Westwood? (1 Viewer)

Coventry La La La

New Member
Anyone heard anything on how long he will be out for? its nearly the end of the season now and hes not going to renew his contract so was the Brizzle game possible Westwoods last game for the CCFC?


Facebook User
I've heard 8 weeks but also someone said they were "told" a week :/

When me and my friend asked after the game Saturday he said he'd fractured his hip so I can't see him being any time soon :( Guess we can dream he'll play in a City shirt again!

6 Generations

Well-Known Member
And i suspect, that all he fractured on Saturday, was his 'Ego'. Do not be surprised if he plays against Doncaster, tonight.

Cynically yours,

6 Generations.



New Member
I never ceasse to be amazed by the way some City fans are ready to slag off every player.

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