Well-Known Member
It was about this time yesterday that the second went in!
Is it just me, does G Thomas' goal get better and better every time i play it?
apparently leeds, burnley and qpr are interested in Thomas. If the offer is right i cant see him wanting to stayunless he's genuinely passionate about the club
It would be great to get a few more in on Saturday to give the team another lift and show that when we come together we can achieve success. TF please note - we want success not brek-even!!!
Weren't in 133 were you. There was a dad and his lad there and the young one was a bit emotional at times.A brilliant day out made for me by my 15 year old son's reaction to the first goal, tears in his eyes It literally knocked the stuffing out of him. Also my cousins wife spending most of the first half cancelling all his cards after losing his wallet, only to find it on the seat of the coach when we got back. All in all a great day for us all but mostly for the younger fans who have grown up in the era of plastic premier league fans taking the piss at school. Finally the words of my son on the coach home when he told me he is "sky blue through and through".
Great crack on the coach, driver turning a blind eye to the consumption of beer, wine and cider. Driver taking the piss by passing about half a mile of stationary traffic and cutting in then cutting about three red lights in a row. Atmosphere in Green Man so good I could feel my beer glass vibrating. Someone curling one out into a plastic glass in the bogs. Couple of pints of real ale from the barrel inside the concourse. What a goal from Georgie. Deafening rendition of In our Coventry Home. Rounded off this morning watching some posh Oxford kids YouTube blog where he says they are playing an easy team and then is heard saying "shut up skyblues" when the noise of 'stand up if you love city' is dominating his commentary.