Well-Known Member
I would have thought so too, but I haven't found him writing further on the subject apart from one possible unattributed piece in a local free paper more recently, which of course may not have had anything to do with him. Can't recall any smoking gun being exposed though.
He certainly liked to come across as a man of conviction, particularly in the extensive correspondence that I received at the time. It would sadden me to think he kept quiet for money and then allowed friends and associates to imply that he had been subjected to a gagging order.
Would it really make you sad though, or are you just implying something under the pretence of sadness.
Get over the fact that you got your feelings hurt by having to take down a few cheap insults, and open your mind to the possiblity that there might actually have been something unpleasant going on at the CET - and maybe, just maybe Reid has got a case here. Or not.
It makes me genuinely sad though that someone that I had a bit of respect for has to hide behind fakery in order to get a few more cheap digs in. One thing's for sure, if this is the level you're stooping to it hardly makes you look like a great seeker for truth and justice either.
Edit: Having read SBS's reply below - I think I've perhaps got it wrong here. But I won't delete it, better to admit error in public than try to hide I guess! Politicians reading won't get this.
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