Well-Known Member
Point 1 - how do you achieve that victory?
The same electorate who voted for Biden, Trump x2 and Obama x2 was mostly the same. So was the electorate more enlightened in 2020 compared to 2016 and 2024? I’m curious to understand the maths here.
Why is voting Democrat inherently in the interest of poorer people? Both Trump presidencies came after Democrat admins. So clearly the policies were rejected, twice. Relying on the state handouts is not the route to a better, prosperous life.
Trump calling Zelensky a dictator was out of line imo. Zelensky is seen as an abrasive character by many and has alienating some of his allies and the US public are siding with Trump/Vance on this public spat.
Point 1 - I don't know I'm neither a politician/diplomat or a military general. What I do know is if Ukraine is surrendered they're not going to stop there specially with the US in their back pocket.
Point 2
Things like Medicare for example was a policy created to help the poorest get medical care that was butchered by the Republican party in Congress. Student loan forgiveness following COVID is an other example of a Democrat policy to help people (I think this didn't help them overall as it was costly and fucked over the working class who didn't attend university).
Trump is a populist who offers simple answers to complicated problems and inflation has been a massive problem for the average American.
Trump didn't win the popular vote first time round more people voted Democrat in 2016 than Republican. The US voting system allowed him to get in. COVID happens as well as race riots in America which created a super charged movement to get rid of him in 2020. America is fairly racist and had segregation until really not that long ago the Republican party know this and weaponise it to get votes (see the Southern strategy as an example). The south use to be traditionally democrat this flipped over following the civil rights movement.
Shitty economic conditions making the average person worse off combined with poor media literacy and understanding of economics is putting the Western world into a mess.
Again sorry for rambling I'm off to bed now anyway so won't annoy you with anymore