What have we really got to lose? (6 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Ashdown i'm not a marketing tosser, been following the city since 78. Went home and away till 10 years ago. then work and kids got in the way. So been there, done it and bought the tshirt. I am just fed up of the crap on here about how bad the team is and everyone looking to blame someone else for it. Sisu tried throwing money at the club the first season and the attendances went down, so in all honesty can see where they are coming from in cutting costs. I do not like it, but then i live in the real world. just thought i would point out the obvious as we do not have a rich owner with bottomless pockets. so if you want to see us pushing for promotion then the only way is to back the team with season tickets. Perhaps AshbyJan can ask one of his contacts at the club what the outcome would be if season ticket sales were higher than normal. Would the funds be invested in the playing squad?

They would probably say yes.

You surely wouldn't believe them though would you?


Well-Known Member
Following my club costs me about 3k a year.

Can I afford more? Yes. Will I spend more? Not until I have a better reason to go to every game I can. Give me a reason to want to go to every game, like a winning team, a big enough squad to compete, a bit more experience than half a team of academy lads, less lies and a better outlook for the future. As things stand I would prefer to take my car out on a trackday than go to a game. Maybe the Nurburgring would still win, but at the moment a day out with the family comes before a game. Years ago the wife would take the kids somewhere like Drayton Manor whilst I go to a game. The way things are at the moment I prefer to go with the wife and kids. At least I leave there with a smile on my face and not wanting to kick the cat again.

SISU, do you want people like me back? If so give me a team to be proud of. It won't cost a fortune as there are plenty of players going on a freebie. Wages will be a lot lower now we are a Div3 team. Attendances would be much higher if we had a winning team, even in a lower division like now. Keep cutting us to the bare bones and you will end up with a Div3 team with Div3 aspirations and Div3 attendances.


Well-Known Member
Skyblue 2k wants everyone to run out and hand the hedge fund a heap of cash to run off with ............................but not his money of course, he's the only fucker in Coventry who has had kids and had a job, so 10 years ago he stopped going and contributing. Do one you fool, you are preaching to some who have 3 kids and have been taking them for a decade and others who have lost jobs. Did your stopping going coincide with our drop out of the Premier league by any chance?? Do one you idiot !!

Sky Blue Sheepy

New Member
Wow, talk about over the top reactions to what was probably meant as a little rally cry to get behind the team next year. Calling him a marketing tosser was a particular highlight. Not saying you have to agree but some of the posts back are just people taking out frustrations on the OP...


Well-Known Member
Steady on there Skyblues2K. you're suggesting people actually support their team. What a crazy notion. What, actually go there? This forum isn't likely to throw up many fans. A lot of them actually don't go and they quite openly say that.
Your thoughts are brilliant but will fall on deaf ears here, they're too busy making excuses. They moan forever about wanting a good team but won't do their bit in bringing that about. Their support is conditional. 'Win and I might think about it is their mentality.'
Just wish there were a few more like you about. Well done mate. Keep the faith
I dislike SISU as much as anyone, but they won't stop me supporting my team. Derby, Norwich, Southampton. They've got better teams because they've got better supporters.
Talk of Coventry being a town of people not coming from Coventry is old tosh these days. Look around England these days. We're multicultural almost everywhere, and a lot of these people like football.
The simple enthusiastic logic you suggest would make the world of difference.

Well OK but please see my post above this and concede that people like myself, who have been going for years, despite EVERYTHING, are no longer prepared to support a regime that is abusing my loyalty? Isn't that different, or are we "rubbish fans"?

Otherwise, I'll play Devil's Advocate, and throw it straight back at you: fans who blindly follow, paying their money regardless of what is done to the club, are part of the problem, not the solution. Your continued support of SISU entrenches their position, and ultimately will see the club liquidated. SISU will NOT spend a penny of ST revenues on players-they've already spent that money! You are blind to what is being done, or too weak-livered and apathetic to do anything about it. You don't care, this is just your "entertainment".

This is the first time that I have ever argued this: but if blindly loyal fans without the ability to question why their club is being trashed is going to talk about me and other fans who are protesting like WE are the problem, then you are going to get this in response henceforth!


