Well-Known Member
Not sure if this belongs here or on the Death List thread, but there are a number of things about death and dying (other than the actual act) that trigger me:-
1. "I'm sorry for your loss". F*cking bland "Hallmark Cards" tagline which everyone rolls out, parrot-fashion, in response to the news of someone dying. Happens in books, on TV shows, on social media and in real life. Can no-one come up with anything original or more thoughtful anymore? Whatever happened to "my sincere condolences"?
2. Are people these days unable to cope with the term "died"? I only ever hear people using "passed on/away" or just plain "passed" (their driving test or GCSEs?). Again, in all walks of life. They haven't "passed" anywhere - just tell the truth and say they have died!
3. Nobodies on social media who think that their "followers/friends" (who wouldn't be able to pick them out of a line-up) will have a higher opinion of them if they say that the people who have died or been otherwise impacted by a natural disaster, accident or mass shooting (for example) are "in their thoughts and prayers". Whoop-de-doo. I'm sure that will help! Virtue signalling twats!
Sorry, that one's been building for a while. If anyone has been affected by the views expressed in this message, you know who to call.
While we’re talking macabre, I’m adding poems at funerals. 9/10 times straight off google. Even if it’s quite true to the person in question, bore off. What happened to daft anecdotes?