It would be interesting to know the process that took place, who approached who etc. There were rumours floating around that ACL made the move to bring the club back as the Wasps deal required us to be in place as tenants but there have also been conflicting rumours that the FL finally made a move and put pressure on SISU.
Provides food for thought doesn't It.
Firstly Economic ,there Is apparently little to be made on a City matchday ,certainly @ current support levels . Negative
"Political" in that the CCC didn't want to be seen to cut the Club adrift of It's own City ,uproar around rebranding of Stadium, bringing fan
resentment yet complicate the Proposed sale to another . Negative
CCFC became aware of the deal tried to be a fly In the ointment although realising they could not Influence the Inevitable sale , for
financial benefit ,Fan Power ,yet on a ridiculously short deal ,longer than they originally wanted allegedly, after Investing In pitch
upgrades at the other place . Who Knows ?
The FL ,well If SISU knew about the deal there's a fair chance the FL did ,lack of Progress on the new Stadia ,loss of JR .
If It were them It was a late decision as they'd allowed the Club to lay that Pitch.
Again they wouldn't want the political fall out from allowing us to move and a Cuckoo move In ,not on their watch ,however I would have
thought they would have Insisted on a minimum 5 yr deal .
Adendum ......New nickname for those now frequenting the Nest " Cuckoos "..