Wasps going into admin & the impact on CCFC (9 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member
What amazes me that wasps fans are adamant they should have a no fault insolvency. So keep the p share and so on.

They really need to get the idea covid killed them out of their heads and actually bother to read the club finances


Well-Known Member
Let's face it good people, this is what happens when you don't have the greatest of people as councillors.

We so need new people to put themselves forward that the likes of Lucas et al., and the machinery that was behind her to do this, wouldn't even be considered as a look in for councillor material today.

Unfortunately, the people and machinery is still there in various disguises. What Coventry Labour needs is a complete break with the past.

Thank you for your service, but Coventry is no further forward than it was 30 years ago compared to other cities.

What the fuck have you been doing in power all this time for the betterment of Coventry?


Well-Known Member
But the council were trying to get Wasps through the door at the same time as negotiating to sell the lease to CCFC back in 2012. So it’s not as simple as saying SISU left the door open.

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Its pretty obvious that at some point back in the mists of time someone or a group of people at the council started to like the idea of Wasps coming to Coventry. How that came about, what conversations took place, we may never know, but from that point certain individuals at the council have bent over backwards to get Wasps here, totally willing to shaft both CCFC and CRFC in the process. There is a very strong whiff of double dealing.


What amazes me that wasps fans are adamant they should have a no fault insolvency. So keep the p share and so on.

They really need to get the idea covid killed them out of their heads and actually bother to read the club finances

They really have no clue. Some still think that HMRC went back on their word and demanded money.


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Well-Known Member
When we’re talking about how we came to not have security, quite a bit.

Not really. Our lease was irrelevant to the council selling ACL shares to wasps holdings - they could have done that regardless of our absurdly expensive lease at the time


Well-Known Member
Third time now so I’ll leave it if you don’t want to address it but you’ve spent a long time yourself claiming the deal was done well before then, it was certainly done at least a month or two prior I’d imagine.

The fact remains if we’d never left they’d never have come.

And the fact remains that deal was done in secret, with elected officers literally lying about it, and no one other than Wasps was ever offered the same deal as they were.

We've been down this road a few times, so I'm not going there again either, but to paint the council as not a big part of where we are today is to completely ignore the facts.

I will leave it at that though, where we'd probably agree is that this has been done to death elsewhere!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's entirely possible to despise Wasps for turning up, despise CCC for arranging a sale to an out of town sports club... but also despise SISU for actions that left us without a home. That in itself would have been fine if their promised Plan A of a new ground had shown any sign of actually happening! As it is, they've managed to be negligent on that too, and managed to play fast and loose with our club on that, too!

That's a whole lot of despising... I'm in! 😁


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's entirely possible to despise Wasps for turning up, despise CCC for arranging a sale to an out of town sports club... but also despise SISU for actions that left us without a home. That in itself would have been fine if their promised Plan A of a new ground had shown any sign of actually happening! As it is, they've managed to be negligent on that too, and managed to play fast and loose with our club on that, too!

I find Sisus actions distasteful for several reasons, including personal and political, I think Wasps have been run by a bunch of cunts but don’t blame their fans for that, and I think CCC have made mistakes when trying to protect themselves from a litigious opponent who can’t be trusted, not least jumping out the frying pan into the fire in terms of sporting partners.

But ultimately, on this board, I’m a CCFC fan. And the fact is we had a secure ground. We couldn’t afford it due to the level we were playing at, and the deal needed to be renegotiated. But the tactics we chose to do that were entirely our own choice.

We gambled that we held all the cards and could throw away our right to play at the Ricoh to enable us to either renegotiate the rent or buy on the cheap. If it had worked as a CCFC fan I’d have taken the win regardless of my moral complaints.

But it didn’t.

We’ve paid more in losses and rent than we’ve saved and we’re ten years in and no further towards a ground of our own. And now the ground it up for grabs again and likely because of the very severed link between ground and club that we’ve created it’s getting interest which means a bargain purchase is unlikely.

All this would be fine as some 4D chess if Sisu actually sell the club now, and finally in some fucked up wat they can claim to have reunited the two. But they’re saying they’re not and the most serious potential bidder CCFC have is Tom Grennans Twitter addicted manager.

So there’s every possibility that by trying to play hardball when they had no clue what they were doing we’ve gone from being a club with a long, if overpriced, tenure, to one questioning if we’ll even have a ground to play at or if Red Kangaroo are going to buy it out of admin and turn the pitch into a trampoline.

So yes. Wasps cunts. CCC cunts. Everyone’s a c**t. But only Sisu own the club, have the legal and moral duty for its care, and undertook actions or failed to undertake actions within their control that lead to us not having a secure ground. Once they broke the lease they put our future in third party hands.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Not really. Our lease was irrelevant to the council selling ACL shares to wasps holdings - they could have done that regardless of our absurdly expensive lease at the time
The £1.2M a year rent was a disgrace.
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Well-Known Member
So if no one buys Wasps before next Tuesday, who is in charge of the stadium for our game next week and future games until a stadium buyer is found?

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This is why I'm not celebrating until we know what it means for the football club.


Well-Known Member
Highly unfair if they escape any consequences by quitting as directors. People who commit historical crimes are brought to justice. CEO's or Government Officials seem to be brought to task for making bad decisions, even when moving to new jobs or retiring.


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From Onceawasp -

The training ground. I was out and about this morning and bumped in to someone who has a direct interest, who told me that the main contractor is still owed £300k, and the other contractors were also owed very large sums (for the pitch and all the indoor equipment). The same goes for the work done on the separate 'Academy House' next door. I wonder whether the owner of the site ordered and is on the hook for that money, or whether Wasps did a sneaky one and ordered the work in their name, with the benefit accruing to the site owner?

Wonder if the target of their anger will finally focus on the right people...

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
Just looked on a wasps followers Facebook page and he doesn’t seem happy that so called Coventry fans are enjoying this would any of you class yourself as so called?
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