Trump is my favourite comedian of the year already (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
The Law has been made a mockery of in this case though.
Law has been weaponised to stand in the way of a democratic process.
There was absolutely no way that due process was followed in this case.
Even the biggest Trump haters would have to admit that this case was a farce.

Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton must be pissing themselves.
(And Tony Blair here in the UK)
Also Hunter Biden is currently facing 9 cases of tax avoidance, under his daddies watch. In an election year. Is Joe Biden allowing his son to go to court for a second time under his presidency for political gain? I think you need a reality check.


Well-Known Member
The Law has been made a mockery of in this case though.
Law has been weaponised to stand in the way of a democratic process.
There was absolutely no way that due process was followed in this case.
Even the biggest Trump haters would have to admit that this case was a farce.

Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton must be pissing themselves.
(And Tony Blair here in the UK)

In what way, precisely, was due process subverted?

The prosecution produced their evidence and witnesses, and the defence were free to challenge them in open court.

The jury was selected according to the usual legal process, again with both prosecution and defence having the same number of opportunities to deselect potential jurors.

So specifically then, which bit of due process wasn't followed?


Well-Known Member
In what way, precisely, was due process subverted?

The prosecution produced their evidence and witnesses, and the defence were free to challenge them in open court.

The jury was selected according to the usual legal process, again with both prosecution and defence having the same number of opportunities to deselect potential jurors.

So specifically then, which bit of due process wasn't followed?
There was no-one called Cletus on the jury?


Well-Known Member
The Law has been made a mockery of in this case though.
Law has been weaponised to stand in the way of a democratic process.
There was absolutely no way that due process was followed in this case.
Even the biggest Trump haters would have to admit that this case was a farce.

Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton must be pissing themselves.
(And Tony Blair here in the UK)

I suspect that polling over the next couple of weeks may well show that previously undecided Americans share your view.


Well-Known Member
I suspect that polling over the next couple of weeks may well show that previously undecided Americans share your view.

Well if they do, they're proving themselves rather lacking in critical faculties I'd say.

Again, where was the claimed failure to follow due process in this case?


Well-Known Member
The problem with the US judicial system is, from a political standpoint, it is widely open to political abuse. Look at their Supreme Court, the positions are appointed based on politics, and they can interpret the US constitution at a federal level!

I'll give the UK's uncodified constitution one thing, it at least means the legislative is sovereign and even the Supreme Court cannot interfere with Acts passed by it. The US system is a joke (obviously I'm not commenting on this specific topic, I think Trump and his supporters are nutjobs, just the system).
I agree entirely about the Supreme Court. Technically, one person could choose the entire Supreme Court so how is that independent and providing checks and balances?


Well-Known Member
Both Britain and the US have found very quickly the price paid for believing right wing charlatans. Though even the Americans seemed to learn more quickly
I wouldn't guarantee it.

I still think Trump has a decent chance at winning, despite these convictions, so I wouldn't suggest that's learned much.

As for here, assuming Labour win it'll be amazing how quick the narrative of Tories being competent will return. It's almost ingrained somehow.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Just listening to Trumps speech now, I genuinely think he sounds like he's got learning difficulties.
He's waffling about nonsense.
What a choice, him or Biden.

Deleted member 9744

Just listening to Trumps speech now, I genuinely think he sounds like he's got learning difficulties.
He's waffling about nonsense.
What a choice, him or Biden.
Biden has his faults but it would be a pretty easy choice. Would love to know what the Trump fans on here think is good about him.


Well-Known Member
Has this been posted? Makes you proud to be British 😂


clint van damme

Well-Known Member
The most progressive president since FDR, or a felon. Truly tough choices.

He's doing a good job on the economy granted, but unfortunately for him the perception is he isn't.
Its aslo perceived that hes doing bad on immigration, a huge issue in the States, Ive no idea how hes performing on that one but again, if the perception is its poor thats a problem.
He's been made to look foolish by Israel and he's looking incredibly frail to be in a job that demanding even though hes in good nick for his age.
I don't think he's a good candidate, better than trump is the lowest of bars.


Well-Known Member
He's doing a good job on the economy granted, but unfortunately for him the perception is he isn't.
Its aslo perceived that hes doing bad on immigration, a huge issue in the States, Ive no idea how hes performing on that one but again, if the perception is its poor thats a problem.
He's been made to look foolish by Israel and he's looking incredibly frail to be in a job that demanding even though hes in good nick for his age.
I don't think he's a good candidate, better than trump is the lowest of bars.

If you’re left wing he’s the best president in a generation. There’s really no contest. Far more progressive than Obama or Clinton. Of course the left of the Dems will do what the left of Labour are doing here and make out he’s Hitler reincarnate because he hasn’t turned the US into a communist paradise and end up with another 50 years of shades of right win neoliberals in charge.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
If you’re left wing he’s the best president in a generation. There’s really no contest. Far more progressive than Obama or Clinton. Of course the left of the Dems will do what the left of Labour are doing here and make out he’s Hitler reincarnate because he hasn’t turned the US into a communist paradise and end up with another 50 years of shades of right win neoliberals in charge.

