Southam High School '80-82, Campion High school '82-84.
AHH Campion High.
Reminds me of my one fabled appearance for the Heart of England school team,So excited as I stepped off the coach ,no nerves at all ,dived into the changing rooms .
As I started to strip off we somehow became aware something was wrong as only 4-5 of us were In there ,going outside to see where the rest were and discovering the coach and its contents had left .
This left us with a 6-7-8 mile treck back to Balsall common ,imagine the hoo- ha today If such a thing happened ,heads would roll.
On return to School It became apparent that the only reason I'd made the squad was due to a confusion over dates and It being Easter most of the regular team were away on Holiday. To say I was gutted and scarred Isn't an over statement ,could'nt happen now with mobile phones etc.
Thank you very much Terry Lewin you Geordie Plonker !!
