True, and had they not moved us out of Coventry I might still be of that belief.
I also thought my ex was a great girl until she cheated, new information changes minds (well normal, educated ones anyway).
Doesn't really have anything to do with my point though does it? Just another in the long list of your posts that offer no solutions, in fact no opinions whatsoever for then you would have to face your biggest fear of not being able to pretend that you are some perfect human with the ability to see the future. Then you couldn't take the piss so much and might have to actually enter a proper debate.
And we can't have that can we? Not when there's snark to be posted.
Offered many opinions, on owners, managers, players and the like over the years.
Fortunately never had to revisit them and pretend that I never held those views in the first place or thought that I was "misled" like some child who hasn't yet achieved the ability to reason for themselves.
Can offer no solutions as there aren't any solutions, once they were welcomed in it's just been a case of waiting for the eventual end-game, whatever that may be.
Neither you, I, Whistling Willie or anybody else can have the slightest effect.