Try The All New Happy CCFC Post (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Sick of Sisu - Yes
Worried about the clubs future - Yes
Dont have a clue about income streams, nor give a damn and sick of hearing people speculating about them - Yes
Oh so fekking tired, and I mean so very tired, of Pro/Anti Thorn threads - Yes
No longer have Ken Dulieus Orange permatan to laugh at - Yes

Well if like me you answered yes to all these questions, feel free to join the all new Happy CCFC post where you can post anything remotely happy about the club.

I appreciate there wont be much so here for starters, I will say how happy I am that today the the sky is the colour of our home kit. Hooray!

Go on try the new happy post, eight out of ten owners said their cats prefered it (for all you younger posters you wont understand that quote)

Now time for my tablet and a lie down! :D :whistle:


Well-Known Member
Fook off you hippy trippy smiley, smirking bastard!!

You cut me deep Otis. Just sick of the negativity and only p*ssing around.

Perhaps it would be better if I had started another Thorn thread


Super Moderator
This Weather must be doing wonders for the Ricoh pitch (or it would be if there wasn't covers over it in readyness for the coldplay gig).


Facebook User
We can still go to Hooters pre-match in Nottingham !! :D:claping hands:


Well-Known Member
Assuming we don't get liquidated I don't think it's all that bad.
League 1...bring it on, I'm looking forward to it.
Everything is relative.
You can't tell me that a Man City fan enjoyed that last minute Premiereship (or whatever the hell they call it now) win any more than I enjoyed staying up at Spurs in 97 which was incredible.
Or Man Utd in the cup a few years back (mifsud and all that).
Both of those days were as good as it gets, I couldn't have been any happier on those 2 days.
It's all about the experience not the level of success.
In my opininon the complete joy at the moment of victory is the same regardless of the level of success.

The only differences between us an Man City fans is what we write on our club merchandise such as scarfs and mugs:

Man City - Premeirship Winners 2012
Coventry City -Stayed up at Spurs in '97 and beat Man Utd* at Old Trafford some time a few years back. (*reserves)

A spurs 97 or Man U away in the cup can still happen anytime, can't wait for the next one.
Yes yes yes and yes, the club is a complete mess but its our club and I can't wait for next season to start....if your all off to bescot clap your hands


Well-Known Member
I've had lots of beer and am very optimistic on having lots more. Not very optimistic on being able to spell correctly for much longer though as I keep hitting the wrong keys


Well-Known Member
I'm wearing my Germany 1:5 England T-Shirt today.
Not Cov related but still makes me feel damn good even after 11 years.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
I've said it enough times. I see this as an opportunity to put the club on the right footing and start enjoying some relative success perhaps.
That will serve us well like it has so many other clubs recently, including Man City not so far back.


Well-Known Member
I am told new strips look superb - Sky Blue home and interesting away colour combo. Badge had reverted to old one and City Link logo is in white, although that was a last minute change as they had been insisting on corporate colours. Luckily they had a change of boss who agreed with Cov's commercial dept and back to white it went. Not sure if badge is white or in traditional colours.


Facebook User
Were winning with Bell, were winning with Bell...How shit must you be?
were winning with Bell :D


Well-Known Member
Yes yes yes and yes, the club is a complete mess but its our club and I can't wait for next season to start....if your all off to bescot clap your hands

Surely you mean, all off to Bescot to hand over the clap?


Well-Known Member
Let's dance to Joy Seppala,
And celebrate the irony,
Everything is going wrong,
But we're so happy,
Let's dance to Joy Seppala,
And raise our glass to the ceiling,
'Cos this could all go so wrong,
But we're so happy,
Yeah we're SO HAPPY.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Maybe we should ditch the Sky Blue Song and just warble and whistle Always Look On The Bright Side of Life


Well-Known Member
I'm going to spend every single second of next season bouncing up and down and inanely singing, Happy Happy Joy Joy, Happy Happy Joy Joy, Happy Happy Joy Joy, Happy Happy Joy Joy...


New Member
We've probably got the best stadium in the league !


Well-Known Member
What about Seasons in the Sun by Terry Jacks.

"We have Joy we have fun, we are playing at Preston"


Well-Known Member
Cameron. Harris Clarke, Bigi, Thomas, Cody (if he is still here) Clarke, Hussey, Christie, Ruffles, Sheff, Bell, Baker, Deegan, Platt

Maybe good even possibly very good at this level.

Sign another 7/8 players loans and freebies we will stay up, or if they are good signings we may go up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
'Let's all get pissed together, get drunk Sky Blues, while we are here, there'd better be booze! Stella or Carling, Fosters or Budweiser, we shall all down it, staying till closing time. Piss up! Piss up! Piss up!'

Sumo the Micky Quinn

Well-Known Member
Canarian Day next week (last working day in May).

My kids have just tried on their Canarian Clothes for school.
Happy because, they have grown alot in the last year, I don't have to fork out around 40 euro each on new clothes for the one day a year. Not doing too badly as they have lasted the last 4 years.


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