Tommy Robinson (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
They've thrown TR in prison for the simple reason that they want to shut him up.
Nothing to do with him breaking the law, nearly causing a mis-trial which would allow the groomers he supposedly hates to walk free, being found guilty and placed on probation and then doing exactly the same thing again?


Well-Known Member
Nothing to do with him breaking the law, nearly causing a mis-trial which would allow the groomers he supposedly hates to walk free, being found guilty and placed on probation and then doing exactly the same thing again?

If you do some digging on this you'll see whilst he does do things that will land him in trouble, the police and 'higher up' have tried to silence him many many times when he hasn't done anything wrong. Even setting him up to be killed in prison.

There wasn't a mistrial, and in many situations these people he is showing up are getting away it already. He knows he risks getting in trouble when he's doing these things, but clearly thinks showing these people up is worth the risk.

The distraction of whether TR is a nice man or not is a convinient excuse not to talk about what's actually going on, and what the authorities have been doing to cover it up.


Well-Known Member
There wasn't a mistrial, and in many situations these people he is showing up are getting away it already. He knows he risks getting in trouble when he's doing these things, but clearly thinks showing these people up is worth the risk.
There wasn't a mis-trial as a) he was arrested and stopped from continuing the actions which would cause a mis-trial and b) the judge took action as detailed in the court records to avoid his actions causing a mis-trial.

Not really sure how people in court and on trial are 'getting away with it already'. Maybe you can show us arrests and convictions made off the back of information obtained by Robinson's investigations.


Well-Known Member
There wasn't a mis-trial as a) he was arrested and stopped from continuing the actions which would cause a mis-trial and b) the judge took action as detailed in the court records to avoid his actions causing a mis-trial.

Not really sure how people in court and on trial are 'getting away with it already'. Maybe you can show us arrests and convictions made off the back of information obtained by Robinson's investigations.

You keep playing the man instead of the ball, Dave.

Look at Rotherham, the authorities admitted there was a cover up. This was the catalyst for this and it has happened across many cities and towns throughout the country.

TR is not a peadophile hunter, he is someone who is revealing these people and the cover ups to the wider public.

What's your opinion on muslim grooming gangs? I get the impression you are little bit uncomfortable with the truth here.

It's clear as day this is a really bad problem and it's also obvious that it is being swept under the carpet. I've said it many times, if this was tackled openly and with honesty, you wouldn't get or need people like TR.


Well-Known Member
Look at Rotherham, the authorities admitted there was a cover up. This was the catalyst for this and it has happened across many cities and towns throughout the country.
But again what has Robinson done in Rotherham or anywhere else to resolve the issues? I'm genuinely interested as I'm struggling to find any examples of him highlighting cases that weren't already in the public domain or being dealt with by the authorities.

We all know what happened in Rotherham was appalling and the way it was handled by the authorities a disgrace. Questioning Robinsons role and motive doesn't change that.
TR is not a peadophile hunter, he is someone who is revealing these people and the cover ups to the wider public.
Maybe I'm missing something. How is broadcast from outside a court, risking a mis-trial, revealing cover ups? These people are already in court, what is supposedly being covered up?

If its not racially motivated how many non-Muslim trials has he attended, didn't see any mention of him with the recent case in Coventry.
What's your opinion on muslim grooming gangs? I get the impression you are little bit uncomfortable with the truth here.
I detest all groomers and pedophiles no matter what colour or race. The fact that there is a grooming gang or pedophile is enough for me, I don't need to precede it with Muslim or anything else to make it into a matter of concern.


Well-Known Member
The fact is muslims do have a problem in their communities with grooming gangs and it does need highlighting. I don' particularly like TR but I don' agree with supressing hum too. Claiming it' nit widespread or using the term 'Asian' I find more insulting since Sikhs Hindus Chinese etc dint have this issue but people are scared to label and it only makes things worse. It needs eradicating and we need the help if other Muslim groups to expose and bring them to justice if they want to be accepted as not being part of supporting and harbouring.


Well-Known Member
You keep playing the man instead of the ball, Dave.

Look at Rotherham, the authorities admitted there was a cover up. This was the catalyst for this and it has happened across many cities and towns throughout the country.

TR is not a peadophile hunter, he is someone who is revealing these people and the cover ups to the wider public.

What's your opinion on muslim grooming gangs? I get the impression you are little bit uncomfortable with the truth here.

It's clear as day this is a really bad problem and it's also obvious that it is being swept under the carpet. I've said it many times, if this was tackled openly and with honesty, you wouldn't get or need people like TR.

It was Andrew Norfolk from the Times who exposed Rotherham. Mainstream press. Not Tommy Robinson. He like the rest of us found out about the cover up from mainstream press.

What cover ups has Tommy Robinson supposed to have exposed exactly? He’s filming them when they’ve been caught, the CPS has agreed that there’s a case for trial and they’re entering the court.

All grooming gangs are despicable and should be treated equally as such. And there’s the issue. Tommy Robinson isn’t doing that.


