I sit at the back of the Telegraph (North stand now) so we had a good view of it but was too far away to actually hear what was said. Not sure how it started but the guys with the SISU Out flag became involved, although I don't think they were initially. Fat guy with the beard who thinks he's some sort of hard geezer - bowls around with a pint in his hand before each game in the concourse - stuck his oar in (and belly in) unnecessarily.
A mate of mine did apparently hear a comment made to a woman involved that she should 'fuck off round the corner to Tescos love' which aggravated the boyfriend
Stewards didn't look up to much. Gone are the days of those pricks in the orange coats. What were they called? 'Response Team'?
I sit in B30 so could see some of it and hear it.
It seems to have started just before a group took offence to a comment from an older gent, seemed to be well OTT reaction, the comment to the lady to head to Tesco is out of order along with the abuse of the elderly gent. Thing started to cool down then the guy with the bobble hat waded in for no reason that I could see and started over. There was people just in front of disable section that came over to help the Elderly gent and I over heard one guy screaming "you know who he is dont you" a number of times. I must say the response team look as clueless as the sambles on the pitch, in both cases alot of training is required.
I'm not sure who the elderly gent is, but the group who started the incident seemed to know and thought other people should.
Its sad that the shite that is being served up on the pitch is turning fans on each other. Its about time we all stand together supporting the team