What Meatloaf Said. (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
2 out of 3 aint bad - It would be bloody brilliant if we could keep 2 of the 3. Marlon is looking 99%, Westy is looking 1% and Gunnar is looking 50% . Could go either way.

I think AT can really look to build the team around our strikeforce now, with Juke growing of age every game.

God...when was the last time we could say that?!?!


Well-Known Member
A while ago I said I was expecting 0 to sign so therefore I'd be happy with 1, delighted with 2 and eating a nacho hat if 3.

Not bad so far.


Well-Known Member
Likewise, im feeling amazed theres one to be honest. Too sued to us losing evryone, this is the first player i remember in a long time that we actually held onto. Infact, who would the last person be do people think?


New Member
Stephen Hughes when he re-signed

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