Wembley Tickets (7 Viewers)

Sky Blue Harry H

Well-Known Member
I called them today as most of mine ordered Saturday morning still haven't come. they said they were printed off Sunday & posted Monday they think... hopefully will arrive tomorrow , if not he said call them and they will turn them into e-tickets which we can print at home
Hi Luwalla - really helpful - can you confirm the number to call (just in case I/others need it tomorrow!!) Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
I'm not panicking, but am just a little concerned I ordered 4 at the same time and only 1 arrived.

Won't panic, cos I can just ring Ticketmaster, but am guessing that is a more than a few pence per minute and it might be a long wait on hold.


Bet you a tenner he has commented about boycotts / nopm or something along those lines. Most of the moaners so far have, the irony is amazing.


Well-Known Member
Our fans are incredibly cringeworthy at times. Have you seen the twitter posts to the Green Man pub?

"Are you ready for us?" "I hope you're ready for Coventry"

Cringe. Aye, they're not used to hosting Liverpool, Man United, Man City, Chelsea and the likes year after year.

Sky Blue Harry H

Well-Known Member
Our fans are incredibly cringeworthy at times. Have you seen the twitter posts to the Green Man pub?

"Are you ready for us?" "I hope you're ready for Coventry"

Cringe. Aye, they're not used to hosting Liverpool, Man United, Man City, Chelsea and the likes year after year.

It's that line that gets crossed from 'party time' (singing, dancing, prawn sandwiches (maybe not that bit) which is great and I'm all for, that moves to petty vandalism, jostling stewards, p*ssing up the walls, 'we're Coventry City we do what we want' stuff that makes me cringe - not nice for kids that are about, and blokes dropping the 'C' bomb all the time when kids and women are about is unnecessary. Will still get a bit loud and shouty when I've had a beer though (but still retain a modicum of decency!!)


Well-Known Member
Tickets have arrived, ordered Monday. Hope those still missing tickets get them ASAP, can't truly chill out and look forward to it until you've got tickets in hand


Well-Known Member
Probably shouting at people who work on checkouts in shops on minimum wage as if they are in charge of tesco and setting policies, day in, day out. Then if anybody says anything back, running to social media / papers claiming discrimination.


The worst kind of person. I'm a sales/customer service manager and the worst ever phrase to be invented was "the customer is always right" No...they're not. The sense of entitlement from "Facebook Mums' is frightening.


Well-Known Member
my tickets have not arrived either ! rang the club , and they will convert to eticket...however this can take 24 hours ..so be aware!
I am going away tomorrow and will not be around to pick tickets up
I asked the club if they would refund the postage and they said no!! I had a go and complained and would urge others to do likewise.
I said to them why wasnt the eticket solution available before tuesday...no real answer there ( other than they obviously make money out of the postage)
They did say that you pick up at wembley if all else fails!!!
btw i reckon it was ticketmaster answering the phone ( opt 1 for playoff tickets)


Well-Known Member
The worst kind of person. I'm a sales/customer service manager and the worst ever phrase to be invented was "the customer is always right" No...they're not. The sense of entitlement from "Facebook Mums' is frightening.

I work on a holiday park as a maintenance man, I went round to sort a load of problems a holiday maker had last year, he was the most horrible individual you'll ever meet, started off bad mouthing the company whilst I was fixing his jobs which was fair enough but then started personally calling me a c**t, the final straw was him pushing me in the chest with his finger, with that I lamped him so fucking hard that he flew about 20 foot across the caravan, his Mrs said "You deserved that" and ran out of the van. I went about my day and never heard another thing about it.

People are the worst.


Well-Known Member
I work on a holiday park as a maintenance man, I went round to sort a load of problems a holiday maker had last year, he was the most horrible individual you'll ever meet, started off bad mouthing the company whilst I was fixing his jobs which was fair enough but then started personally calling me a c**t, the final straw was him pushing me in the chest with his finger, with that I lamped him so fucking hard that he flew about 20 foot across the caravan, his Mrs said "You deserved that" and ran out of the van. I went about my day and never heard another thing about it.

People are the worst.

Still haven't forgiven you! :mad:


Well-Known Member
Ordered Saturday morning and mine arrived this morning. Relieved.


Well-Known Member
Looks like tickets have stopped selling today .I think that Big Weekend at memorial park has stopped a good few thousand from going .Still a great effort from the SBA.


Well-Known Member
Looks like tickets have stopped selling today .I think that Big Weekend at memorial park has stopped a good few thousand from going .Still a great effort from the SBA.

Shame there will be patches of empty seats in the lower tier facing the camera if those that popped up earlier don’t sell!


35K+ is an amazing effort - its bank holiday Monday, a huge event is going on in the City and its school holidays, bound to have an effect....

Irish Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
35K+ is an amazing effort - its bank holiday Monday, a huge event is going on in the City and its school holidays, bound to have an effect....
Five of us went to the Check-a-trade but only two of us going to this. One son has a holiday booked in France, the friend I go with has tickets to the Memorial Park and the other one was a Bristol Rovers fan so wasn’t expecting him to go anyway. There have been a lot of posts on here about holidays etc preventing fans from going. I have to say (notice the smug tone) that my wife and myself were invited on our son’s holiday but I checked the date of the playoffs and so we booked ourselves onto a flight from Heathrow leaving at 8.35 Monday night. Second son is driving us from Wembley to Heathrow. We should be just about okay even if it is extra time and pens.


Well-Known Member
I was sent this the other day and doubted it’s veracity, but now I’ve seen another one it must be genuine:


Dale Evans financial advisor in sex change shocker


Well-Known Member
Quite a few left in block 141 at £48 for adults

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