Thursday dec 1 (1 Viewer)


CCFC Finance Director
adds industrial ear protectors to williestanley xmas wish list ! :D


New Member
Have you seen the price of some of them, my lad had a tiny tempah rage when i saud he couldnt have a £25 LEGO one! Ridiculus!

Tinie Tempah rage, ha ha love it. I wanted an advent calendar but the Mrs to be said no because I didn't eat the one last year. Not stopped her getting one for the dog though!


Facebook User
I got a jehovah one, trouble is when you open a door you cant shut it again!!
Gone all out this year lads!
Thortons! Haha Anyone else remember the old advent calendars where you didn't get any chocolate and only
Got a message?
Still haven't forgiven my mum for ripping me off all those years!


New Member
My wife doesn't like chocolate - so I've bought her a book called "The Advent Calender" with a story for each day until christmas.


Well-Known Member
Took awhile for you to get one Henchman but i also heard something today ,allegedly from one of our players.

Senior Vick from Alicante

Well-Known Member
Took awhile for you to get one Henchman but i also heard something today ,allegedly from one of our players.

Dont tell us orange ken has banned advent callenders as part of sisus cost cutting measures, misserable sod. Gone for cadburys in our house with a nice picture of santa, quite traditional this year.


Well-Known Member
Administration it is then
Its been said before and has'nt happened ,my info is'nt solid so hav'nt posted any for that reason not to string the good folk of SBT along, how many false dawns have there been and then the messenger gets a slating,cheeres wingy


Well-Known Member
The clues are there Rich its self evident ,is it good or bad i don't know ,if it happens and they go its good for most of us ,but they may not go ,which begs the question why do it ,as i say rich its been put up several times ,did'nt happen ,poster gets slated ,could it be the otium vehicle ? and they stay,why would it happen now they could have let juke go last week and potentially funded for 6-12 months ,so is there any logic to it,tommorow will tell ,i won't hold my breath:)


Well-Known Member
I reckoned on 51 points for Safety and we have 13 fromn 19 so with admin that puts us on 3. We will require 48 points from the remaining 27 and that is pretty much promotion form that I don't think our beleagured transfer embargoed side will get even close to. They have given up I guess and were probably looking for the Juke deal to have been a stay of execution. No doubt he, Sammy and one or two others will be off in January as we prepare for life in League one. Administration may help us 'bottom out' earlier, but don't expect it to be all good news . Its gonna be a bumpy ride but there will be light at the end of the very long tunnel.


Well-Known Member
Sisu drop out otium take over and we are owned by ken and whoever is in charge of otium they have/are buying sisu out in a financial structured kind of way to suit both parties?


Facebook User
Is it not 1 December? what has been revealed!!

If it is Admin, as long as SISU go i would take it. just a Slow death at the moment.


Super Moderator
I can't believe that I actually got sucked in by this. I'm sat here wondering what the announcement will be when really it's just another BS rumour, I don't understand why I have been so foolish.


Well-Known Member
My sources from beyond the grave say 'watch this space'. I know of a certain person who you may have heard of who possibly told me something that may or may not be of interest to people who possibly want to know about something that may be in their interest possibly. I can't tell you much more than that.

Oh yes, I also have this nugget of information:


Now everybody focus on me and give me attention for being such an intriguingly vague insider.


CCFC Finance Director
Sorry but if you have something to say and you are convinced it is right and reliable then say it. If not say nothing, no crytic clues, no smug "i know something you do not", no throw it out there enough times it is bound to stick once. If you believe it is true have the courage of your convictions if not stay quiet and if your info is proved right but you say nothing take quiet comfort from knowing before everyone else.


New Member
Its still early doors yet! As we learnt from our months waiting for MK... Thursday is a day of revelation! Hallelujah!

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