Well-Known Member
The implication behind your comment NLHWC is that by taking such action a better outcome may be achieved.
When there is no alternate buyer with serious purchase intent how is this the case? Ultimately supporters are illogical anyway and support a team not to see success but because they enjoy the experience of being part of an organisation they feel an allegiance to. If you are going to be equally controversial you could argue sisu have been acceptable owners in that they have spent considerably more money than they have received back in income. They could only be judged if 20,000 were attending and they continued to assett strip. Can they be really judged until that situation occurs.
Other clubs have had ownership issues but the fanbase has continued to remain strong. Look at Portsmouth.


New Member
The implication behind your comment NLHWC is that by taking such action a better outcome may be achieved.
When there is no alternate buyer with serious purchase intent how is this the case? Ultimately supporters are illogical anyway and support a team not to see success but because they enjoy the experience of being part of an organisation they feel an allegiance to. If you are going to be equally controversial you could argue sisu have been acceptable owners in that they have spent considerably more money than they have received back in income. They could only be judged if 20,000 were attending and they continued to assett strip. Can they be really judged until that situation occurs.
Other clubs have had ownership issues but the fanbase has continued to remain strong. Look at Portsmouth.

I would agree with you if our wage budget reflected our attendences but it doesnt.

The only thing we as fans can control is the attendences. If you were to suggest the clubs with bigger attendences have bigger wage budgets then Sisu have under invested in this area.

You can argue that the club is losing a lot of money a year so costs have to be cut. However the causes of these high losses each month has nothing to do with the fans, it is to do with the poor structure of the club, which Sisu must share the blame along with the previous owners.

The poor structure of the club has nothing to do with the fans so it is unfair to blame them.

Whilst on the subject of Portsmouth:

2011/12 Attendence

Portsmouth 15044
Coventry 15118


Portsmouth 15707
Coventry 16309


Well-Known Member
Huh! Don't expect me to do any extra shifts for you now, Sonny Jim!! :D

Otherwise, I'll play Devil's Advocate, and throw it straight back at you: fans who blindly follow, paying their money regardless of what is done to the club, are part of the problem, not the solution. Your continued support of SISU entrenches their position, and ultimately will see the club liquidated.


New Member
Ashdown i'm not a marketing tosser, been following the city since 78. Went home and away till 10 years ago. then work and kids got in the way. So been there, done it and bought the tshirt. I am just fed up of the crap on here about how bad the team is and everyone looking to blame someone else for it. Sisu tried throwing money at the club the first season and the attendances went down, so in all honesty can see where they are coming from in cutting costs. I do not like it, but then i live in the real world. just thought i would point out the obvious as we do not have a rich owner with bottomless pockets. so if you want to see us pushing for promotion then the only way is to back the team with season tickets. Perhaps AshbyJan can ask one of his contacts at the club what the outcome would be if season ticket sales were higher than normal. Would the funds be invested in the playing squad?

I don't usually sware on here but who the fuck are we surposed to blame for the state of our club. EVERY ticket sold this year has ALREADY been spent so how by us spending more money on the trash we had to watch this year going to make it better


Well-Known Member
Where did I say that I trusted them?

I think you do know already just by what is written on this forum. Apart from yourself, Kduffy and a couple of others the vast majority will never trust these tosser again no matter what they say and I am right up there with them

dick turpin

New Member
Could anybody tell me how many clubs in the last 10/15 years have actually ceased trading,after
the owners have given up :whistle:

How BUYERS have appeared as if out of THE BLUE :thinking about:

the owners at present are grabbing at the last few straws...
i think i shall wait a bit longer ;)


Well-Known Member
Where did I say I trusted them? Just because I don't slag the off and give them amusing names like shitsu it doesn't mean I want them to stay. I want our club to be secure. I don't want SISU, sorry shitsu gone because there is no one else.

