Two Tone 3rd Kit? (Again) (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
It's a bit...basic isn't it. Like, all those twitter pages that do concept kits and absolutely the smash the ball out of the park and we get a white shirt with a black and white tramline on it.*

*Prob still get it but at a reduced price


Well-Known Member
It's ok. If it weren't for the first one I'd probably think it was pretty good.

It's just a bit too white for two-tone. And the strips look a bit like someone's been run-over.

Not sure why they didn't take the half/half design for the away kit of the last two seasons and do them in black and white with alternate sleeves. Quarters would look pretty good too, but possibly a bit rugby-ish.

I wish they'd done a two-tone version of the blue/yellow ones from a couple of seasons ago.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't get on with the neckline on the original 2 tone shirt, this will suit my turkey neck much more


Well-Known Member
It's ok. If it weren't for the first one I'd probably think it was pretty good.

It's just a bit too white for two-tone. And the strips look a bit like someone's been run-over.

Not sure why they didn't take the half/half design for the away kit of the last two seasons and do them in black and white with alternate sleeves. Quarters would look pretty good too, but possibly a bit rugby-ish.

I wish they'd done a two-tone version of the blue/yellow ones from a couple of seasons ago.
Nah that would look too much like one of these


Well-Known Member
It's ok, but now we've got two white kits and an away that's last year's one in different colours. Feels like diminishing returns after the first year so far


Well-Known Member
Wish it was inverted colours with white stripes.

As Ricoh Return kit bloody white as well.

Like I said earlier no fucking joined up thinking from Hummel or club.

Away kit same as last year, now 3rd and 4th kits the same colour!!

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Well-Known Member
Has anyone here got the Home and Away shirts this season? Are they both the same size model? I've got the home in medium and it's pretty big, wondered if the away and therefore the third is the same.


Well-Known Member
Wish it was inverted colours with white stripes.

As Ricoh Return kit bloody white as well.

Like I said earlier no fucking joined up thinking from Hummel or club.

Away kit same as last year, now 3rd and 4th kits the same colour!!

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I guess having a white temple is cheaper to print on than colour. So costs of kits come down.

But feels like the Ricoh return shirt should have been a different colour.


Well-Known Member
Got the stupid round collar and presumably made of the same cheap Material as the home kit.

If Sizing like the home ,which I presume it is, then it’ll be all over the place.

I wish we had an avenue to properly feedback to Hummel as this years home strip mightily disappointing in quality and build.

3rd kit could have been so much better.

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What are you on about? The material on this season's shirt is much better than last year's. The material makes the shape of the shirt so much better. Last year's was a really thick horrible material.


Well-Known Member
Like the design, hate the collar.
Wish they’d do a small batch of last years two-tone kit again so I could get my hands on one ☹


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here got the Home and Away shirts this season? Are they both the same size model? I've got the home in medium and it's pretty big, wondered if the away and therefore the third is the same.

I’ve got home and away this year, both in medium and they’re the exact same stretchy loose fit. Would imagine it’ll be the same with the 2 Tone

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Well-Known Member
Aren’t we running out of retro kits to reference? Looking forward to the 98/99 away shirt rehash with purple and yellow stripes and a giant circle on the back where the number should be.

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