What have we really got to lose? (8 Viewers)




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Well-Known Member
You've said it again - I still like it - I reckon Torchmatic will as well - and that will be about your lot. Lot's of SISU out bilge to follow.


New Member
The minute the sky blues make a profit Sisu will take that for the shareholders and the club will see nothing from it. Nice thought bud but it won't happen while this bunch of crooks own the club


Well-Known Member
Has any one actually thought that the more season tickets sold, could actually give us a chance of winning this league. Say every season ticket holder from last year managed to bring in a new season ticket holder and we got up to 20,000 ST next year. For the first time ever the City could stand on its own feet, money would finally be available to sign quality players. The crowd would be like having an extra player on the pitch (Corny i know). If we start winning we may even start filling the stadium. This is how the likes of Norwich, Southampton and Reading can afford to challenge and achieve what they did. OSB or someone with finance idea's please work out the revenue the club would turn over if we got 27,000 for every game. I'm guessing ticket revenue (ST and walk up) could be 8 to 9 million? Sisu are not and never will be an Abramovich or the Man City owner, but i am thinking maybe it is time now to stop all the finger pointing and get behind the team 100% and lets have some fun in League 1. At the end of the day what have we really got to lose, can it really be any worse than the last 10 years?

20k season tickets in league 1? Are you fucking mental. We didn't manage anywhere near that in the Premiership years!

And Reading & Southampton didn't do it like that. They both had multi millionaires bank rolling them.

Get the team right on the pitch & fans will return not the otherway around. It has always been that way and always will. Stop begging fans to buy season tickets and look at the reasons why they won't buy one of their own back.


Well-Known Member
20k season tickets in league 1? Are you fucking mental. We didn't manage anywhere near that in the Premiership years!

And Reading & Southampton didn't do it like that. They both had multi millionaires bank rolling them.

Get the team right on the pitch & fans will return not the otherway around. It has always been that way and always will. Stop begging fans to buy season tickets and look at the reasons why they won't buy one of their own back.

What about Norwich? They had 18,000 season tickets in League One.


Well-Known Member
The minute the sky blues make a profit Sisu will take that for the shareholders and the club will see nothing from it. Nice thought bud but it won't happen while this bunch of crooks own the club

What a joke. When have this club EVER made a profit. All owners (including SISU) have bank rolled this apathetic excuse for a club for years.


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Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
To be fair, this was Brighton's first season at the Amex and off the back of a championship winning season at that-so anything less than a complete sell out would've been unexpected. They've got waiting lists for next season too, mind.


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Well-Known Member
Stop begging fans to buy season tickets and look at the reasons why they won't buy one of their own back.

The reason is apathy. The species known as CCFC supporter has always preferred the comfortable armchair on a Saturday instead of the Ricoh. He only stirs from his natural habitat when the Red Devils are in town.


Well-Known Member
Norwich had 25000 gates when they were in league 1, they carried that figure over into the championship and now into the prem.
They ain't Man Ure for sure are they and I hardly think Delia is in the Abramovic bracket, so it can be done.
I wish we could get all these people who have stopped going to watch matches for one reason or another (I know loads of people who said they wouldn't go again until Richardson had gone and still don't ???!!??).
There's a bloke who lives over the road from me and he is the first person in our street to have the new shirt every season, has his name plus the number 1 on the back, talks like he has been to every match but ain't set foot in the fookin ground for years-listens to them home and away on the radio !!
Surely these are the sort that the club should be targeting to get the crowds up?
I would like to bet (preparing for the backlash !!) that 90% of the people on this forum who say that they will not renew their season tickets or will not go to games at the Ricoh whilst S**U are still in charge will be there next season....what else will they do, go shopping with the missus, a spot of gardening, or hardest of all listen to a "home" match on CWR when they could be at the game?
None of us chose our team, ffs if I could have it would have been a damned sight better one than ours, I have no choice, I have to go, it would be easier to kick a heroin habit.
I had a break in the seventies because I couldn't stand Les fookin Sealeys smug chops when he was playing for a move looking back at us on the all seater kop, but once he "did one" I was back and have been ever since!
My point is Bryan "the crook" Richardson, Les "the nonce" Sealey, all seater stadiums, football ground in the middle of fookin nowhere, S**U, David Bell (thought I'd throw him in for good measure!) they will all come and go (well perhaps not the football ground!) but we of the "Sky Blue" persuasion will still be there even if the club are in the Conference, thats why we come on this forum, thats why we eternally hope that next season things will be "better", thats why we will shout at and expect mediocre journeymen players to shit miracles when they pull on a Sky Blue shirt,thats because we are City fans and we can't just stop............and breathe!


