Things that annoy you (4 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I’ll add ‘it’s coming home’ more specifically people saying it in the street and shops when talking about the football.

secondly, the ginger girl who got mason mounts top. Turns out her and her dad had a plan to try and get it before they went to the game. Awful!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Funny thing is aswell not only she was on sky sports news as a special guest and have a nice message off mount but also got a free ticket to the final 🤣 well played girl might try that next time.

Don't understand why this girl has been specially singled out while thousands of other kids didn't get the same treatment just for a reaction.

And yes I am jealous 🤣 c'mon ENGLAND
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Well-Known Member
It's a terrible system that badly needs modernising. You seem to end up paying a fortune to get hold of information that could be made available at the click of a button.
It is an archaic system…it’s also the excuse the people selling their house to me gave for leaving me waiting around outside for 7 hours, while they moved 25 years worth of the possessions out of MY house on multiple trips in a tiny transit van. Their cost saving, Costing me an extra £250 to keep my removal people around for the rest of the day.
They then came back over a period of weeks to ask for some stuff they’d left behind, some of which they’d said I could have! When I eventually told them to go fuck themselves, they then tried to go through their solicitors to retrieve stuff…I told them to go fuck themselves also.

Things that annoy me? The entitled fuckers I bought my house off. Selfish pricks!

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
I was out walking and one of these e scooter things came up behind me and beeped his little horn for me to walk in the road so he could pass, he had to wait until the path got wide enough to pass little twat.

Deleted member 5849

Some geezer riding through town on his bicycle almost hit me. Then gives me abuse for it. What's wrong with people man, the road is there. Fucking use it.
Sounds like a bit of a nutter,


Well-Known Member
Some geezer riding through town on his bicycle almost hit me. Then gives me abuse for it. What's wrong with people man, the road is there. Fucking use it.

Also the pricks who ride their bikes on the wrong side of the road into on coming traffic and expect you to move over for the little wankers. Happening more and more theses days.


Well-Known Member
Mostly stolen - gypos

Coming towards the Ricoh up lockhurdt lane the other day and a gang of five of them hurtle past on the wrong side of the road, then the front one pulls into the roundabout forcing a car to slam its brakes on and waits there while his mates catch up.

I hope the little cunts get run over.

Deleted member 5849

The mysterious animal that left a massive steaming turd in our garden, that then attracted masses of bluebottles, and stunk to high heaven.

Wyken Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
So many times we've mentioned people that talk on the phone with their loudspeaker on pisses us all off

But when they are on the table behind you in a quiet restaurant and talking to someone in the same manner, it fucking boils my piss big time! Cunts! I'm not fucking interested in your conversations!

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