Time to create awarenes (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
The Higgs news has actually generated 1,000 views on the rather archaic wasps forum site. It's created a smug attitude from the wasps fans, there are some ccfc sycophants joining in and Armybike is praised for offering a balanced view along with OSB

I will over the course of the next few days be offering some ideas as to what to do. First action is to log into this site and give a ccfc perspective on the development.

I think it's important. This forum is smugly dismissed by these people. There is no need to be stupid or abusive or even to engage debate. However, make one post expressing disdain and emphasising the importance of heritage and sporting values in a local community and how their very presence threatens this great club.

If enough do it they can't delete the posts quick enough to stop a message being sent.


Well-Known Member
Its an interesting idea, but I don't really care about other sites. I don't like Wasps "fans" posting on here, so I get the entertainment value from annoying them.
I think a balanced view is always worth while from time to time, and OSB58 offers that. He put a very god post on today about the planning application which basically concurred with the SBT statement, and what a lot of us have said about the academy.

What is the link to the Wasp site in case I get very bored?
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Well-Known Member
What's the net gain from doing this again?

Sounds more than a little childish to me and not productive to our situation in any size shape or form.

Ranjit Bhurpa

Well-Known Member
What's the net gain from doing this again?

Sounds more than a little childish to me and not productive to our situation in any size shape or form.

Didn't you start a thread the other day asking for ideas we could use collectively as a protest, especially those that raise awareness of this development. So you can't have it both ways surely?


Well-Known Member
It creates a degree of awareness.

Wasps take great stall in the fact that the vast majority of the Coventry public are hugely in favour of wasps being here including fans of CCFC.

It's important that all areas of communication including social media see another view. The wasps site has CCFC fans on there who a backslap Wasps and support their stance.

These myths need unpicking one by one and the message needs to be portrayed.

Many wasps posters on here have a lot of likes.

We look foolish. They are walking over us.

Again it's one post saying what CCFC means to you and it's heritage and it's relevance, no debating a message - a statement.

What's the net gain from doing this again?

Sounds more than a little childish to me and not productive to our situation in any size shape or form.


Well-Known Member
So what do you suggest?

I've made a few suggestions. Have a look on the Academy Protest Ideas thread that i started or the Boycott Wasp games thread in support of our academy thread that i started.

Just cant see what trolling a wasps supporters site is going to achieve. If you're going to troll anything the CT site would be more productive as it's the wider Coventry and Warwickshire public that need making aware of and educating on the proposed changes at the Higgs centre and the damage that will almost certainly do to our academy.


Well-Known Member
I've made a few suggestions. Have a look on the Academy Protest Ideas thread that i started or the Boycott Wasp games thread in support of our academy thread that i started.

Just cant see what trolling a wasps supporters site is going to achieve. If you're going to troll anything the CT site would be more productive as it's the wider Coventry and Warwickshire public that need making aware of and educating on the proposed changes at the Higgs centre and the damage that will almost certainly do to our academy.

One message is not trolling. Their view is that CCFC fans are happy with it - I would suggest creating awareness this is not the case is a positive move.

Social media is a far easier way if getting messages across. Physical demonstrations outside buildings are not easy to organise and will always have low attendance.


Well-Known Member
This is hard to say but here goes - fully agree with Grendel (there wasn't so difficult in the end) but the pen is often mightier than the sword and rather than slagging off WASPS make it clear that there is a clear personality clash with CCC & Higgs which is allowing the football club to pushed out despite being here since 1883.


Well-Known Member
One message is not trolling. Their view is that CCFC fans are happy with it - I would suggest creating awareness this is not the case is a positive move.

Social media is a far easier way if getting messages across. Physical demonstrations outside buildings are not easy to organise and will always have low attendance.

Fair enough. Do you have a link to their site?

I stand by that we should troll the CT site. Not just the stories that relate to this or CCFC or Wasps. Every story in every section.


Well-Known Member
Its not a bad idea. Just had a look on there and they are either oblivious to the damage Wasps are doing or don't care.

They seem to think they are being perfectly reasonable or even helping us and CRFC.

Without trying to start some sort of forum wars or taking shots at them it would be good to make sure they have the correct info.

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
National papers would be interested I would have thought especially the Sunday supplements, I wouldn't have thought sky etc would be interested but I will give them a email.
The local rags are so biased either way, that's it's pointless contacting them.
Four four two, and other mags might be interested as would that site 200%, as he's done things on us before.


Well-Known Member
For those who think they are not interested - they already have picked up this post.

