Things that annoy you (7 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
if there was no escalator (i.e. only stairs) then you would walk up them, right? So why do you feel the need to 'have a little rest' when the stairs are replaced by an escalator, slowing the rest of us down. If there is a choice of stair/escalator then I choose stair, as its quicker.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
Yeah, if you stand still on the escalator then you're a lazy bastard. Providing you don't have difficulty walking of course.


Well-Known Member
Fuck off!

We didn’t spend years evolving to the point where we can create machines that move for you only to move yourself.

Do you run round in circles in a lift as well?


Well-Known Member
It's a bit of both really isn't it.
If you eat 3 fast food meals a day but do no exercise clearly going to get fat.
But yet if you are training properly, you can eat 4000 calories and not put on any fat.
It's both diet on exercise.
If you don't get out and play sport or run or go to the gym, then little things like walking up stairs rather than and escalator are massively beneficial probably for that persons health.
But it's not right to say the development of technology is the reason for obesity.
It is more down the the fact that we are following the Americans style of living of take outs and fast food, because it is just as cheap and it is easier than cooking a healthy meal. Plus also the how many options there are. And the fact that often fatty foods are cheaper then healthier options.


Well-Known Member
The industrial revolution happened a bit before the obesity crisis.
Also, diet makes you fat, not lack of exercise.
Exercise is also a factor because exercise burns calories.

My theory on the obesity crisis is it either caused by something in our food or something in our water, or probably both.
There are innumerable websites describing the dangers of pesticides.
And don't forget traces of pesticide are in virtually everything we eat and drink and in all of our bodies.
Pesticides and Children


Well-Known Member
I do 30,000 miles or more a year. Most of it is long journeys. Should I leave an hour or so earlier on longer journeys in case I get behind people that can't drive very well?
Ability to drive has never been measured by the speed you travel.
A better criteria would be how many accidents you are involved in.


Well-Known Member
Back on topic...... my missus!!

Our daughter has just joined the Air Cadets. First night tonight.

She loved it and has brought forms to fill in. There's a standard consent form with a yes no RAF checklist to complete. Straight forwards you would think.

Oh no......

Conversation went like this as my daughter read out the consent form.

Daughter: Do you consent to be responsible for any clothing and equipment, which remains the property of Her Majesty's Government?

Mum: No.

Daughter: Photos will be taken of Air Cadet activities (marches, parades, ceremonial etc.) Do you consent for these images to appear in press publications, promotional videos etc.?

Mum: No!

Daughter: Cadets may participate in strenuous activities, physical exercises and adventure training. Do you consent to your child's participation?

Mum: No!!

Daughter: Do you consent to your child flying in .....
A NATO military passenger transport aircraft and helicopters?

Mum: No.

Daughter: other types of British and NATO military aircraft?

Mum: No!

There's a long list and it goes on for some time (British light aircraft, gliders, RAF gliders, powered aircraft etc.

Missus answered no to every single question.

So you have to ask yourself, what's the point in our daughter joining the Air Cadets?

As a side note, my missus' nephew is in the military, her dad was in the military, her mum was in the military.

What exactly did she think Air Cadets was going to be? Not ever going in any planes at all, ever? She agreed to her joining the Air Cadets.

The daughter just ignored her and ticked yes to everything.

Now apparently ' her blood is on my hands.'


Well-Known Member
Ability to drive has never been measured by the speed you travel.
A better criteria would be how many accidents you are involved in.
not necessarily - many motorway accidents are caused by somebody who then drives away leaving a trail of destruction behind them
Somebody who weaves through the traffic, meaning the person behind has to swerve or do an emergency stop

A good driver I agree will see the potential risk of the accident -


On Otis note, I can't stand people who think it's OK to put images of other people's kids on social media / the internet.


Well-Known Member
On Otis note, I can't stand people who think it's OK to put images of other people's kids on social media / the internet.
Errmm....guilty as charged. Once only though.

My daughter was doing a show at the Belgrade and I sneakily filmed it on my phone and all the kids mum's were totally 100% for it going up on YouTube (it was going up as a private video with only the parents having the link), but one set of parents insisted I didn't post it at all online, even though no-one else would be able to see it but the parents and the kids involved.

The other parents were begging me to put it up. This was all pretty much before WeTransfer and Dropbox etc. were even invented.

It was impossible for me to exclude this one girl from the footage.


Well-Known Member
Bloke in the BMW who jammed his anchors on and indicated in the outside lane as he wanted to get off at Jct1 on the M6 this morning,. You're not pulling out of your driveway you're on the motorway you fucking moron! Watch the road and signs ahead and drive accordingly.
A special mention to the pleb in the Audi who thought the hard shoulder was the carriageway at the Catthorpe interchange too today. Your ineptitude made me smile.


Well-Known Member
Went up to the airport at Baginton last night. Usually not out and about at all during rush hour, but there is seemingly this new universal trend of undertaking on little 15 yard bits of dual carriageway that then narrow back down to one lane.

Always been done of course, but it appeared to now be the norm and committed pretty much by the masses.


Went up to the airport at Baginton last night. Usually not out and about at all during rush hour, but there is seemingly this new universal trend of undertaking on little 15 yard bits of dual carriageway that then narrow back down to one lane.

Always been done of course, but it appeared to now be the norm and committed pretty much by the masses.

The question is, why are you driving so slow in the outside lane?

Same as the one by the Ricoh when you go up to Pro Logis, if people are going to go in the right lane knowing it goes down to 1 lane further up. Why toddle at 20 miles an hour?


Well-Known Member
The question is, why are you driving so slow in the outside lane?

Same as the one by the Ricoh when you go up to Pro Logis, if people are going to go in the right lane knowing it goes down to 1 lane further up. Why toddle at 20 miles an hour?

I wasn't. This was just past Asda on the London Road, going towards Willenhall and the Toll Bar junction.

It was 40 and I was going about 38, if not even 40. It's a tiny stretch of dual carriageway, only about 20-30 yards or so. Two lanes merge into one.

The car zipped in. It wasn't just a gradual overtake, it was a quick speed up, zip in, undercut.


Well-Known Member
When it's your day off and you're trying not to wake up as your wife gets ready for work and then you get that vile taste of hair spray in your mouth

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
Do people stand on the moving walkways at airports? I like to walk as it makes me feel like I've got a right zippy turn of pace, but then getting off always gives me that feeling in my stomach like when you go over a bridge in a car.


Well-Known Member
Ability to drive has never been measured by the speed you travel.
A better criteria would be how many accidents you are involved in.
I have never had one. I fully concentrate on the road at all times and drive to the conditions. The roads are full of idiots.


Well-Known Member
Fucking online banking. Been due cashback from Barclays for booking a holiday through Expedia.
I have called Barclays and Expedia both 4 times today who keep giving me another number to phone. Now been on the phone for 45 minutes as I have said I am not being transfered again and want my money!!

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