Nearly every post you make is to back shitsu up, even wanting them to get their hands on the ground as then they kiss us were it hurts and make it better

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
I think you do know already just by what is written on this forum. Apart from yourself, Kduffy and a couple of others the vast majority will never trust these tosser again no matter what they say and I am right up there with them

I've looked on the site over the last week or so, but kept my gob firmly shut....NOW I'm opening it again.
How refreshing to see skybluehugh, NLHWC, tell it as it is:claping hands::claping hands::claping hands:

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
One interesting nugget of info from Fisher was that ARVO are the ones funding the club's shortfalls-ARVO are in fact the ones funding this venture at the moment. SISU lack the capability to find the funds from their own investors so have to pull them in from the 'Masterfund'; how on Earth does our club have a long term future under this regime?


Well-Known Member
AT this point in time it looks like the funding for this season from the masterfund /JOYS cohorts from the Huntsman Family most likely,are potentially the reason for the charge on the club ,suggesting a personal attatchment to this money.WHich begs the question ,what about the funds ,the ones where there is no personal attatchment ,the mugs money.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern

What a WUM! Oh, and by the way, your spelling is atrocious!! It's not spelt like that! You have too many 'A's! It's spelt "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"! :D Prick!


Well-Known Member
I've looked on the site over the last week or so, but kept my gob firmly shut....NOW I'm opening it again.
How refreshing to see skybluehugh, NLHWC, tell it as it is:claping hands::claping hands::claping hands:

Welcome back, SBK! :D


New Member
Where did I say I trusted them? Just because I don
't slag the off and give them amusing names like shitsu it doesn't mean I want them to stay. I want our club to be secure. I don't want SISU, sorry shitsu gone because there is no one else.

Do you really think any REAL SB fan wants to see this club go down the drain, no of course not but if it is going to happen then lets get the thing over with. At the moment it is like watching some one you love to bits slowly die of cancer you know it is going to happen just not when, so cannot get on with the grieving.

And yes I have been there


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree. It's nothing like watching someone you love dying of cancer. It's our team yes, but it's not a person. You need to get some perspective, I think.

At the moment it is like watching some one you love to bits slowly die of cancer you know it is going to happen just not when, so cannot get on with the grieving.

And yes I have been there


Well-Known Member
I think you do know already just by what is written on this forum. Apart from yourself, Kduffy and a couple of others the vast majority will never trust these tosser again no matter what they say and I am right up there with them

You will not find a post saying I trust them so don't make things up. You will find posts saying we need to rely on them as they are the only game in town. Correct me if I am wrong. What do you want SISU out, lets liquidate the club, lets call ourselves AFC Coventry and play at the memorial park?

I don't.

As for trust did you never watch the club under Bryan Richardson. Have you trusted everything Mr Coventry said - including welcoming SISU with open arms and openly encouraging the sale of small shareholders to them?

If you want the club destroyed carry on - personally I would like it still there next season. Silly me.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
I have to disagree. It's nothing like watching someone you love dying of cancer. It's our team yes, but it's not a person. You need to get some perspective, I think.

Tell that to a Liverpool, Everton, Man u, Man city fan after a "local derby". It has been proven that after the "Derby game" productivity in the city drops....Wife/husband beating gets worse.....Wasn't it "Shanks" that said...."Football is not life and death....It's more serious than that!"
To some people, football is the "Be all, and end all".:blue:

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
You will not find a post saying I trust them so don't make things up. You will find posts saying we need to rely on them as they are the only game in town. Correct me if I am wrong. What do you want SISU out, lets liquidate the club, lets call ourselves AFC Coventry and play at the memorial park?

I don't.

As for trust did you never watch the club under Bryan Richardson. Have you trusted everything Mr Coventry said - including welcoming SISU with open arms and openly encouraging the sale of small shareholders to them?

If you want the club destroyed carry on - personally I would like it still there next season. Silly me.

As they say, "Hindsight is a wonderful thing"
From the day SISU took charge, I said they would "Kill our Club"..."Asset stripping being the nature of a Hedge fund"
I remember being "Shouted down in forums"
Now that the Boot is on the other foot.....It feels soooooo good to be proven right, though not being happy that it's happening to OUR Club!
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Well-Known Member
As they say, "Hindsight is a wonderful thing"
From the day SISU took charge, I said they would "Kill our Club"..."Asset stripping being the nature of a Hedge fund"
I remember being "Shouted down in forums"
Now that the Boot is on the other foot.....It feels soooooo good to be proven right, though not being happy that it's happening to OUR Club!

