Yes, definately the way it came across was like well, 6 people have been killed but that helps you're more funds for the police doesn't it? The girl didn't say it, but she was clearly hoping for Corbyn to mention public sector cuts.
On the other side of the coin, May has been pretty decisive outside number 10 - "enough is enough" - rather than wallow in oh its a shame, those poor people, she seems to be savvy enough to grab the situation by the nuts and give a positive response which can't hurt her stance.
Thought she came across extremely well.
More prime ministerial than in the rest of her campaign.
Hopefully now words will be followed by actions. Ban sharia law, end school segregation and deal with those who preach or promote hate.
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More prime ministerial than in the rest of her campaign.
Hopefully now words will be followed by actions. Ban sharia law, end school segregation and deal with those who preach or promote hate.
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She counts those at the root of the issue as her friends.
Unlike Mr Corbyn of course who ALWAYS has sided with Britains enemies at home and abroad.
What would Corbyn do? Invite the perpetrators found for tea and sandwiches and say "now now don't do it again"
Unlike Mr Corbyn of course who ALWAYS has sided with Britains enemies at home and abroad.
What would Corbyn do? Invite the perpetrators found for tea and sandwiches and say "now now don't do it again"
He may take a stand against religion. I hope someone has the balls to admit that there isn't a wizard in the sky and start reducing the influence of religion. The Tory party led by a vicars daughter will never do that.
Brilliant. So the uk becomes an atheist state - meanwhile Islam is practiced still all over the world but the terrorists - and will still here and achieving their objective of closing down Christianity. Smart move.
That doesn't alter anything regarding our dealing with the funding of them by whoever is funding them does it?the difference with the IRA and ETA and the like is they had a clear objective whether people agreed with it or not. Islamists don't seem to have a clear objective other than a hatred of Shia muslims and the west and the destruction of both.
So we should be dealing with the wahhabist...not the mosque which is where the wider peaceful members of the community go to worship. They don't all become influenced or believe the wahhabists you know? Bit like you probably with Paul Nuttall or whoeverWho gives a fuck? People going to Saudi funded mosques listening to wahhabist preaching are part of the problem. If they want to hear that they should go and live in Saudi where stone-aged belief is the norm.
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A secular state. A state which taxes religion and cannot be referred to as a crusader state trying to impose Christianity on others. It is possible to have a secular state whilst allowing religion, but not encouraging or subventioning religion.
We cannot stop the world believing in crap, but we can set ourselves apart from it.
We may even be less of a target by being religiously neutral.
I would treat all religions equally- so not destroying Christianity to replace it with another bullshit religion.
But think about it...if you fully identify the paths the funds take from the beginning to the people that perpetrate these horrors - telling them openly we know who you are simply means they find an alternative route anyway. Knowing the information without publicising it means you can deal with it at various points & disrupt operations. I think they call it itelligence & spies & all that..?She is a hypocrite. She should release the recent investigation into Saudi funding of these vile twats
The totty!Also, they keep going on about "dont let this affect us", "they wont win" and "stand together". Yet they circulate this
Exactly what you should be looking and thinking at when going for a beer with your mates on a Saturday night. That's showing ISIS again.
Excellent! So you agree dialogue is the way forward. Just like Corbyn's stance really, but you've accused him of being a terrorist sympathiser by trying to engage with them? Even knowing that the Tories did exactly that but behind closed doors.Thought she came across extremely well.
A small pocket sized can of deodorant would do enough to permit a swift kick in the nuts. Put some under your arms too while you're at it, SmellyTime for a batch of home made pepper spray! Not much good against a bomb but might stop a nutter with a knife
How many so called 'Christians' would actually give a shit though?Brilliant. So the uk becomes an atheist state - meanwhile Islam is practiced still all over the world but the terrorists - and will still here and achieving their objective of closing down Christianity. Smart move.
A small pocket sized can of deodorant would do enough to permit a swift kick in the nuts. Put some under your arms too while you're at it, Smelly
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We don't impose Christianity on others.
It's just another example of our soft approach to the issue. I can't pretend to have interest in religion but the country has a constitutional faith. Erode that and the terror states are starting to achieve their goals.
The indigenous faith should of course have preference and advantages. C of E schools should remain.
How long before we hear they have been released without charge?Multiple arrests in East London, not a huge surprise. It's about as close to an independent country as you can get there
That doesn't alter anything regarding our dealing with the funding of them by whoever is funding them does it?
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Completely has corbyn got to do with this?
Unity and love achieves nothing. This country is soft and easy target. too many people too scared to speak the truth. All this under the name of allah.
Gosh military police state here we come!! Not in my nameIt is damage limitation but there has to be some response
Armed police is a must
The police have to be allowed a shoot to kill policy for people acting suspiciously
Immediate ban on immigration from certain countries
More importantly an immediate ban on visiting those countries and refusal of entry back into the U.K. If this is breached unless permission is given beforehand.
If there are 23,000 suspects then immediate passport withdrawal and a blanket travel ban for them and their immediate families.
What does saying love London etc do against terrorists?Completely disagree.