I only have 3 games on my PS4. FIFA, COD and Killzone: Shadowfall, which i really didnt understand, controls or storyline, so Watchdog could be my next purchase. Possibly Need For Speed
Storyline tends to always be crap the more open-world the game is. I gave it an hour or so and it looks nice enough and there seems plenty to do, overwhelmingly so to a degree.
Good part was an initial mission where I was supposed to get something (staying light on the details to avoid spoiling owt) and it didn't hold my hand or tell me how, just let me fart around and get on with it. I love GTA as though it gave me a kidney but it suffers from signposting and tunnelling your sense of choice (this game might still do that of course). Only letdown for me so far is the car handling, which feels a bit off.
I don't like it, seems to be just walking/ driving around pressing square.... Bit disappointed with it tbh. Tried it for 4 hours last night and just couldn't get into it. On the plus side Mario Kart 8 is coming tomorrow!
Got Watch_Dogs on PS4, completed it, so now I am selling it for £40
Its a good game, decent story. A bit obvious how it ends, I could see it coming from the middle of Act 1. Online hacking is fun, having someone run around like a headless chicken trying to find the hacker before you complete the hack. Driving is the only let down for me, handling is just off, but I quickly got used to it and I just forgot about it and adapted.
Watch Dogs is brilliant, really enjoying it on the PS4. Doesn't look out of this world buyt still fairly good but the gameplay is superb. Absolutely exactly what you want. Arguably one of the best game engines i've ever used, cover and everything else works perfectly. I'm also a fan of the dreaded driving, I like the off beat feel. And them bikes. Awesome.
I've now completed the main story and you do get used to the car handling (my previous comment was a bit harsh now I've played it a bit). There are loads of side quests to do and I keep finding myself going back to do another one.
Yeah currently nearing the end of Chapter 2, I think it's madly underrated, having a blast and that's without the supposedly great side missions and VR games!
Got it completed earlier. Decent game well worth playing, but has some pritty big issues with it. It's another Assassins Creed type game, where the basic idea is very good but not implemented well, will be left to the sequels to bring the best out of it.
I'd agree with that, 7/10 is about right. It got a bit samey, but the gang hideout missions were the highlight, like clearing the outposts in Far Cry. It's a shame they run out really.
I haven't done any side missions yet Platty! But I can't wait to do them, loving the game at the moment! That does sound rather brilliant...need to complete it quick to start The Last of Us Remastered! Never played it first time round