If it were me I wouldnt be so smug about being proved right, as its our club we are talking about.

What Forums were you shouted down on? What was your username(s)?


Well-Known Member
I'm pleased that you feel "soooooo good" about it all. :facepalm:

I don't, because I thought they'd do alright for me. You were right and I was wrong. Party time!

As they say, "Hindsight is a wonderful thing"
From the day SISU took charge, I said they would "Kill our Club"..."Asset stripping being the nature of a Hedge fund"
I remember being "Shouted down in forums"
Now that the Boot is on the other foot.....It feels soooooo good to be proven right, though not being happy that it's happening to OUR Club!


Well-Known Member
As they say, "Hindsight is a wonderful thing"
From the day SISU took charge, I said they would "Kill our Club"..."Asset stripping being the nature of a Hedge fund"
I remember being "Shouted down in forums"
Now that the Boot is on the other foot.....It feels soooooo good to be proven right, though not being happy that it's happening to OUR Club!

You being shouted down in forums - that I find hard to believe.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
If it were me I wouldnt be so smug about being proved right, as its our club we are talking about.

What Forums were you shouted down on? What was your username(s)?

Have you read what I've written? I stated I'm not happy about it happening to our club...NO I'm NOT HOWZER, and What the fook has it got to do with you what forum!!!....My username is Sky Blue Kid
"Hindsight is a wonderful thing " is aimed at kduffy about Richardson. Who are you anyway?...Judge?, Jury?, Hangman?

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
kduffy says........As for trust did you never watch the club under Bryan Richardson. Have you trusted everything Mr Coventry said - including welcoming SISU with open arms and openly encouraging the sale of small shareholders to them?

Pot, kettle, black.....Somebody has a different view to you, It's ok for you to be sarcastic, but woe betide anyone who does it to you!
We have all got differing views..... Deal with it !!!


Well-Known Member
Have you read what I've written? I stated I'm not happy about it happening to our club...NO I'm NOT HOWZER, and What the fook has it got to do with you what forum!!!....My username is Sky Blue Kid
"Hindsight is a wonderful thing " is aimed at kduffy about Richardson. Who are you anyway?...Judge?, Jury?, Hangman?

Bit touchy today are we.

If you state you have have been shouted down in forums then I dont think its wrong to ask you on which ones, so that what the 'fook' as you put it, it has to do with me.

If you post on a forum you should expect some debate, and thats all it is dont take it so personally. I have no problem with you, was just asking a question.

I am a hangman by the way, cant be doing with a judge and jury.
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Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
If you post on a forum you should expect some debate, and thats all it is dont take it so personally. I have no problem with you, was just asking a question.

A debate, I enjoy....being attacked, however, is a different thing!
I know exactly what you were trying to do Moff!!!
You was hoping to find something to "Have a go" at me with, weren't you! Put your cards on the table mate.
Simply by insinuating username....I don't have anything to hide. What a few people on here need to realise is......You may be eloquent in the posts that you write, but does NOT give you the right to "Put posters down" because their views differ to yours, or cannot express their thoughts in the way that others can!


Well-Known Member
If you post on a forum you should expect some debate, and thats all it is dont take it so personally. I have no problem with you, was just asking a question.

A debate, I enjoy....being attacked, however, is a different thing!
I know exactly what you were trying to do Moff!!!
You was hoping to find something to "Have a go" at me with, weren't you! Put your cards on the table mate.
Simply by insinuating username....I don't have anything to hide. What a few people on here need to realise is......You may be eloquent in the posts that you write, but does NOT give you the right to "Put posters down" because their views differ to yours, or cannot express their thoughts in the way that others can!

Being on a forum is all about debate. You are correct. That is what most of us are on here for.

If you make a comment whilst debating then is this comment up for debate? If not you could make a comment and say that comment is not up for debate ;) When SISU took over all I remember was good comments. Don't remember anyone giving out warnings. What is wrong with saying what site you said it on if you did say it? If you do then it would shut a few people up. If you don't want to then it would be better not to mention things you don't want to back up.

This is not me having a go. This is me saying it as I see it. All part of having a debate :D

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