Where did it all go wrong (my musings)... (1 Viewer)


New Member
Having finished last season with a degree of optimism for the current season having seen what Thorn appeared to be attempting to achieve I was somewhat surprised by the degree of negativity over the summer and after the first few weeks of the season has led me to think where has it all gone wrong for my beloved sky blues.

Personally I think the problems with Coventry City go much further back than Sisu and I blame one person for the near ruin of my football club - that is Brian Richardson. Under his reign we went from being a club with a ground and multi million pound player assets to a homeless club who is running at a loss.

When I first started going to Highfield road there was a different atmosphere and expectation to today.. We brought through good players who would help us survive against the premier league big boys for another season before they moved on for brighter horizons. We had players who might not have been the most technically adept but who would give 100%. We were never competing with the bigger clubs but we were surviving. Of course i dream of the day when we win the league, fa cup and champions league treble but i am also realistic about the real limitations of our club.

We do not have and never have had masses of money, we struggle to get any really decent gates unless one of the big boys is in town and unfortunately we also seem to have been mismanaged to much through the years.

Under Richardson it was suddenly all about competing at that higher level, that was clearly not sustainable and although gave us a good few enjoyable years in the late 90s to 2000 it has ultimately led to our current plight. Unfortunately not only are there questions marks about where all the money went it also seems to have bred a large percentage of fans who have unrealistic ideas about the size of our club. This change in expectation is causing ongoing problems.

We are running at a loss, which Sisu are having to subsidise but still people want to go out and but "4 or 5" players which I have heard many times.

I totally agree that Sisu have bounced from one disaster to another and am definitely not supporting or condoning them but are they ultimately responsible for the mess we are in? They clearly do not understand the buisniess of running a football club or most importantly how to communicate and liase with the fans. However is it reasonable of us to expect that they dip their hands in their pocket again to buy four or five more players. In doing so would they not be thowing the club into even more debt and closer to financial ruin. Personally I would rather there be a club to support no matter how big, competative or in what league then no club at all because they have gone out of business.

We currently have surplus players with a number of promising youngsters coming through - is the answer really to expand the squad even further. In times when clubs like Everton can't afford to buy players are we really so realistic with our demands.

Other than an out and out goal scorer to play alongside Juke with some effort and support the team are no where near relegation fodder but with five strikers on the books are we being unrealistic again in eyeing up another signing.

In years gone by we would have been excited by the young prospects coming through but now a large number of fans appear to want to buy instant success.

It also seems all this negativity is doing nothing to help the club and although new owners may be able to bring in some more investment will this rectify all the problems at this club, I do wonder.


New Member
It started to go wrong when ww gave Big C/Ron £20million to spend in 18 months. And who were these big name established players? Richard Shaw. David Burrows. Paul Williams, to name just a few. Imagine if we had gone totally against the form and brought in a pre-Arsenal Arsene Wenger, and given him £20million to spend?


Well-Known Member
Great post pretty much spot on.


Well-Known Member
I thought it went wrong when Jimmy Hill introduced all-seater accommodation at Highfield Road.

Attendances slumped dramatically and have never recovered since so City have never had the money to spend on top players.


New Member
I don't hear many people asking for loads of players to be brought , in fact the complete opposite ,most supporters are quite settled with the fact we have no money and must wheel and deal in the Market ( loan players)and compete with what with got,what makes us angry is the complete mis management of the club and the utter disregard for the fans


New Member
I Can't believe nobody has mentioned the reason for us being where we are now is because of Gordon Strachan:jerkit:, well that's my opinion, he was the one who got us relegated, we had a good squad then and as he has proved since he is a useless manager and never done any good with anyone, and please don't say Celtic as only two teams in the SFL.
However, I don't think he is just to blame, I think there are a number of factors, including missmanagement, money hungry players, not owning the ground, lack of decent investment etc etc etc....
I love Cov City and always will and still don't believe we will get relegated this season, think we are good enough as it is, well once we get all our players back from injury :claping hands:

Il Pirata

Well-Known Member
It was obviously Richardson. We might have gone down before (most probably would) but we would have had a solid platform to be at least a yo-yo team or pretender. We were relegated at the worst time, when the crazy money started to come into the game.

Just another club chasing the dream.


Well-Known Member
We were relegated with 60m of debt, but in reality we should have thrown money at it then - we would have bounced back, and 60m was sustainable in the premier league - it equates to around a 10m debt in our league


CCFC Finance Director
We were relegated with 60m of debt, but in reality we should have thrown money at it then - we would have bounced back, and 60m was sustainable in the premier league - it equates to around a 10m debt in our league

please explain how
- £60m is sustainable in any league
- How throwing money at it would not have put the debt up even further
- How we could have got further finance considering that SISU are here because the club couldnt finance the £60m in the first place
- why is it certain we would have bounced back - plenty have not
- how £60m = £10m at our level (kind of implies that in the premiership SISU would be funding £180m if true)

Sterling Archer

Well-Known Member
As for throwing money at it, did we not waste £5m on a certain striker who turned out to be average and a horrific :censored: of a human being? No wait, it was £5,000,001 my mistake.

On a similar note, I often look back and think "What if we signed John Hartson 10 games before we did like we were supposed to?"

Jack Griffin

Yes I was just going to say that, but totally unrealistic, they then lost the better half of the squad. Richardson = a fricking stupid gambler.


Well-Known Member
Richardson not just a gambler but a thief, CCFC issued high court proceedings against him following the discovery of his wrong doings and he countered with unfair dismissal claim that they could not afford to defend . He sold his shares for £1 ( familiar figure) on the understanding he had a confidentiality clause that know one could speak the truth about what he had been up to
Richardson was the 2nd highest paid chairman /CEO in the country 2nd only to Martin Edwards Man U. They won the league if I remember correctly we were relegated.
As for strachan small man syndrome I'm always right the fans know nothing.So up himself, a patronising crap manager.

As for sisu well they claimed they started with a clean slate no debts, so they can only blame themselves for the mess they have got us in.
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New Member
Two serious mistakes contributed to our downfall - buying Bellamy - who was never a striker and still isn't, and buying the Klingon next season - we should have bought Zamora from Brighton.
Strachan was only interested in a player's abilities, not how he fitted into the squad pattern. He insisted on playing Hadji as a striker, he wouldn't play that Belgian lad alongside Keane because he wasn't a good enough footballer ~ didn't matter him and Keane worked.

So both Richardson and Strachan were the major contributers, and interstingly both thought fans knew nothing about football.

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