He's doing well on the economy but theres huge public perception he isn't, that not good from him.
If you can't convince people you're doing well when you are you've got an issue, especially in the current climate.
He's also massively fucked up over Rafa and been made to look very weak.
If he doesn't wipe the floor with a man whose had a civil sexual assault ruling against him and today's felony convictions then he's not the right man for the job.


Well-Known Member
He's doing well on the economy but theres huge public perception he isn't, that not good from him.
If you can't convince people you're doing well when you are you've got an issue, especially in the current climate.
He's also massively fucked up over Rafa and been made to look very weak.
If he doesn't wipe the floor with a man whose had a civil sexual assault ruling against him and today's felony convictions then he's not the right man for the job.

No one is going to wipe the floor with anyone in the US for a while. That country is ridiculously polarised at pretty much 50:50

Deleted member 9744

He's doing well on the economy but theres huge public perception he isn't, that not good from him.
If you can't convince people you're doing well when you are you've got an issue, especially in the current climate.
He's also massively fucked up over Rafa and been made to look very weak.
If he doesn't wipe the floor with a man whose had a civil sexual assault ruling against him and today's felony convictions then he's not the right man for the job.
It's odd that with regard to the US it's all about perception as far as you are concerned. Even though Biden is doing well on the economy that means nothing. Yet here Srarmer us wrong to focus in perception according to you.

Woukd you really find it hard to decide who to vote for in the US? No candidate is going to be perfect in any election. You need to make a judgement of who is least worse. Same applies here btw.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
It's odd that with regard to the US it's all about perception as far as you are concerned. Even though Biden is doing well on the economy that means nothing. Yet here Srarmer us wrong to focus in perception according to you.

Woukd you really find it hard to decide who to vote for in the US? No candidate is going to be perfect in any election. You need to make a judgement of who is least worse. Same applies here btw.

You can just not vote!
Funnily enough I was in the States not long after Trump became President and met a few traditional Democrat voters who voted for Trump because they hated Hilary, (I've mentioned it on here before but until that trip I didn't realise how hated she was).
Anyway, the point is I couldn't understand why they didn't just abstain.
I can't stand Starmer but I would never let that affect me to the point I voted tory.


Well-Known Member
No one is going to wipe the floor with anyone in the US for a while. That country is ridiculously polarised at pretty much 50:50
The way Biden is with public speaking, the volatile state of foreign policy, and with the general anti-incumbency mood inspired by inflation, a more generic Republican (whatever that means these days) would be well placed to wipe the floor in November. And yet here we are.


Well-Known Member
The way Biden is with public speaking, the volatile state of foreign policy, and with the general anti-incumbency mood inspired by inflation, a more generic Republican (whatever that means these days) would be well placed to wipe the floor in November. And yet here we are.


I think you’re discounting the pull Trump has especially among black and Hispanic voters, compared to the average republican.

Politics in the states is fucked, every election for the foreseeable regardless of candidates will be close because whoever it is social media will make them out to be the devil incarnate.


Well-Known Member
Just listening to Trumps speech now, I genuinely think he sounds like he's got learning difficulties.
He's waffling about nonsense.
What a choice, him or Biden.
It's been clear for a long time he's intellectually challenged, but that doesn't matter if your dad has billions.

Mild-Mannered Janitor

Kindest Bloke on CCFC / Maker of CCFC Dreams
Can you imagine a convicted individual being allowed to stand for one of the parties in our country, the press and people just wouldn't allow it, it’s nuts to think they do and that for some, it could strengthen their resolve.
got to think I the 7 swing states that this will hurt him by a few percentage points though which is maybe enough for Biden


Well-Known Member
Steve is predisposed to seeing deficit spending and claiming that it brings all these terrible things.

Now now Fernando, that’s not quite true.

Deficit spending is fine (we don’t have a choice !) as long as it’s helping the economy grow sufficiently. It’s especially ok if interest rates are low and you can maintain confidence of buyers of government bonds….or if you have to print/QE as long as it doesn’t cause inflation or significantly debase the currency

What I’ve tried to explain (and obviously failed) is that if you don’t control the deficit spending you end up having to pay a lot more interest on borrowing as the market (the buyers of gov bonds) loses confidence over the ability to repay, so expects to receive a premium (see Liz Truss) and/or you end up printing huge amounts which debases the currency and can also cause inflation. This negatively impacts a lot of people but especially the poorest. The richest own assets which appreciate in a value due to QE/global liquidity (well, until breaking point)

I’m not bright enough or know enough about the detail to fully debate MMT theory, however, I can point out the flaws of some peoples interpretation of it. The main one being ignoring the requirement for price stability for theory to work and thereby the lack of acknowledgement that printing endless amounts of money debases a currency and can cause inflation. So basically the pound or dollar in your pocket can’t buy as much as it did. It’s the biggest secret/hidden taxation there is.

I’m genuinely concerned about the amount of government/national debt in the world but maybe I’m wrong to be. Only time will tell I guess

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Think so. Isn’t that where he did last time? Where’s his golf club? Florida I assume. But he sees himself as a New Yorker I think.

I didn't realise until recently it's different states different laws.
Just looked, it's Florida, can't vote, can't serve on jury, can hold the most powerful office in the world! Crazy.


Well-Known Member
i'm amazed trump was found guilty. he's guilty as hell, but i was convinced 1 of the jury would stop it.

how on earth did they get 12 sensible americans together in the same room.

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