Trump is my favourite comedian of the year already (23 Viewers)

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I'm not arguing for any candidate.
Think it will be difficult for Sanders to unify a Democrat vote - VP running mate could be crucial.
Trump was the populist vote last time. That sector of the voting population will follow trump again.

All this work to deny someone trying to get people healthcare. We will know after Super Tuesday if the Democrats have succeeded in rigging the deck enough for Biden-does nothing and jumps 20% in the polls


Well-Known Member
You can say what you like about Trump but he is the best President the US have had in a very long time.
He is actually trying as he says to 'make America great again'.
For far too long other countries have been taking advantage of the US, and Trump is redressing the balance.
Jobs that went overseas are actually coming back to the USA.
He is also the only president (except possibly Reagan) that attempted to do something about illegal immigration.
The Democrats want open borders and would be quite happy for millions of illegal immigrants to flood over the sourthern border.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Really? How can someone who's not from the left side go against trump lol! Thought it was like this country with Labour/Conservatives

it is but the Democrats, just like Labour have some fairly right leaning politicians. Both Obama and Clinton pulled some stuff that was right out of the Republican play book.
As someone pointed out in another thread, how did Obama get the Nobel peace prize, he dropped more bombs than anyone!


Well-Known Member
it is but the Democrats, just like Labour have some fairly right leaning politicians. Both Obama and Clinton pulled some stuff that was right out of the Republican play book.
As someone pointed out in another thread, how did Obama get the Nobel peace prize, he dropped more bombs than anyone!

That will be mad then, right vs right! Who will the socialists and left vote for?!?!?

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
That will be mad then, right vs right! Who will the socialists and left vote for?!?!?

I don't know how he's perceived in the US to be honest, I usually follow American politics a bit but haven't recently.
I expect Trump to win whoever gets the Democratic nomination but I'm not sure it will be the landslide people predict, a lot of working class voters haven't seen the benefits of the 'blue collar boom' Trump spoke about. I still think he'll have enough.


Well-Known Member
All this work to deny someone trying tor get people healthcare. We will know after Super Tuesday if the Democrats have succeeded in rigging the deck enough for Biden-does nothing and jumps 20% in the polls
Looks like you're right - establishment going to try and squeeze Sanders out. Bloomberg will be gone soon so his support will transfer to Biden as well. Basically a 2 horse race.


Well-Known Member
That will be mad then, right vs right! Who will the socialists and left vote for?!?!?
Last time some voted for Trump - anti-Hilary, Trump considered anti-establishment like Sanders, some trade policy similarities. Enough supported Trump in 3 key states to swing the election (in electoral college seats).


Well-Known Member
That will be mad then, right vs right! Who will the socialists and left vote for?!?!?

Who did Labour members vote for under Blair?

Mostly Labour, a few weirdo parties and a few non voters. Same for the Dems.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Looks like you're right - establishment going to try and squeeze Sanders out. Bloomberg will be gone soon so his support will transfer to Biden as well. Basically a 2 horse race.

Establishment went a long way to succeeding last night. The 20 point jumps happened everywhere and what's frustrating is that Biden himself is flipping useless, but his campaign staff and Obama behind the scenes have done a proper number on the race. With Warren continuing to split the progressive vote Joe will coast to the nomination and then get annihilated in the general.


Well-Known Member
Except they didn't did they, Dutch.
According to people much more knowledgeable than yourself, they did:

The Non-Voters Who Decided The Election: Trump Won Because Of Lower Democratic Turnout

The story of Hillary Clinton’s defeat, then, is not the Trump Movement erupting in the ballots, nor the fable that some “Reagan Democrats” flipped again from Obama to Trump. The story is altogether different, and very simple: the Democratic base did not turn out to vote as it did for Obama. Those sure-Democrats who stayed home handed the election to Trump.

Take Michigan for example. A state that Obama won in 2012 by 350,000 votes, Clinton lost by roughly 10,000. Why? She received 300,000 votes less than Obama did in 2012. Detroit and Wayne County should kick themselves because of the 595,253 votes they gave Obama in 2012, only 518,000 voted for Clinton in 2016. More than 75,000 Motown Obama voters did not bother to vote for Clinton. They did not become Trump voters – Trump received only 10,000 votes more than Romney did in this county. They simply stayed at home. If even a fraction of these lethargic Democrats had turned out to vote, Michigan would have stayed blue.

Wisconsin tells the same numbers story, even more dramatically. Trump got no new votes. He received exactly the same number of votes in America’s Dairyland as Romney did in 2012. Both received 1,409,000 votes. But Clinton again could not spark many Obama voters to turn out for her: she tallied 230,000 votes less than Obama did in 2012. This is how a 200,000-vote victory margin for Obama in the Badger State became a 30,000-vote defeat for Clinton.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
According to people much more knowledgeable than yourself, they did:

The Non-Voters Who Decided The Election: Trump Won Because Of Lower Democratic Turnout

The story of Hillary Clinton’s defeat, then, is not the Trump Movement erupting in the ballots, nor the fable that some “Reagan Democrats” flipped again from Obama to Trump. The story is altogether different, and very simple: the Democratic base did not turn out to vote as it did for Obama. Those sure-Democrats who stayed home handed the election to Trump.

Take Michigan for example. A state that Obama won in 2012 by 350,000 votes, Clinton lost by roughly 10,000. Why? She received 300,000 votes less than Obama did in 2012. Detroit and Wayne County should kick themselves because of the 595,253 votes they gave Obama in 2012, only 518,000 voted for Clinton in 2016. More than 75,000 Motown Obama voters did not bother to vote for Clinton. They did not become Trump voters – Trump received only 10,000 votes more than Romney did in this county. They simply stayed at home. If even a fraction of these lethargic Democrats had turned out to vote, Michigan would have stayed blue.

