Nobody is ever balanced (I could go on about that tediously for many thousand of words, but I might lose my audience sharp-ish

) but there is a difference between actively trying to skew it and butt heads, and offer the option of rapprochement.
It's where both the Trust and Ann Lucas have improved dramatically on past efforts, recently.
And... you can look at the results. The rope is given to the other 'side' to either use to pull each other up to a stable surface... or it's used as a noose.
It's a far better approach than Mutton's inflammatory antagonistic statements at first (he has a lot to answer for, for those IMHO!) and the trust being simply a SISU Out campaign group. The problem with the latter in particular is it wouldn't have learnbed from our own recent past, where Richardson Out didn't solve our problems, and nor did Robinson Out! There needed to be more interrogation beyond that...