Wasps going into admin & the impact on CCFC (38 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member
It’s a myth that SISU do not have any money.

If they don’t at least attempt to buy the ground then what is the point? All the court action etc is for nothing. They have to be making some kind of move, if not for the arena then putting the club up for sale.

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Im not so sure. I don’t get the impression they’ve got loads of spare cash. whether they can raise some to fund something like the stadium purchase, who knows

Agree that this is a time for them to put up or shut up (and piss off) though


Don’t get me wrong, I can’t see how they could not make a bid for the arena at around £35 million and then talk about spending a similar amount on a new build unicorn.

Why would somebody bid £35m when the lease isn't worth that?


Well-Known Member
Why would somebody bid £35m when the lease isn't worth that?
I don’t suppose any of us have any idea what the best part of a 250 year lease is worth. £35m would see the bondholders off on their merry way though.


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Cllr male, cllr Semen. There’s a joke in there somewhere….


Well-Known Member
Im not so sure. I don’t get the impression they’ve got loads of spare cash. whether they can raise some to fund something like the stadium purchase, who knows

Agree that this is a time for them to put up or shut up (and piss off) though
Firstly no one is going to bid for the cbs until it’s gone into admin. That’s tripe talk from the administrator and he knows it. You can tell what type of guy he is already in his first interview.

Secondly SISU will bid for the cbs but you know and I know they won’t have the capital to win the bid and will use the we tried but we’re out bid to save face.


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Well-Known Member
Now cllr Brown…. a Rolf Harris look alike


Ridley is on one about a loan to Tom White calling them out about Due Diligence and suing them and being "sold a pup"


Well-Known Member
They couldn't get finance on it..

That would be more the risk of the company defaulting than the lease value - I suspect anyway the HSBC loan was also associated with other consortium finance and far more in total than £35m


Well-Known Member
They couldn't get finance on it..
almost certainly not commercially, would existing investors stump up more if combining the club and the arena could lead to a sale? As someone else has posted, I would imagine that bidders will wait until it ends up being a fire sale under administration.


"A classic example of why local government shouldn't be sticking their noses in with businesses"


Well-Known Member
Firstly no one is going to bid for the cbs until it’s gone into admin. That’s tripe talk from the administrator and he knows it. You can tell what type of guy he is already in his first interview.

Secondly SISU will bid for the cbs but you know and I know they won’t have the capital to win the bid and will use the we tried but we’re out bid to save face.

Agree about parties probably only wanting to buy the stadium/long lease once the company’s gone into administration but the sale can be lined up during the accelerated sale process and completed as soon as company enters administration (pre-pack). So I’d imagine there will already be various discussions happening with interested parties on that basis.


He is just mumbling and now talking about party politics

haha CCC open and honest

Wow, he has absolutely fuck all.

"If this helps the local economy and climate change then we should do it"

In regards to bailing out Tom White. Fucking hell.

I really don't trust him when it comes to bailing out Wasps.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
This is an
O'Boyle has fuck all to say back in response.

Ridley is up to 8/10 on the match thread.

He sent me a very smarmy email back in 2014 when he said that selling to Wasps was fully consistent with Labour Party values. Wish I still had it

The Philosopher

Well-Known Member
I don’t suppose any of us have any idea what the best part of a 250 year lease is worth. £35m would see the bondholders off on their merry way though.
It depends on the cost of money and the likely revenue streams.

Up until recently the cost of borrowing was cheap. For the sake of fag packet maths £35m might have cost 2.5 over base- call it 3% total, let’s say £1m per year.

Gov bonds yielded less so finance houses like HSBC might have refinanced ACL as part of their investment spread. This is on the basis that CCFC with rent and the add ons related brought in £1m (fagpacket again) plus any income from hotel, conferences etc., less running costs.

With CCFC paying rent it might be that ACL was potentially able to service a finance cost to HSBC of £1m per year (fagpacket).

Think how a buy to let mortgage works - kinda like that.

Now interest rates are going up it looks like HSBC needed to move the Rugby posts (pun) and £1m needed to become £2m with a line of uncertainty that it might become 3 or 4 or 5m and not workable.


Wow, watching this about Tom White. I can see how the Wasps shite went through.

The way Labour are defending it.

"Ridley: We shouldn't be piling more tax payer cash into a business that isn't making money"
"O'Boyle and Innes: Yeah but Lizz Truss"

Who the fuck is this Lakha bloke? Off his head. Just ranted in broken English "we should move on and just support a bailout".


Well-Known Member
What's going on then? What are these slippery cunts upto now?

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What's going on then? What are these slippery cunts upto now?

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Was on about a bailout for Tom White.

Ridley has had their pants down again about Labour Cllrs who are suspended for Anti Semitism but are still on licencing committees.
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