An entirely predictable reaction. But what does it mean. Get SISU out: they have sunk (literally sunk) millions into CCFC. They have achieved fuck all. No money, no profit, nothing, only losses. So they "sell" to someone else. I say "sell" because anyone taking on the Club will have to pump cash into it. They will not, no, cannot make a profit, so they just have to pump money in. League 1, lower gates perhaps, and no £3.5m from the Premier League. That looks a good proposition to buy, doesn't it.
I fear that if SISU go so does the Club. Liquidation. It hasn't happened for a long time to one of the "big" clubs. I am old enough to remember the Shots going. They still haven't made it back.
So for me, every chant of SISU out is another nail in the coffin of the Club. If the Club goes, and it will be becaue of SISU if it happens, then Joy Seppala's name has to be cursed everywhere because she is the witch that has cast the foul spell on the Club. She and her henchmen will have done their worst, buying a club in a City they have never visited and then destroyed it with only one aim: to make money for themselves. But they failed in that and so will bring the club down around them.
If they let the Club go:
Seppala, Igwe, Clarke etc
I hope that their names live on as the evil scum that destroyed a proud Club.
So for me "SISU out" is too late. It is SISU stay and keep the Club alive or else go down in history as the cheapest profitmongers, the worst of the Thatcherite selfish profit motivated curs to 'own' the Club.