Did he really ! What a ******* turncoat!Ah yes Alan ex Coventry Rugby season ticket holder who changed to Wasps
Effected every professional sports team.COVID
If they owe HMRC then they were paying wages the business couldn't afford regardless of salary cap
Effected every professional sports team.
How many non-sports businesses have gone to the wall because they couldn't get help/breathing space? Where's the help for so many other hospitality/conferenceing/hotel businesses that struggled or failed?
How many other businesses could have got away with the salary reductions Rugby did? If they owe HMRC then they were paying wages the business couldn't afford regardless of salary cap - just because it's x million doesn't mean they had to spend the limit if the business couldn't afford it.
Let's look at the finances over previous 5 years or even since they took over the Arena.
Let them look at why the bond was so large - as a significant percentage was to repay personal loans to the person still running the business.
Let them look at an industry overall where few clubs are making money even pre-COVID.
Don’t you dare mention the council, Shmee will be all over you like a bad suitI’m still waiting for someone to present me with a valid reason why I should hate the Wasps and not SISU/the council
I’m still waiting for someone to present me with a valid reason why I should hate the Wasps and not SISU/the council
Why do you need to be so discerning?You can hate them all. There’s enough hate to go round.I’m still waiting for someone to present me with a valid reason why I should hate the Wasps and not SISU/the council
“What a scummy man” you areYou will when the sun goes down...it'll be your favourite worst nightmare
My problem with a lot (not all, obviously) of them is that they categorise all football fans as inferior human beings, and they have some sort of higher moral compass, and are on a different level intellectually. Never held much truck with those sort of people.
I doubt that that tweet reflects the real opinion of the people who run CRFC somehow.
I doubt that that tweet reflects the real opinion of the people who run CRFC somehow.
And on top of that...rugby in general makes my blood boil with things like how they react to play acting, Suarezs bite, Zidanes headbutt and how rugby is much more civilised than football.
Spear tackles, eye gouging, testical twisting, punching, close lines. Fuck off with your moral highground bollocks. Pricks.
SISU are here because they were the only party the council would deal with re: the Ricoh in 2007.I’m still waiting for someone to present me with a valid reason why I should hate the Wasps and not SISU/the council
And on top of that...rugby in general makes my blood boil with things like how they react to play acting, Suarezs bite, Zidanes headbutt and how rugby is much more civilised than football.
Spear tackles, eye gouging, testical twisting, punching, close lines. Fuck off with your moral highground bollocks. Pricks.
......and the reports of steroid use in some independent schools by aspiring rugby playersAh yes, that rugby community with its d
Talking of blood, what about bloodgate?
Bloodgate - Wikipedia
Is it actually due in any meaningful way? The bond has passed the redemption date, isn't it now just wasps promising to keep paying interest rather than a requirement?When is the next bond interest payment due, can't see how they're going to pay it.
People who play rugby were no good at football as kids ,and I think it goes for their supporters too. Rubbish at sport and don't really understand it.
It's true that loads of people play/watch multiple sports. However I've always found those special sorts that ONLY like Rugby to be very strange.This kind of thing, I don't get. If you don't like the sport, fair enough, but this simply isn't true.
I went to a school, and definitely not a posh one, where we played football and rugby. Funnily enough a lot of the lads who were good at rugby were good at football too (and tennis and hockey and most other sports, annoyingly).
To say they don't understand sport is rubbish and frankly, arrogant.
Basically, you play and watch what you enjoy. I was pretty crap at everything, but probably marginally better at rugby. I played football though, because that's what I enjoyed more. I still do, fwiw, but it doesn't mean I need to make stuff up to justify that choice. A lot of my mates played rugby, that was their choice.
They didn't make those choices because they don't understand sport. Like music, people just like different things.
And on top of that...rugby in general makes my blood boil with things like how they react to play acting, Suarezs bite, Zidanes headbutt and how rugby is much more civilised than football.
Spear tackles, eye gouging, testical twisting, punching, close lines. Fuck off with your moral highground bollocks. Pricks.
Not sure any sport can claim a moral high ground. Cheating scandals, drug scandals, player behaviour seem to be across so many sportsAnd on top of that...rugby in general makes my blood boil with things like how they react to play acting, Suarezs bite, Zidanes headbutt and how rugby is much more civilised than football.
Spear tackles, eye gouging, testical twisting, punching, close lines. Fuck off with your moral highground bollocks. Pricks.
People who play rugby were no good at football as kids ,and I think it goes for their supporters too. Rubbish at sport and don't really understand it.
I take this as tongue in cheek or under the influence of too much cider. I went to school in Rugby, 7 miles from Coventry, and guess what? The game was invented there. They are both sports that millions of people enjoy, BOTH of them. I really can't understand this hatred of rugby.
As for disrespect, a few years ago on this site, many people were suggesting CCFC build a stadium on the Butts. There was no mention of CRFC and how they would survive, people on here didn't even think about that, possibly in the same way Wasp fans were viewing the Ricoh.
I am a season ticket holder for CCFC and CRFC because I love both sports and enjoy the company of both sets of fans.
I take this as tongue in cheek or under the influence of too much cider. I went to school in Rugby, 7 miles from Coventry, and guess what? The game was invented there. They are both sports that millions of people enjoy, BOTH of them. I really can't understand this hatred of rugby.
As for disrespect, a few years ago on this site, many people were suggesting CCFC build a stadium on the Butts. There was no mention of CRFC and how they would survive, people on here didn't even think about that, possibly in the same way Wasp fans were viewing the Ricoh.
I am a season ticket holder for CCFC and CRFC because I love both sports and enjoy the company of both sets of fans.
I’m not sure, but I think they would be in even deeper shit, and a lot earlier, if they hadn’t promised it and don’t keep that promise.Is it actually due in any meaningful way? The bond has passed the redemption date, isn't it now just wasps promising to keep paying interest rather than a requirement?
Yes they've always paid it, but will they next time, just wondering when it's next dueIs it actually due in any meaningful way? The bond has passed the redemption date, isn't it now just wasps promising to keep paying interest rather than a requirement?
Yes they've always paid it, but will they next time, just wondering when it's next due