What are you currently listening to? (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
CDs arrived. Must admit not my normal genre but totally absorbing.

There is just something about full orchestral pieces. Not a classical music fan but some stuff is definitely worth listening to.

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Well-Known Member
Sabres of Paradise - Smokebelch.


Well-Known Member

Ol' Nebuchadnezzar. Great cover and album, and some great tracks, with Vincent Crane's Hammond solo on Vug (edit: actually it's on Gershatzer, not Vug. Memory fucked!) standing out. Still have the vinyl I bought when it first came out.
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Well-Known Member
Listening to beth hart’s album War in my Mind

Here is ‘Bad Woman Blues’ the opening track. Some great music...variety of styles

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Well-Known Member
William Orbit has created some great stuff. Strange Cargo is brilliant.


Well-Known Member

No idea why I thought buying that bloated tosh was a good idea. Worst thing though is that it (maybe just my own pressing of it?) has an out-of-centre hole so when the stylus nears the middle the levels of audible 'wow' are insane. Still have it, but haven't played it for probably 30-odd years!


Well-Known Member
No idea why I thought buying that bloated tosh was a good idea. Worst thing though is that it (maybe just my own pressing of it?) has an out-of-centre hole so when the stylus nears the middle the levels of audible 'wow' are insane. Still have it, but haven't played it for probably 30-odd years!

Yep, not the best vocal artist but got a few track which are the forerunner to Bat out of Hell II and III.

The slightly darker stuff from Steinman is much more fun to listen to.

Definetly has a 'Paradise Lost' feel to most of the lyrics.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Yeah nice to hear a proper accent. I really like the stuff coming from their new album. Think they've upped their game.

saw them earlier in the year and they were decent. Playing Ally Pally which is a good night out but it's a Thursday. Was thinking maybe Bristol, it's a Saturday and I've not been for a night out there before.


Well-Known Member
I have a Rammstein playlist going on

I also like pussy I would post a link but you can only get it on Paorn sites, it's hardcore

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