Things that annoy you (18 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Especially when people film themselves.

"We have just scored, hold on, get my phone out and record"

I think the only time in life I randomly jump around like a prick on command is when we score.

so glad I savoured the moment of winning the cup instead of filming scenes and limbs 😂


Well-Known Member
Especially when people film themselves.

"We have just scored, hold on, get my phone out and record"

I think the only time in life I randomly jump around like a prick on command is when we score.

Just on way back from Disney. Took our kids for first time, my last time being there when I was in my late teens. Everyone filming everything, queuing up? Film the animatronics and screens. Boarding? Film yourself sitting down and strapping in. Literally going round on the ride? Yep, live stream that. Just enjoy the moment ffs.


Well-Known Member
Just on way back from Disney. Took our kids for first time, my last time being there when I was in my late teens. Everyone filming everything, queuing up? Film the animatronics and screens. Boarding? Film yourself sitting down and strapping in. Literally going round on the ride? Yep, live stream that. Just enjoy the moment ffs.

Was there earlier in the summer. It was mad. You don’t need to record everything you fucking weirdos.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
There are loads of wankers walking about here at the moment flying themselves walking around on those weird selfie sticks. These are fully grown adults - they don’t bother to look where they’re going either - obviously my shoulder is suitably prepared for them.


Well-Known Member
There are loads of wankers walking about here at the moment flying themselves walking around on those weird selfie sticks. These are fully grown adults - they don’t bother to look where they’re going either - obviously my shoulder is suitably prepared for them.
Funny that, as I tend to walk with more purpose in a straight line (bee-line for said individual with phone in hand/up to ear) and don't deveate on the pavement.

I wouldn't go as far as shouldering/elbowing them but the look of horror and suprise is sufficient enough for me, when they soon realise the error in their ways!


Well-Known Member
There are loads of wankers walking about here at the moment flying themselves walking around on those weird selfie sticks. These are fully grown adults - they don’t bother to look where they’re going either - obviously my shoulder is suitably prepared for them.

Saw a video, not sure where it was but it was a road with an amazing sunset on it, really good picture, and it was full of people dancing in the middle of the road, walking out with selfie sticks, etc to get the Insta pic.


Well-Known Member
Just on way back from Disney. Took our kids for first time, my last time being there when I was in my late teens. Everyone filming everything, queuing up? Film the animatronics and screens. Boarding? Film yourself sitting down and strapping in. Literally going round on the ride? Yep, live stream that. Just enjoy the moment ffs.
Makes you wonder in 30/40 years time if you are able to show a photo album to your grandchildren. I've got photos and slides of my children but I bet many nowadays will lose their digitals over time.


Well-Known Member
Makes you wonder in 30/40 years time if you are able to show a photo album to your grandchildren. I've got photos and slides of my children but I bet many nowadays will lose their digitals over time.

Nah, everything is in the cloud. I haven’t lost a photo since about 2010. Have a shared albums of the kids with the ex we both add to and like to look through with the kids sometimes.


Well-Known Member

Didn't want to get all pedantic in a thread that is obviously very heartfelt, so I thought I'd post on this frivolous one.

ITK is NOT an acronym.

An acronym is a word, formed by the initial letters of a phrase (e.g. NONCE stands for "Not On Normal Courtyard Exercise")

ITK is not a word and by definition, cannot me an acronym.

Fuck me, I'm a sad pedantic twat.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 26110

Didn't want to get all pedantic in a thread that is obviously very heartfelt, so I thought I'd post on this frivolous one.

ITK is NOT an acronym.

An acronym is a word, formed by the initial letters of a phrase (e.g. NONCE stands for "Not On Normal Courtyard Exercise")

ITK is not a word and by definition, cannot me an acronym.

Fuck me, I'm a sad pedantic twat.

Yep, ITK is an initialism I believe.


View attachment 26110

Didn't want to get all pedantic in a thread that is obviously very heartfelt, so I thought I'd post on this frivolous one.

ITK is NOT an acronym.

An acronym is a word, formed by the initial letters of a phrase (e.g. NONCE stands for "Not On Normal Courtyard Exercise")

ITK is not a word and by definition, cannot me an acronym.

Fuck me, I'm a sad pedantic twat.



Well-Known Member
View attachment 26110

Didn't want to get all pedantic in a thread that is obviously very heartfelt, so I thought I'd post on this frivolous one.

ITK is NOT an acronym.