Wisconsin tells the same numbers story, even more dramatically. Trump got no new votes. He received exactly the same number of votes in America’s Dairyland as Romney did in 2012. Both received 1,409,000 votes. But Clinton again could not spark many Obama voters to turn out for her: she tallied 230,000 votes less than Obama did in 2012. This is how a 200,000-vote victory margin for Obama in the Badger State became a 30,000-vote defeat for Clinton.

It is Hillary Clinton's fault and hers alone that she lost. To blame other voters for this is absurd old dude


Well-Known Member
Trump is now on borrowed time.

The US is a massive covid-19 timebomb and it’s about to explode. A quarter of the population have no health cover so can’t even afford to get tested for the virus. Trump has dismissed the virus as a joke for the last few weeks and only now is waking up to the scale of the disaster that’s about to be unleashed.

The electorate will hold him responsible.


Well-Known Member
Trump is now on borrowed time.

The US is a massive covid-19 timebomb and it’s about to explode. A quarter of the population have no health cover so can’t even afford to get tested for the virus. Trump has dismissed the virus as a joke for the last few weeks and only now is waking up to the scale of the disaster that’s about to be unleashed.

The electorate will hold him responsible.

We can only hope. But Teflon Don just doesn't seem to have anything stick to him. Those who support him on online media etc will somehow spin it as the Senate stopping him or some other crazy conspiracy and his followers will just lap it up.

It will be interesting to see how the US copes with their healthcare system set up as it is. It could well give Bernie a massive boost given his opinions on healthcare provision etc. and maybe people will wake up to the massive discrepancies in the capitalist model. But I somehow doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Does everyone really think Trump decides on all his courses of action just by himself?
He has a team advisors working with him just like any politician around the world.
The US can call upon prestigious experts in almost any field.
All this trash talk about Trump's decision making is absolute nonsense.
We all know the vast majority of media outlets hate Trump and will slant everything he does in a negative light.


Well-Known Member
Trump is now on borrowed time.

The US is a massive covid-19 timebomb and it’s about to explode. A quarter of the population have no health cover so can’t even afford to get tested for the virus. Trump has dismissed the virus as a joke for the last few weeks and only now is waking up to the scale of the disaster that’s about to be unleashed.

The electorate will hold him responsible.
In Arizona (my state), the Governor has just announced everyone can get tested for FREE.
The same thing is happening in many states.
This will go into effect as soon as testing facilities ramp up.
And they are moving as fast as possible.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Does everyone really think Trump decides on all his courses of action just by himself?
He has a team advisors working with him just like any politician around the world.
The US can call upon prestigious experts in almost any field.
All this trash talk about Trump's decision making is absolute nonsense.
We all know the vast majority of media outlets hate Trump and will slant everything he does in a negative light.

Of coure he doesn't, but as President he gets to choose his advisors and throughout his life he's gone for 'yes men'. He throws a tantrum when anyone disagrees with him and fires them. So while he may have experts 'advising' him 90% of the time those experts will have been chosen because they agree with what he wants. If they don't he'll get rid of them and bring in someone who will. So essentially it will be what Trump wants/thinks, or something very close to it.


Well-Known Member
Does everyone really think Trump decides on all his courses of action just by himself?
Just a coincidence that the countries that were left off his travel ban were ones with Trump properties? Also a coincidence that there has been little testing in the US until Oscar Health got up to speed, the same Oscar health whose founder and major stockholder is Joshia Kushner, Jared's brother?

All the people around Trump are family members anyway, despite them not being elected, qualified or security cleared.


Well-Known Member
And how do you he threws a tantrum? Were you in the meetings in the White House?

Far too many leaks/reports of this happening for it not to have any truth. A lot of tweets criticising others are effectively tantrums because those people won't do or say what he wants. People he had complete faith in a week ago are suddenly 'failed', 'corrupt','stupid' or 'fake'

He's used to getting his own way and has been since a small child. So he still acts like that.

Cov City Daytrader 87

Well-Known Member
Far too many leaks/reports of this happening for it not to have any truth. A lot of tweets criticising others are effectively tantrums because those people won't do or say what he wants. People he had complete faith in a week ago are suddenly 'failed', 'corrupt','stupid' or 'fake'

He's used to getting his own way and has been since a small child. So he still acts like that.

And I wouldn't be surprised that those leaks were from disgruntled former employees, who realised that their time of doing nothing to help the country and collecting their cheque was up. Now of course they're saying things like: 'He's this and that'. Therefore a huge clear out had to take place. If you want talk about a bully try John Bolton.


Well-Known Member
And I wouldn't be surprised that those leaks were from disgruntled former employees, who realised that their time of doing nothing to help the country and collecting their cheque was up. Now of course they're saying things like: 'He's this and that'. Therefore a huge clear out had to take place. If you want talk about a bully try John Bolton.

it goes back way beyond his time in office into his business days. I'm sure there are plenty with an axe to grind but also no longer worrying about their jobs they have a freedom to say how he truly is. Common theme always seems to be Trump.

Glad your not in charge of wrongful dismissal tribunals "Disgruntled employee. Next!"

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
Does everyone really think Trump decides on all his courses of action just by himself?
He has a team advisors working with him just like any politician around the world.
The US can call upon prestigious experts in almost any field.
All this trash talk about Trump's decision making is absolute nonsense.
We all know the vast majority of media outlets hate Trump and will slant everything he does in a negative light.
Stop watching fox news

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