Well-Known Member
But again what has Robinson done in Rotherham or anywhere else to resolve the issues? I'm genuinely interested as I'm struggling to find any examples of him highlighting cases that weren't already in the public domain or being dealt with by the authorities.

We all know what happened in Rotherham was appalling and the way it was handled by the authorities a disgrace. Questioning Robinsons role and motive doesn't change that.

Maybe I'm missing something. How is broadcast from outside a court, risking a mis-trial, revealing cover ups? These people are already in court, what is supposedly being covered up?

If its not racially motivated how many non-Muslim trials has he attended, didn't see any mention of him with the recent case in Coventry.

I detest all groomers and pedophiles no matter what colour or race. The fact that there is a grooming gang or pedophile is enough for me, I don't need to precede it with Muslim or anything else to make it into a matter of concern.

Rotherham cover up was exposed by the Times. Another high profile one was Rochdale and that was exposed by a local Labour Councillor (don’t recall her name). Can’t remember Tommy Robinson ever exposing any gang bringing them to justice or exposing a cover up. Going to a court and filming people going in isn’t exposing anything.


Well-Known Member
I find it depressing that it seems some fellow fans think we ought to "raise a glass" to this man. Apart from anything else, if his objective is to ensure that alleged child rapists are jailed, he's his own worst enemy as the trial can get called off if he is publicising information that's not meant be revealed until the verdict is announced.

Back to the question of the "anything else", funny how all these grooming gangs the EDL and their like are highlighting are Asian/Muslim-ethnicity. As if there isn't widespread abuse amongst white people, black people, Jews, etc. The whole effort smacks of a blinding, bitter hatred of Muslims by the far right, a desperate attempt to "send the buggers back". Apart from being deeply prejudiced, it's also sad and pathetic. Why you would take against an immigrant minority based on their language, faith, skin colour or country of origin is beyond me; you don't see these EDL numbskulls going after Indian/Hindu communities, but in 99.99% of cases both sets of people (UK Hindus and Muslims) are equally lawabiding and contributing to UK society. Get a fricking life, Tommy.


Well-Known Member
I find it depressing that it seems some fellow fans think we ought to "raise a glass" to this man. Apart from anything else, if his objective is to ensure that alleged child rapists are jailed, he's his own worst enemy as the trial can get called off if he is publicising information that's not meant be revealed until the verdict is announced.

Back to the question of the "anything else", funny how all these grooming gangs the EDL and their like are highlighting are Asian/Muslim-ethnicity. As if there isn't widespread abuse amongst white people, black people, Jews, etc. The whole effort smacks of a blinding, bitter hatred of Muslims by the far right, a desperate attempt to "send the buggers back". Apart from being deeply prejudiced, it's also sad and pathetic. Why you would take against an immigrant minority based on their language, faith, skin colour or country of origin is beyond me; you don't see these EDL numbskulls going after Indian/Hindu communities, but in 99.99% of cases both sets of people (UK Hindus and Muslims) are equally lawabiding and contributing to UK society. Get a fricking life, Tommy.
Tommy Robinson has been highlighting cases that the media are to scared to report on. I can not recall any cases he has reported on other than muslim grooming gangs. Tommy left the EDL because he didn't agree with the path they wanted to follow. You keep mentioning Indian/ Hindu folk which is nice because Tommy has many Indian/Hindu supporters. Fact is that if there wasn't muslim grooming gangs and muslim nutters then Tommy would never been known.


Well-Known Member
Tommy Robinson has been highlighting cases that the media are to scared to report on. I can not recall any cases he has reported on other than muslim grooming gangs. Tommy left the EDL because he didn't agree with the path they wanted to follow. You keep mentioning Indian/ Hindu folk which is nice because Tommy has many Indian/Hindu supporters. Fact is that if there wasn't muslim grooming gangs and muslim nutters then Tommy would never been known.

What cases has he highlighted that media are too scared to report on exactly?


Well-Known Member
Hey about the Leeds case where he was arrested for reporting a few days ago. I take it you're one these pathetic middle class leftie's tony ? Not just on this thread but many others i've seen you post on.

It’s been going on since November and has been extensively covered by the media. If anything Tommy Robinson almost missed it.

Middle class lefty? No. Sorry to disappoint you but I’m a working class lad from a council estate.


Well-Known Member
Well i for one never read/ seen any press about it. Could you refer me to any links please. Ooops my bad......Working class leftie the :singing:


Well-Known Member
You could have saved yourself a lot of typing and just written 'I'm a grooming gang apologist because I have a biased agenda which I cannot drop.'

It's not even naivety from you, you know exactly what you are doing and you are part of the problem. The funny thing is, if it wasn't for Robinson in this circumsrance, no one would know about this case. Your beloved Independent didn't want to cover it, but was quite happy to have a bash at TR, which is quite a common occurrence.

Carry on trying to plead otherwise though. You're making yourself look silly.

No one is a grooming gang apologist. Where did you get that?

There are two problems. One is grooming gangs and the other is people using these cases to build up an anti Muslim ( in reality anti immigrant or people of immigrant descent ) jihad type campaign. This has all been done before. In Europe: in Serbia and in Germany.

