Up to nine friendlies now!!! (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Just clocked on the OFFAL we have Wrexham away,the old team bus is going to be putting a few miles on the clock this pre-season,hope they've paid Harry Shaw.Be good as tthey're all away to get the old monkey off the back,but fear for injuries playing this many.


Well-Known Member
Hope we aren't overdoing it, I guess Thorn will want the youth players to get as much experience as possible even if it is only friendlies before the season starts.

Deleted member 4232

Going to be knackered before a ball is officially kicked! :s


Well-Known Member
looks like they will keep the kids , i mean the first team busy in the school summer holidays:)
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Well-Known Member
no excuses for anyone hopefully

to be fair to cody he started scoring near end of season and i think he will do well this season


Well-Known Member
Shame it's a Tuesday missus' family live that way and would have been a good day on the lash with the Wrexham lads I know.


Is it not a bad idea this many we could pick up injuries and then where would we be 18th instead of 17th


Chief Commentator!
I originally posted on the previous post when it was 8 saying I didn't see the issue. But since then I have thought that it is a little excessive. And now with a 9th I do fear we are going to be burning players out before we even start! Especially with our cup game being before the first game of the season and is only just having enough players for an 11 v 11 game!

I do hope AT knows what he's setting us up for!

Wonder how the new fitness guy feels about so many matches.


Well-Known Member
Could also be away of giving the first teams new players games (going to arrive at different times of pre-season training/games (could be a clue as to when players will come in (the better ones later on to save on wages?))).. This way they all get to play pre-season games. The kids will play the other games (experiance they need considering they are now such a big part of the squad will be gained).Yes it will tire them out BUT in league 1 their are more games to be played than in the championship so maybe all these games so soon to each other will prepare them well. (remember that if we do well next season, then we will be playing league games, JPT games, FA Cup a round earlier etc so we need a squad who CAN play several games a week. Oh and the Capital One Cup as we wil be entering that early also. To me the JPT will be the reserve team, but the FA Cup and Capital One Cup will be played by mainly first team players as if we go through a couple of rounds that will give the club much needed funds.


New Member
I'm hoping they take the JPT reasonably seriously! It's probably our most realistic chance of silverware!!!


Well-Known Member
Are we playing Leamington away again? I fancy the annual bike ride to The New Windmill, lungs allowing.

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