Armybike being held up as one if the few posters on here who talks sense.


Well-Known Member
For those who think they are not interested - they already have picked up this post.

Armybike being held up as one if the few posters on here who talks sense.

Well, to be honest, there aren't many to choose from... ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about the 'they can't delete us fast enough' line as that reads as if encouraging some kind of spam attack.

I suspect they know and would even be relatively sympathetic rather than deleting all posts from our perspective. The people running that site aren't really the enemy after all.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Ok so if you believe Grendal's suggestion is pointless, what is your suggestion? this is a open forum after all and all opinions are valid

Why can't you say you don't agree with an idea without being asked to have your own idea?

I think going on a wasps forum and telling them all about our plight is pointless. The same as them coming on here, we'd take no notice.
Grendels next idea might be a good one, and if it is I'll back it and say so. Will you be asking me to come up with my own idea then too? Or is it just a nice little phrase to say.


Well-Known Member
One message is not trolling. Their view is that CCFC fans are happy with it - I would suggest creating awareness this is not the case is a positive move.

Social media is a far easier way if getting messages across. Physical demonstrations outside buildings are not easy to organise and will always have low attendance.

I dunno about that G. Actions speak louder than words, I believe. While social media is a way to spread a message and may create awareness, it won't affect WASPs or the Higgs...unless that message is a call to action (ie. boycott WASPs games - which, to be fair, is easy enough to do as it requires our lot to do nothing).

What would be really good, though not possible for a few months, would be get loads of fans to turn up at academy games and support the team.


Well-Known Member
I can't knock the effort but I think the anger is misdirected, wasps are implementing their plan and the sports foundation are letting that happen at the detriment to us. Again it's clear that we as a club have not been pro active in negotiating this contract like the Ricoh deal. We have simply pissed too many people off and we are paying for it


New Member
Unfortunately Sisu has pissed off everyone (Council, Alan Higgs, general public & now it seems Wasps) one in this city and this is the city sticking 2 fingers up to them. What is also clear is that these people don't give a monkeys about us, Coventry Rugby or Coventry Bees (the original trilogy)

This is where the protests should start and all 3 original clubs need to come together as one.

Coventry City Football Club - 1883
Coventry R.F.C - 1874
Coventry Bees - 1928

Thats 3 clubs being shit on by the council especially, and in two of the cases by their current owners who sold them down the river.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough. Do you have a link to their site?

I stand by that we should troll the CT site. Not just the stories that relate to this or CCFC or Wasps. Every story in every section.

Totally agree. We can say what we like on here, but the people we really need to convince won't see it. Meanwhile, the London Wasps trolls on the CT comments stream go almost unchallenged.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately Sisu has pissed off everyone (Council, Alan Higgs, general public & now it seems Wasps) one in this city and this is the city sticking 2 fingers up to them. What is also clear is that these people don't give a monkeys about us, Coventry Rugby or Coventry Bees (the original trilogy)

This is where the protests should start and all 3 original clubs need to come together as one.

Coventry City Football Club - 1883
Coventry R.F.C - 1874
Coventry Bees - 1928

Thats 3 clubs being shit on by the council especially, and in two of the cases by their current owners who sold them down the river.

I'm not 100% sure how Coventry City Council are responsible for what is happening to the Coventry Bees and Brandon Stadium...the stadium is situated in the jurisdiction of Rugby Borough District


New Member

I'm not 100% sure how Coventry City Council are responsible for what is happening to the Coventry Bees and Brandon Stadium...the stadium is situated in the jurisdiction of Rugby Borough District

I actually didn't know that :facepalm:

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
Has anybody from the trust contacted the Leicester and Worcester rugby teams as this would have an effect on the young players they take from Coventry?


Well-Known Member
The fact is there isn't that many bothered about the whole Wasp scenario. I would suggest a better form of attack would be to put pressure on Chris Anderson to seriously help Tony Mowbray bring in the right players to help a promotion push, having our club being successful on the pitch would help no end in my opinion.


The fact is there isn't that many bothered about the whole Wasp scenario. I would suggest a better form of attack would be to put pressure on Chris Anderson to seriously help Tony Mowbray bring in the right players to help a promotion push, having our club being successful on the pitch would help no end in my opinion.

I agree about success, it will be interesting to see what happens of the pre season.

In regards to people not being fussed about Wasps, their PR team have the easiest job in the world. If they see a bit of anger towards their way they just say "SISU" and it all goes away.

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