Well-Known Member
Well what I've got to lose is:

1) The money it costs
2) The time
3) The damage done to my health by a stressful, non-customer focused environment
4) Being an empowered customer whose loyalty will no longer be taken for granted and who will no longer be lied to.

Bilgey enough for you, Duffster? :p


Well-Known Member
The reason is apathy. The species known as CCFC supporter has always preferred the comfortable armchair on a Saturday instead of the Ricoh. He only stirs from his natural habitat when the Red Devils are in town.

That's not the same as me, and countless others, who have kept going through the thin times but are now for the first time considering not going-because of SISU.


Well-Known Member
Yep, it might spur a team filled with underage kids any devoid of influx of incoming players on a little bit, but it wouldn't help us financially at all.


New Member
Norwich City for some reason have always had a hardcore support of around 25000, Derby County the same going back years, in Derby's case before the Brian Clough days. Sadly we haven't. Is it years of mediocrity or being surrounded by other big clubs Blues, Villa, Albion, Wolves ? I put one reason is the cosmopolitan make up of Coventry, not many full bloodied Coventrians about you know. The way to beat this is the only way put a team out there with realistic chance of doing okay, a bit of hope. Fans crawled out of the woodwork for 5 years when Jimmy Hill was manager and again for a couple of years after the FA Cup win.
One factor that buggered our gates up was the ill concieved idea, Jimmy Hill's idea, to create an all seater stadium around 30 years ago. In a stroke it reduced our capacity to 21000ish out of that there were away fans, so the maximum home capacity was about 18000. At the time our average gate was around 23000 and for the visits of Liverpool, Man United, Villa and one or two more we would get towards 30000+. Those 4000+ home fans wiped out at that time went forever. Another bad boardroom error, something that has plagued our club for decades.
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New Member
Steady on there Skyblues2K. you're suggesting people actually support their team. What a crazy notion. What, actually go there? This forum isn't likely to throw up many fans. A lot of them actually don't go and they quite openly say that.
Your thoughts are brilliant but will fall on deaf ears here, they're too busy making excuses. They moan forever about wanting a good team but won't do their bit in bringing that about. Their support is conditional. 'Win and I might think about it is their mentality.'
Just wish there were a few more like you about. Well done mate. Keep the faith
I dislike SISU as much as anyone, but they won't stop me supporting my team. Derby, Norwich, Southampton. They've got better teams because they've got better supporters.
Talk of Coventry being a town of people not coming from Coventry is old tosh these days. Look around England these days. We're multicultural almost everywhere, and a lot of these people like football.
The simple enthusiastic logic you suggest would make the world of difference.

kepit 2 yusen

New Member
This club (sorry Sisu) keep missing the trick ! Coming out of last season the momentum was starting to get there. The team were growing in confidence and to be honest when Marlon said he was going to stay, an almost feel good factor was building that we might finish in a decent position this year. Marlon went along with the other "hot shots", they decided to make do despite EVERYBODY shouting from the rooftops what would happen if they did not replace players. Bingo - it did happen !! It wasn't additional expenditure we wanted, it was the same expenditure almost. Any out performing member of the Daft Club could see that, but those shitesters decided to take a chance.
I don't think the quality of what we are about to witness next season is going to be much above a good Sunday League side and I can watch that for free. As for converting a friend, I would be one friend less by mid season I predict !
With times tighter and an even less willing Sisu investing, it could easily be League 2 the following season. Not a popular vote of non- confidence I realise but I stand to be proved wrong by their actions.


New Member
Anyone know how much leeds sold in league 1, and I've got 2 mates who I've convinced to be 1st time ST holders so at this rate we will have 30k;)


although i dont disagree with the theory i struggled to give the tickets for a tenner away let alone get anyone to commit for a season


It's the old chicken and egg situation. If SISU funded a team that topped League 1 then over 20,000 would turn up no problem.

The fans are simply too depressed to turn out in their droves at present. Even if we did - would anyone trust SISU to put the money into the squad? Knowing them they'd take it as repayments on the alleged 30 mil they've put in.
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Well-Known Member
The clubs' main income streams are being choked by fans; season ticket sales. Another potential revenue stream could so be choked by fans,they write to the Council begging them not to let our owners buy half the stadium.