An acronym is a word, formed by the initial letters of a phrase (e.g. NONCE stands for "Not On Normal Courtyard Exercise")

ITK is not a word and by definition, cannot me an acronym.

Fuck me, I'm a sad pedantic twat.

I thought that when I wrote it but went with it anyway. Wouldn’t call you a sad pedantic twat though. More a SPT


Well-Known Member
My back. It went pop last summer and I literally stopped on the spot on the BP forecourt and couldn’t move. Now it’s just gone again while cleaning the bathroom! Suppose once it gone the first time it’ll never be the same again?


Well-Known Member
Had the same thing many years ago, back went and now as weak as fuck at the bottom, can go 6/9 months no problem, then it could be as simple as bending down to tie my laces or picking something off the floor and it's gone again, bloody pain in the arse backs are


Well-Known Member
Had the same thing many years ago, back went and now as weak as fuck at the bottom, can go 6/9 months no problem, then it could be as simple as bending down to tie my laces or picking something off the floor and it's gone again, bloody pain in the arse backs are

I think it lasted 3 days of painkillers and deep heat last time to recover, but I’m guessing it’s like this for life now.


Well-Known Member
I think it lasted 3 days of painkillers and deep heat last time to recover, but I’m guessing it’s like this for life now.
I feel great most of the time, but then start to get niggling little pains in the bottom of my back, then it's in your head then, is it going to go again or will it just disappear for another few months


Well-Known Member
My Missus Step Dad was knocked off his motorbike by some wanker who ran a red light at 5 in the morning and completely fucked his back up.

Still struggles with it now but says when he initially came out of hospital they sent him for acupuncture and says it absolutely worked wonders for him.

Might be something to consider!


Well-Known Member
My back. It went pop last summer and I literally stopped on the spot on the BP forecourt and couldn’t move. Now it’s just gone again while cleaning the bathroom! Suppose once it gone the first time it’ll never be the same again?
Sounds like you popped a disc out - i did this playing squash a few years ago - after expecting to ahve surgery i had some spinal injections which have sorted it but i am very protective of it now , got close to it going again lifting a set of draws , thankfully complete rest relaxed it - the first time i couldnt get out of bed move my legs without pain and going for dump was akin to child birth - apparently - so chin up it can be sorted


Well-Known Member
Father-in-Law (who's living with us currently), wanted porridge for breakfast this morning (we use the sachets from Aldi)

Went to the cupboard, there's the porridge box, sat proudly in it's place.

Picked up the porridge box, no fucking porridge!

Why do people put empty containers back in the cupboard?!


Well-Known Member
I've had back issues as well, dislocated my SI joint last year and it's never been the same since, had months off work and currently going through a fairly light rehab, I feel so much stronger in the area but something as simple as getting out of a chair can trigger it again.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you popped a disc out - i did this playing squash a few years ago - after expecting to ahve surgery i had some spinal injections which have sorted it but i am very protective of it now , got close to it going again lifting a set of draws , thankfully complete rest relaxed it - the first time i couldnt get out of bed move my legs without pain and going for dump was akin to child birth - apparently - so chin up it can be sorted

From everything I’ve ever heard of misplaced discs I didn’t think it was something as bad as that. I can move to a limit. There’s a very heavy, achey discomfort.


Well-Known Member
From everything I’ve ever heard of misplaced discs I didn’t think it was something as bad as that. I can move to a limit. There’s a very heavy, achey discomfort.
Thats good - if its a disc its mighty painful to move just slightly - you've stretched a joint and need to let it settle possibly


Well-Known Member
Speaking of getting older, I broke my big toe about 15 years ago playing five a side (badly). By the time I took myself for an x-Ray it had started setting back and the doctor agreed id just get on with it.

This last 12 months I get gradually worsening pain starting there and up to the middle of foot. It gets unbearable after a lot of walking. Had to recently trade in my safety shoes for safety trainers for site visits as I couldn’t put any weight on it after a long trek round a factory the other week. It’s getting more frequent and more painful.

Presumably the horse has bolted and whatever it is I’ve gotta live with. Just worry that by my not too distant 40s I’m gonna be immobile (and consequently about 18 stone) 🤣


Well-Known Member
Saw a video, not sure where it was but it was a road with an amazing sunset on it, really good picture, and it was full of people dancing in the middle of the road, walking out with selfie sticks, etc to get the Insta pic.
Christ, I'm pretty sure it's this one in New York and it infuriated me. Literally stopping everything at a crossroads


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