Thorn sacked if we lose tomorrow (1 Viewer)


New Member
Got this from a Coventry telegraph reporter today. They are putting the report together today for Monday. I'm told it will happen and thorns health will be the reason given. The reporter said it will not happen if we win and Bristol. Apparently thorn is suffering stress and the club are lining up a low league manager to take over before the last game of the season. Also clingan has told the club he off and has already done a pre deal with Brighton.


Super Moderator
If we lose and this doesn't happen then come Monday I'd hope your post count doesn't increase from the 62 that it is presently. If it does happen, I'd encourage you to post more.
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New Member
I think it may be manager of nuneaton. I was told this by Andy Turner ... shoot him not me I'm just passing it on. I only spoke to him briefly and we aren't close freinds so I don't mind naming him

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Got this from a Coventry telegraph reporter today. They are putting the report together today for Monday. I'm told it will happen and thorns health will be the reason given. The reporter said it will not happen if we win and Bristol. Apparently thorn is suffering stress and the club are lining up a low league manager to take over before the last game of the season. Also clingan has told the club he off and has already done a pre deal with Brighton.

There's been absolutely no news whatsoever of Clingan signing for BHA down here-nor any rumours of such.


Well-Known Member
Don't be silly. We have gone through loss of points whilst he gets the drift of management. We need to keep him. Oh, and SISU will pay for something when they don't need to?


Well-Known Member
Why on earth would we sack him with 3 games still to go?

Even if Bristol win tomorrow and we lose there will be a 7 point gap with 9 points still to play for. if the board did that they would be absolutely crazy in the coconut.
I'm not saying this story is true...but unlike all season, and Derek McInnes, AT sat in the dug out throughout Monday's game.

Also, every time I see his post-match conference, he does seem like a heart-attack candidate. It's clear his blood pressure is through the roof during/after every game.

If his health is suffering, whether you like his management or not, I suggest he jacks it in, it isn't worth that price.


Well-Known Member
But him jacking it in and the board sacking him are two completely different things.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the payoff for sacking him would be less than the anticipated medical costs SISU would have to fork out if he does collapse. Every little helps.


CCFC Finance Director
doesnt make much sense to me, why sack him with 3 games left ? when no one can come in make a difference? why wait till now ?
How are they going to pay him off, sign up a new manager - all of which will cost money - when they are struggling to pay the bills as it stands? Why appoint someone right at the end of the season when they could wait for a couple of months and save money?

"It will happen but not if we win and bristol lose" ........... not about his health then is it!

But then again much that SISU and the Board do doesnt make much sense

As for clingan - no great news in him leaving, never was going to be staying if you ask me
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Well-Known Member
I'm not saying this story is true...but unlike all season, and Derek McInnes, AT sat in the dug out throughout Monday's game.

Also, every time I see his post-match conference, he does seem like a heart-attack candidate. It's clear his blood pressure is through the roof during/after every game.

If his health is suffering, whether you like his management or not, I suggest he jacks it in, it isn't worth that price.

The health of many managers suffers. Part of the job. Then some say they are overpaid. His health has already suffered this season, but still it is all his fault.


New Member
How can someone be sacked on health grounds, surely that falls under unfair dismissal? Sorry, but this is bollocks.


Well-Known Member
The only way this would make sense if Thorn's health was suffering and he himself decided to stand down.

Anything else is just ridiculous.


New Member
Does seem a bit odd, but if his health is suffering maybe it is a 'by mutual agreement' jobby and the thought is to give a new man three games to assess the current squad.


Well-Known Member
Does seem a bit odd, but if his health is suffering maybe it is a 'by mutual agreement' jobby and the thought is to give a new man three games to assess the current squad.

No chance.

Knowing what SISU did to us last season the squad we will have next season will have nothing to do with the squad we have at the moment other than being young and underexperienced. Come in U18's, you are now 1st team players


New Member
Possibly some truth to the lower league manager aspect... Paul Tisdale at Exeter

My mates mum works for Exeter City's youth development centre, and rumour was that pre- Thorn, Tisdale was approached but declined.

Maybe now with them doing shit he has had second thoughts?


New Member
Possible Thorn Sacking

Personally, I hope the reports are wrong. True, we have not had the best of seasons but due to a recent run we have given ourselves a chance of survival.


Well-Known Member
What a load of tosh. AT will still be manger next season if Sisu are still here.

The CET don't even know why we've defaulted on a the rent - is it posturing or is it we're broke? We all know the lack I communication and transparency from the club. It's all speculation.

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
What a load of nonsense, there is no-way Nuneaton Towns manager would come to us, he has a bigger budget and brighter future there.

The Rev
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