People on here moan that the squad is being decimated , players like Cranie and Keogh are to be lost. Without suitable income that will happen. Mad world, ain't it?


Well-Known Member
We will never know, will we?

Even if we did - would anyone trust SISU to put the money into the squad? Knowing them they'd take it as repayments on the alleged 30 mil they've put it.
Why would anyone want to give their hard earned to a bunch of untrustworthy suits that have proven time and time again that they have no regard for the playing squad whatsoever?

If you want to move forward you need investment in the squad. You could have 100,000 cheer on 11 10 year olds but you still wouldn't get anywhere.

No thanks.

Not renewing next season until we have owners I can trust. If, on the other hand, we are taken over, I will buy another season ticket.
(I should add that I will be attending each match as it comes. I'm just not paying up front for a season ticket).


Well-Known Member
Has any one actually thought that the more season tickets sold, could actually give us a chance of winning this league. Say every season ticket holder from last year managed to bring in a new season ticket holder and we got up to 20,000 ST next year. For the first time ever the City could stand on its own feet, money would finally be available to sign quality players. The crowd would be like having an extra player on the pitch (Corny i know). If we start winning we may even start filling the stadium. This is how the likes of Norwich, Southampton and Reading can afford to challenge and achieve what they did. OSB or someone with finance idea's please work out the revenue the club would turn over if we got 27,000 for every game. I'm guessing ticket revenue (ST and walk up) could be 8 to 9 million? Sisu are not and never will be an Abramovich or the Man City owner, but i am thinking maybe it is time now to stop all the finger pointing and get behind the team 100% and lets have some fun in League 1. At the end of the day what have we really got to lose, can it really be any worse than the last 10 years?

Hmmmmm .......... City are in the top 20 supported clubs according to the all-time records. We are actually the 20th best supported club in the country.

Will people lay off the fans!!! This stat above proves that we fans have backed the Sky Blues through thick and thin for year upon year and in view of the fact that we are the only club out of all the leagues to fail to even achieve as much as a play-off place (newly promoted to League Two players excepted) that is bloody brilliant!

Facts say 20th best supported team.

That is nothing short of a miracle in my book. Why do we still keep turning up week after week after failure upon failure.

Give the fans a medal rather than chastise them I say!!

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Agree with Otis on this one-no other club has achieved nothing over such an inordinate period of time. Annoys me a lot when our M69 friends regularly make light of our 'terrible' support-it's not put in the context of spectacular non achievement.


Well-Known Member
I think BSB put up a nice post somewhere else, in which he detailed that Brighton FC was very much part of the community. The teams colours are all over town from shops to buses.

We have a similar thing here with both the AFL & Perth Glory. I can attest that a city that takes "ownership" of its team thrives


Well-Known Member
There is another way to see how good the support of a club is. Look at the away support.

How bad did we do away from home last season? How good was the support away from home considering? If we had poor support we would have been down to a few hundred each game. The ones that did go always sang their hearts out, often being louder than the home fans. If this is poor support I will give up going.

I know of away supporters that won't go to home games. These are real fans. Real people. Not a name on the internet. They are not people that can't be bothered to go to games. They are not people that won't pay good money to watch their team. It costs more to go to away games. It takes more effort to go to away games. Most of these fans will be back once there is investment in the squad. Most will be back once the lies and deceit stops.

Yes there is more to it than plastic fans. We are not all the same.


Well-Known Member
SkyBlues2k....................so obviously one of SISU's marketing tossers, probably not even a City fan, more like one of the morons you get ringing you and begging you at this time of year for hundreds of pounds. He'll vanish by August when he can't talk about match action or something relevant.


Well-Known Member
SkyBlues2k....................so obviously one of SISU's marketing tossers, probably not even a City fan, more like one of the morons you get ringing you and begging you at this time of year for hundreds of pounds. He'll vanish by August when he can't talk about match action or something relevant.

absolutely... they wont be getting any of my hard earned cash,thats for sure.been sold to many lies with this club over the years...i dont give a shit no more...they can spin whatever bullshit they like..spin is one thing....investment is another...and is it to much to ask,that we might challenge for promotion,or am i being ridicules...spin spin spin..and bullshit...is all that sisu talk..

well here this...you want my money...show us yours


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