This club is dead (4 Viewers)


CCFC Finance Director
Wish someone could explain to me how fisher gets this 70m plus figure. In terms of hard cash it is nothing like that ....... The details from 2008 to 2015 are detailed the cash flow reconciliation in the accounts and the movement year to year on the investor/arvo loans.

Currently the amount outstanding to investors is 28m and ARVO 8m

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
Wish someone could explain to me how fisher gets this 70m plus figure. In terms of hard cash it is nothing like that ....... The details from 2008 to 2015 are detailed the cash flow reconciliation in the accounts and the movement year to year on the investor/arvo loans.

Currently the amount outstanding to investors is 28m and ARVO 8m

I think they are working on a model marked by the start of ARVO master fund involvement in March 2012 when ARVO Master Fund took a charge over CCFC Ltd and CCFC H Ltd assets .
This is where Joy Seppala took a more hands on role and the cost cutting began in earnest and coincided with relegation to League One.
ARVO have put around £8M in and they'll want to take that out which will preserve Seppala's financial reputation.
They charge interest on this money but there is no hope of recovering it, it just goes on the balance sheet as debt, about £1.3M per year.
I feel sure they will take Ryton to recover £2M and that leaves another £6M or so to recover plus maybe £1M interest to show it was a decent business deal.
As ARVO have preference shares they get paid before anyone else even though SISU Master Fund still have £30M of the debt or so on the books, that is just lost.

Senior Vick from Alicante

Well-Known Member
Listening to Tim Fisher on the radio it's a case that whilst CCFC are in existence SISU do not have a loss of £70 million and its swills around their budgets lines like a bad smell and an incovenience to them. However if the club goes tits up then they have a problem in how to manage away that money from the accounts
To which the investors will start to pull their investments away from the hedge fund! hence the reason the club is being managed on a cash flow model. As Tim Fisher said his remit as a chairman is to oversee that the company runs without life support and is self financing and SISU will just leave him alone.
The only good solid income CCFC have got are players and the supporters and we could sell all our players over the next 10 years and still not make dent in the £70 million! (They had their chance with Henderson etc but blew it) So and I am afraid without our support the budgets going forward will get reduced which then reflects on what type of player we can afford (youngsters and journeymen in the twilight of their careers) . I personally find it hard to keep going up but I am a lifelong season ticket holder and its in my blood to support the CCFC . Everyone has a right of choice I know but if we turned this on its head and we could get the disaffected supports back we can effect the budget and therefore effect the playing standards on the pitch which would save the club from certain demise. I don't know about the Phoenix effect I think we are more like the ever diminishing bird that flies to the height of 20,000 feet and descends in ever diminishing circles and eventually flies up its own backside before it ever hits the ground.i shall watch todays results and watch CCFC hit the bottom of the table , I am so sad about it all
We all have our own opinions and what Fischer spins is divisive and promotes fans to bicker among-st themselves as we all have our own opinion on what the best way forward is. If we did all attend in numbers to increase profitability then would that extra income actually be spent on players and product on the pitch? The very fact that you can not trust the owners to be honest and open pretty much answers the question for me. I cant see any way forward for this regime unless they invest, they have said they wont. Does any one think that this fabled million we are going to make at the end of this season would be reinvested, he said his remit is to run the business with a small surplus, if their making a million out of a turnover of 6 thats not a small surplus. The blokes a fantasist, he is employed by the club who are owned by Sisu, he like every one else that is on CCFC's payroll is and employee of Sisu wether you count that as directly or indirectly. Sick of the bullshit and lies.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
We all have our own opinions and what Fischer spins is divisive and promotes fans to bicker among-st themselves as we all have our own opinion on what the best way forward is. If we did all attend in numbers to increase profitability then would that extra income actually be spent on players and product on the pitch? The very fact that you can not trust the owners to be honest and open pretty much answers the question for me. I cant see any way forward for this regime unless they invest, they have said they wont. Does any one think that this fabled million we are going to make at the end of this season would be reinvested, he said his remit is to run the business with a small surplus, if their making a million out of a turnover of 6 thats not a small surplus. The blokes a fantasist, he is employed by the club who are owned by Sisu, he like every one else that is on CCFC's payroll is and employee of Sisu wether you count that as directly or indirectly. Sick of the bullshit and lies.
I trust them as far as I can throw them to be quite honest Vick I am at a loss to TM,s model to be quite honest it would have been better to outline what he was going to do going forward to generate more income rather than sit on his hands with his thumb up his backside bemoaning the fact he is on his own . Even if he said we will spend £250k a year bringing in 4 decent youngsters and selling them for a profit of £500k in two years is at least a plan but he isn't saying nowt is he. It's always the same there is something going on behind the scenes but still lie to the punters by not saying anything ! Treating us with contempt as per usual (they would not understand! Scenario) load of tosh if you ask me


Well-Known Member
Wish someone could explain to me how fisher gets this 70m plus figure. In terms of hard cash it is nothing like that ....... The details from 2008 to 2015 are detailed the cash flow reconciliation in the accounts and the movement year to year on the investor/arvo loans.

Currently the amount outstanding to investors is 28m and ARVO 8m
Didn't that David on CWR say he was an accountant when he pushed Fisher on the EBIT? Shame he didn't call him on this 70m


Well-Known Member
I find it strange that TF effectively said that if outgoings exceed income he would cut the budget. Has he not cosidered that increasing income would be a good idea in those circumstances?


Well-Known Member
Fisher said he doesn't work for SISU. He also said its SISU that are in court, not the club.

Why does he attend court and then acts as a spokesman for SISU when a case concludes then ?

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