Weight and working out (10 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I'm in a cycle of doing well during the week, then undoing it all for the footie at the weekend but I need that release. Had a shit run of personal issues from mid-June but luckily managed to use anger/frustration as motivation to hit the weights in earnest and get back to a decent diet. Got my body fat down to 15-16% and have added some noticeable muscle for the first time in about 10 years


Well-Known Member
All went a bit quiet in here chaps, how's everyone getting on? Looking at the dates of the last few posts, looks like the Euros/new season may have interrupted a few routines... ;)
70 pounds down since we went into the original lockdown. Thats the good news, the bad news is since the start of August the loss has totally stopped and nothing seems to kickstart it again.


Well-Known Member
All went a bit quiet in here chaps, how's everyone getting on? Looking at the dates of the last few posts, looks like the Euros/new season may have interrupted a few routines... ;)
Yea lets not talk about it 🤣, bsck up to around 19.5 stone, I've enjoyed my freedom recently and been bringing bad with my misses teying all sorts and being super lazy.


Well-Known Member
I'd got into the habit of doing fifteen press ups every morning (proper form, chest to the floor etc.). Fell out of that habit a while ago.

Started again on Monday and I managed two before I started shaking like the proverbial...

It's amazing how quickly you can lose fitness without noticing.


Well-Known Member
I don't like the ones full of gimps in the mirror at all. After the first couple of times you will notice everybody is in the same boat and don't bat an eyelid.
I am in a private gym in a small town in Hungary, only about 30 people go here and we’re all friends, they support me more than my family 😂, but yea when I was in the uk going jd gym it was full of ego lifters and people who were there to show off their steroid muscles.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Had gone up to 16st 10 but lost 9lb in the last few weeks.
Cut out a lot of carbs and been hitting the gym but need another stone off.
The arrival of the football season is not conducive to weight loss!


Well-Known Member
A stone a half in a month? Fair fucking play!!!
I recall having a proper crack at it in the early eighties. I lost 9lbs in the first week, and five in the second.
These days I can starve myself for months and lose a couple of pounds.
I gave up drinking alcohol in late January (occasional alcohol-free beer only now). Everyone says if you knock it on the head the weight drops off. It's bollocks in my case. I've lost about a stone in six months, and no, the rest of my diet hasn't gone to ratshit either, and I cycle a fair bit too. If anything my diet is quite a bit better than it has been for years.
Age though. And knackered metabolism. Merde.


Well-Known Member
just tested + for covid ffs so got to decide if i save others getting covid or just go and say fuck it, as no restrictions where i live.


Well-Known Member
Had gone up to 16st 10 but lost 9lb in the last few weeks.
Cut out a lot of carbs and been hitting the gym but need another stone off.
The arrival of the football season is not conducive to weight loss!
16st 10 of pure muscle though I bet mate

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Well-Known Member
How many times is that you've had it now?

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4 😂😂😂😂, shit won’t leave me alone haha although my gf had it and I didn’t catch it a few weeks ago, immunity seems to vanish very fast also didn’t get my 3rd vaccine because I didn’t want it.


Well-Known Member
4 😂😂😂😂, shit won’t leave me alone haha although my gf had it and I didn’t catch it a few weeks ago, immunity seems to vanish very fast also didn’t get my 3rd vaccine because I didn’t want it.

Assume you're OK and you should have one hell of an immune memory against it now


Well-Known Member
Assume you're OK and you should have one hell of an immune memory against it now
Yea I’m good just a runny nose, and you’d think so 😂. It just keeps coming back but tbh it’s been over 2 1/2 years so it’s what it is a cold to me and most others now. Just will be a responsible person and avoid the gym until -


Well-Known Member
Dropped a stone switching to black coffee no sugar and not buying fast food. Kinda sad how easy it was tbh.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Dropped a stone switching to black coffee no sugar and not buying fast food. Kinda sad how easy it was tbh.
Sort of how I’m feeling now. While it’s good that I’ve worked out what I should have been doing the whole time, I’m now wondering what I could have done without all the extra weight.

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