What winds me up is some (not all) who vanish when the opportunity is there to actually do something. it may be futile, but not even an attempt because it's easier to be proved right when you don't try to change things.
I understand there are reasons and not everybody can do everything all the time. Hell, I remember being keen they organised something at Arsenal away when we were at Northampton... and then realising I was on holiday and couldn't go myself(!)
But... that made me feel pretty feeble and inept, calling on others to do something, doing nothing myself, and not even trying. You (in the general sense! Not you specifically!) expect half a dozen beleaguered goons to be mindreaders, to carry the hopes of thousands on their shoulders, and be supermen when at the end of the day they're well-meaning volunteers who stuff up half the time. And half the time it's because they don't have the expertise or skillset (I don't mean this as a criticism, there's much I can't do in life

) but nobody comes forward to help either.
People on here wanted a Wasps protest? They got one, and attendance was diabolical and we all wandered around scratching our arses.
People on here wanted the opportunity to feed back about the direction the trust was going? They got it. We went, we were listened to. How much? Who knows, but I'm not going to condemn people without giving them a chance. I'm also realistic enough to know that change doesn't happen instantly, evolution rather than revolution. But we were listened to because we made the effort. Had we not done so, and left it to the SISU Out and only SISU Out, whatever it takes in terms of other parties... then that's the direction trust policy would go. Expecting change while not meeting halfway and encouraging change, talking about change, and pushing for it just won't happen and it's daft to expect it to.
Do I expect a revolution? Nope. Do I think it's easy to moan without actually sticking your head above the parapit? Yep.