Trump is my favourite comedian of the year already (18 Viewers)

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Tbf from what I see on social media trump wins anyway 😂, the amount of rallys that have been held recently for trump rallys just show, as he got in last time the silent mostly vote trump, only the freaks of nature that identifie as well what ever they like go for Biden, there was also a rally recently for blank trump supporters because apparently trump supporters are racist 😂. Then you've got Biden attending kkk former leader and blessing his life ect. Just a joke.

Bernie Sanders got way more at his rallies than Biden ever did but still lost hopelessly. He's lost the two time Obama voters who simply hated Hillary Clinton more


He needs to win all of them plus Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio amongst others. He needs a bigger swing in the polls than he managed in 2016 when he still actually lost by 3 million votes. It's not impossible but very, very unlikely. As the primary showed if anything Biden could well exceed his own numbers
Well when I wake up tomorrow I’ll find out the results - i wouldn’t be this excited by UK politics. I don’t like any of the parties! Voted Lib Dem last time round.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Well when I wake up tomorrow I’ll find out the results - i wouldn’t be this excited by UK politics. I don’t like any of the parties! Voted Lib Dem last time round.

Likewise. I went to uni with a lot of Americans so got into their politics that way, then more closely since Bernie's first failed run at the primary. If not because the state of politics over here is so shit


Well-Known Member
He needs to win all of them plus Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio amongst others. He needs a bigger swing in the polls than he managed in 2016 when he still actually lost by 3 million votes. It's not impossible but very, very unlikely. As the primary showed if anything Biden could well exceed his own numbers
According to the “excellent” Dan Hodges Trumps team are seriously concerned over Pennsylvania. And although he seems to be winning in Florida he isn’t running away with it and Biden is having late gains which have Trumps team nervously looking over their shoulders.


Well-Known Member
Would much rather trump if I was an American, Biden can’t seem to put 2 sentences together defiantly not fit to run the most powerful country in the world.....can see it being close tho Florida will be crucial

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Would much rather trump if I was an American, Biden can’t seem to put 2 sentences together defiantly not fit to run the most powerful country in the world.....can see it being close tho Florida will be crucial

it's really not crucial

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Also, don't pay too much attention to us exit polls as they are massively skewed by the fact they only ask on election day and people have been voting heavily for a while

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
According to the “excellent” Dan Hodges Trumps team are seriously concerned over Pennsylvania. And although he seems to be winning in Florida he isn’t running away with it and Biden is having late gains which have Trumps team nervously looking over their shoulders.

It's going to lurch one way then the other as the mail-in ballots tend to be skewed towards the Democrats and on the day ballots towards the Republicans. Which is why Trump has been trying quite hard to close off a large number of mail votes from being counted. He knows if everyone who wanted to vote actually got it counted he'd lose easily


Well-Known Member
Tbf from what I see on social media trump wins anyway 😂, the amount of rallys that have been held recently for trump rallys just show, as he got in last time the silent mostly vote trump, only the freaks of nature that identifie as well what ever they like go for Biden, there was also a rally recently for blank trump supporters because apparently trump supporters are racist 😂. Then you've got Biden attending kkk former leader and blessing his life ect. Just a joke.

Spoken like a true Corbynista circa 2019


Well-Known Member
People do forget the anti-Hilary Clinton sentiment in the last American election.

She did win the popular vote but her support was at the lowest where it was needed, in the swing states.

I can see if the Democrats do win this then they will need to shake up the American Constitution. However, ask any sitting political party to change the way they are elected then it is mostly a no, no. This is because most politicians are self serving assholes who shouldn't be anywhere near power.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
People do forget the anti-Hilary Clinton sentiment in the last American election.

She did win the popular vote but her support was at the lowest where it was needed, in the swing states.

I can see if the Democrats do win this then they will need to shake up the American Constitution. However, ask any sitting political party to change the way they are elected then it is mostly a no, no. This is because most politicians are self serving assholes who shouldn't be anywhere near power.

They would be better served trying to grant statehood to DC and Puerto Rico to tip the demographics in their favour.


Well-Known Member
They would be better served trying to grant statehood to DC and Puerto Rico to tip the demographics in their favour.

I was thinking more of shaking up the electorial college to one person one vote. The Senate to be non politically alligned (as it is meant to be). A re-writing of the Bill of Rights that actually gives a bollocks about Individual Rights. The Supreme Court also needs a shake up with a larger pool of voices to choose from.

That will keep them going for the first 100 days.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Think he means Trump shouldn’t even be in contention in a sane country

People are getting panicky as they don't seem to grasp a lot of the early counts don't include early voting and there was around 100 million eqrly votes.

This is why I said it'll be a mess until morning

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Biden maintaining a 3 point lead in Florida going up to 75% of the vote in
Trump people reckon Florida theirs. Very fearful it’ll be closer than it should be. Only 14% thinking covid most important issue is bizarre. Same percentage think the vote won’t be counted fairly in the exit poll. Crazy

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Trump people reckon Florida theirs. Very fearful it’ll be closer than it should be. Only 14% thinking covid most important issue is bizarre. Same percentage think the vote won’t be counted fairly in the exit poll. Crazy

democrats are confident as well. But as I said Florida is not crucial to Biden

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
going to bed but i'd say michigan, penn, wisconsin, ohio and north carolina are the states to watch.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone noticed how bored Andrew Neil looks more than normally.

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