massive house's. You can't all get a big contract payday with a big company. Spoilt buggers.


Well-Known Member
"how do u no it woz stolen"
"proov it woz stolen"
"tha lad wot left him woz like his bruvva"
"how wud u like it if it woz ur fam that dyed"
"every1 makez mistakez, u have too"

Fuck off.
I find it heart warming to see they spelt "too" in the correct context in the last line.
Well done our education system.


Well-Known Member
Trying to get a trades person to do work on your house. Lots seem to think some jobs are below them and will come out but then don't bother to quote.
Builders are wealthy these days, they all live in massive house's. You can't all get a big contract payday with a big company. Spoilt buggers.
been through this a lot with all the issues I've had on my house since moving in. It's so stressful. If these people are all so busy ho come none of them can afford any sort of admin. You don't even need to employ someone, there's plenty of third party services that are pretty cheap

the not quoting thing is just weird, if you want the job just say. don't leave someone chasing you for a quote you have no intention of sending


Well-Known Member
Those bloody cars parked after the game waiting to pick up just up from the crossing on Winding House Lane. Drivers don't know they are parked and causes a really long tail back for everyone who think they are in a queue.

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