You should visit the Dokumentationszentrum in Langwasser, Nuremberg. It tells the story of how the Jews were singled out as a „curse“ on Germany. Every crime by a Jew was blasted over the then right wing media. Mass rallies were held and people were told the Jews had caused Germany to lose WW1. Posters were printed portraying Jewish looking people ( caricatures ) as paedophiles.

„Them“ and us. Schoolchildren were taught to use the noun Jew without a capital letter. Here on this forum some refer to „them“, which removes the noun completely and depersonalises „them“.

Lying press was a Goebels term. „PC press scared to report the truth“ is the version on here. Same thing.

Anyone who thinks there are less extreme right wingers in the UK than in the EU is deluded. We just don’t give them a democratic outlet in parliament because of FPTP voting.


Well-Known Member
Tommy Robinson has been highlighting cases that the media are to scared to report on. I can not recall any cases he has reported on other than muslim grooming gangs. Tommy left the EDL because he didn't agree with the path they wanted to follow. You keep mentioning Indian/ Hindu folk which is nice because Tommy has many Indian/Hindu supporters. Fact is that if there wasn't muslim grooming gangs and muslim nutters then Tommy would never been known.

Why isn't he highlighting the non Islamic grooming gangs? Nothing to do with the fact he's a man who founded an anti Islam far right group???


Well-Known Member
Why isn't he highlighting the non Islamic grooming gangs? Nothing to do with the fact he's a man who founded an anti Islam far right group???

79% of paedophillia in this country is committed by a white man (or woman), as you’d probably expect with 90% of the pop being white.

94% of child grooming by a group of males is committed by 4% of the population. Of which no victims share the same religion.

This aren’t opinions, these are facts.
I have these sources bookmarked on my laptop, I’ll update later (probably tomorrow now :D)


Well-Known Member
79% of paedophillia in this country is committed by a white man (or woman), as you’d probably expect with 90% of the pop being white.

94% of child grooming by a group of males is committed by 4% of the population. Of which no victims share the same religion.

This aren’t opinions, these are facts.
I have these sources bookmarked on my laptop, I’ll update later (probably tomorrow now :D)

So you think Tommy Robinson is within his rights to think that 79% of paedophilia is ok, below average and not worth campaigning about?

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Is it left wing now to want a fair trial leading to a prosecution?

It appears to be anyone without far-right sympathies and anyone opposed to it is automatically a middle class left-wing liberal.

There's also this weird belief that they speak for a 'silent majority', despite the fact that the likes of the EDL & the BNP have been firmly rejected by most of the country.


Well-Known Member
Well i for one never read/ seen any press about it. Could you refer me to any links please. Ooops my bad......Working class leftie the :singing:

If you’re getting your education on it from Tommy Robinson that doesn’t surprise me in the least. Where do you think Tommy hears about them? A guy who’s first encounter with these people is on the court steps isn’t Sherlock Holmes and isn’t a hard hitting Pulitzer award winning investigative journalist. By the time Tommy gets to it it’s yesterday’s news and just because he tells you otherwise doesn’t make it a fact. Just makes you gullible.


Well-Known Member
79% of paedophillia in this country is committed by a white man (or woman), as you’d probably expect with 90% of the pop being white.

94% of child grooming by a group of males is committed by 4% of the population. Of which no victims share the same religion.

This aren’t opinions, these are facts.
I have these sources bookmarked on my laptop, I’ll update later (probably tomorrow now :D)

But, the discussion is about TR. is he helping find a solution? Or is he using these facts to push an anti Muslim agenda?

Is he even helping getting a fair trial for these scum, or is he giving them perhaps a chance of putting off the trial?

Do we need an ex con to be „representing“ us? He is not exactly „honest“ having been convicted of mortgage fraud. Especially as none of his „victims“ are of the same religion as that of his predominantly white „christian“ followers. Would appear that he is more interested in showing Muslims to be bad as opposed to getting justice for the victims of these people.

Personally, I would like the law of the land to represent me. If the system is not working, then we have to change it. A thug leading a mob won’t help there.


Well-Known Member
The problem is when people like Sarah Campion are fired for speaking the truth by the same party who allows Naz Shah to remain in office you see the problem.

There is an issue and it is racially motivated. Saying that is not racist but as soon as people say it they get branded with a racist slur.

That’s why rather unpleasant people like Mr Robinson gets attention.


Well-Known Member
The problem is when people like Sarah Campion are fired for speaking the truth by the same party who allows Naz Shah to remain in office you see the problem.

There is an issue and it is racially motivated. Saying that is not racist but as soon as people say it they get branded with a racist slur.

That’s why rather unpleasant people like Mr Robinson gets attention.

Picking on white girls is racist and using the crimes for a racist agenda is also racist.


Well-Known Member
Picking on white girls is racist and using the crimes for a racist agenda is also racist.

But highlighting the issue isn’t and many people are uncomfortable with saying it. Pakistan men thing white girls are trash and are there purely for sexual gratification and exploitation

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