Things that annoy you (15 Viewers)

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
the tosser on the m1 last night who was flashing me, put his hazards on and everything to try and pass me in heavy traffic - well done you never got more than 2 cars ahead of me, and I went past you again as you had to break quickly to get off at your junction - where? Milton keynes of course
I like to let them pass then do the same to them once they're in front.


the tosser on the m1 last night who was flashing me, put his hazards on and everything to try and pass me in heavy traffic - well done you never got more than 2 cars ahead of me, and I went past you again as you had to break quickly to get off at your junction - where? Milton keynes of course

Ha, had that on our ring road.

Bloke tried to speed up to undertake me to get in front and tried to pull in, expected me to slam on to allow him. I just carried on and he was going ape shit waving his hands about like he was having a fit because I didn't slam on to let him in after he tried to play silly buggers.


I like to let them pass then do the same to them once they're in front.

It's better to prevent them from getting off at their junction by speeding up / slowing down.

Only really suggested when there isn't much traffic as it isn't the cleverest, but it's funny when they can't get off at their junction!

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
The silly twat that parked in the parents and toddlers space in Nuneaton Asda today and when I asked if he had left the kids in the car said no, didn't seem so happy when I caught up with him in the shop and walked up to him and called him a twat many times and he said he could park there because his car had big doors and why should I get a space because I had a child. I will remember your number plate nob head and when I am alone will let all of your tyres down.

Wife was not impressed when I said I hope he dies a slow and miserable death.


Well-Known Member
The silly twat that parked in the parents and toddlers space in Nuneaton Asda today and when I asked if he had left the kids in the car said no, didn't seem so happy when I caught up with him in the shop and walked up to him and called him a twat many times and he said he could park there because his car had big doors and why should I get a space because I had a child. I will remember your number plate nob head and when I am alone will let all of your tyres down.

Wife was not impressed when I said I hope he dies a slow and miserable death.
Good grief man! What would you do if someone nicked a crisp off your plate at a house party?

Stab him the eyeball? Douse him in petrol and set his hair on fire?


The silly twat that parked in the parents and toddlers space in Nuneaton Asda today and when I asked if he had left the kids in the car said no, didn't seem so happy when I caught up with him in the shop and walked up to him and called him a twat many times and he said he could park there because his car had big doors and why should I get a space because I had a child. I will remember your number plate nob head and when I am alone will let all of your tyres down.

Wife was not impressed when I said I hope he dies a slow and miserable death.

Block him in. :)


Well-Known Member
The parking spaces at work can be quite tight and one day someone parked so they were encroaching on my space and I had to almost climb into my side to get in the car. Luckily his passenger window was just open enough to shove Twix wrappers and old receipts in.


Well-Known Member
The parking spaces at work can be quite tight and one day someone parked so they were encroaching on my space and I had to almost climb into my side to get in the car. Luckily his passenger window was just open enough to shove Twix wrappers and old receipts in.
Shame you didn't have a Tight Fit album.


Well-Known Member
The silly twat that parked in the parents and toddlers space in Nuneaton Asda today and when I asked if he had left the kids in the car said no, didn't seem so happy when I caught up with him in the shop and walked up to him and called him a twat many times and he said he could park there because his car had big doors and why should I get a space because I had a child. I will remember your number plate nob head and when I am alone will let all of your tyres down.

Wife was not impressed when I said I hope he dies a slow and miserable death.

bit of an overreaction!

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
The overall standard of driving in the UK, especially middle lane drivers (again again again) and twats who sit in the outside lane doing 60.

There is no point in having 3 lane motorways....may as well cut them down to 2.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
The overall standard of driving in the UK, especially middle lane drivers (again again again) and twats who sit in the outside lane doing 60.

There is no point in having 3 lane motorways....may as well cut them down to 2.

M32 in Bristol is 2 lane and all that happens is middle lane drivers head straight to the outside lane and the average speed is well below 70

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
M32 in Bristol is 2 lane and all that happens is middle lane drivers head straight to the outside lane and the average speed is well below 70

As you can tell I think I would explode. :D Go outside of the UK and it's a different story. The roads here are only safer due to people''s inability to drive and keep left.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
Flying back into the UK the other day, took well over an hour to get through passport control. When I get towards the front I ask the woman what the big delay was and she just said that there were quite a few flights landing at the same time. Scheduled flights, they we're expecting. Half the border force positions were closed. How can you not make such a simple plan to deal with the expected rush.


Well-Known Member
People who think climate change is some big conspiracy.


Captain Dart

Well-Known Member

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
The parking spaces at work can be quite tight and one day someone parked so they were encroaching on my space and I had to almost climb into my side to get in the car. Luckily his passenger window was just open enough to shove Twix wrappers and old receipts in.

If a flashy car is parked encroaching on my usual space at work I have been known to park as close to them as possible to force them to get in by their passenger door.


Well-Known Member
People who assume you live on Facebook.
Oh, didn't you know, it was on his Facebook wall / it was all over Facebook.

Myself and everyone who lives in my house + all my closest friends are either not on Facebook at all or do not communicate proper info they want their family and friends to know on bloody Facebook. They tell them personally.


Well-Known Member
I am always getting 'Oh, well it was on Facebook.'

Not everyone in the entire world 'does' Facebook.

These people do sometimes make you out to be an outsider and a bit weird and strange for not being part of something you 'really should' be part of.

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