What are you currently listening to? (8 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Not listening too but hearing the adverts Matt Munro on the McDonald's one remembering when beer was one Shilling and three pence old money (six half pence now).Giving my age away

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Anyone else at Idles last night?
Great gig, my first time in the Empire and really impressed. Might head down there for a hair of the dog later.


Well-Known Member
Just watched the Plant - Krauss set from Glasto - wow epic - old rockers and hippies get it on the iplayer !


Well-Known Member

Coming to the Empire in September.

Can't fucking wait.

Silence has the same melancholy touch as 4'33" ;)

Disappointed, it only lasted 3'30" could do with an extra verse.

Definitely performance art.
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Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Cracking tune.

Hearing Andy McCluskey banging on about how Kraftwerk are the most influential band since The Beatles is a great listen.

I never realised the song was seen as a massive LGBT anthem, but it does make sense listening more closely.


Well-Known Member
I know they are not everyone’s cup of tea, I have seen loads of bands, acts etc. But Rammstein were immense and easy the best gig I have ever been to. Blown away

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