Captain Dart
Well-Known Member
What's happening with the Rocket these days, that was first port of call before all City's trips to the West Mids in the old days ! Pubs mostly have to do food now though to survive and a decent offering at that. That area may make some decent money now with the train stop encouraging visitors to eat and drank around the main train station before hopping on the shuttles to the Ricoh.
This artwork is what the Friargate project is intended to end up like, showing the Rocket site redeveloped. Can't see where the new pubs will be sited in the scheme, but if the area is destined to be full of solicitors, quantity surveyors and the like there is bound to be a demand, but I don't think a spit & sawdust place with a pool table & occasion 'dispute' is what they'll want.

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