It breaks my fecking heart to see my/our club run like this.It is now facing a slow painful death all before our eyes, and the owners could'nt give two shits about us,the club,the employees or any fecking thing to do with Cov.
I can't surf these threads anymore today , as all of us, but one or two, see like me the total destruction of a once proud club,and it hurts to read them.
I beg with every bone in my body to SISU to please please go away, and take our ten new directors with them.It is plainly clear that none of you know how to run a business, as surely even the most brainless twat would understand that you must INVEST IN, to get anything out of a business for it to grow and flourish.
If you have one compassionate bone left then please just admit it, that you've got it badly wrong and you are out of your depth, and that with you're imcompetantancy and the mess you have made of running a football club, then perhaps it's time to GO
The Rev