I thougt it was a very good article, but because the expenditure has not been itemised there is still a lot of suspision.
I'm no finance guy, but I'll try & list all the income & expenditures that I can think of,f if anyone can see a big hole in what I put please shout...
1) Championship TV fees
2) Ticket sales
3) Shirt and other sponsorship
4) Advertising around the ground
5) Club shirts & other gear at shop
6) Matchday program sales
7) Player transfers out, in credit this season I think, there were fees for Turner & Juke, there will be stage payments for transfers in past years, e.g. Scott Dann & Daniel Sturridge, but that'll be a complex web.
7) Skyblue world sales
1) Player & Management salaries, that was running at or near 100% of turnover & is not untypical of the badly run footie clubs in the country.
1) Directors fees & salaries. Ranson took £1/2 M out of the club, there may be salaries for Fisher & Delieu we won't know the score till the next accounts are published, but then we'll get some overall numbers.
2) Loan interest, Ransons company charged interest, they had (but paid off) loan on Ryton, they may have a loan on future season ticket sales. Up to last accounts SISU were not charging interest on money they put in.
3) Tax, HMRC want 50% income tax for the players and there is VAT on anything purchased, including services.
4) Player transfers, in credit this season, but remember there are some agents fees even for a free transfer & the club bought in Cody McDonald this season, there will be stage payments for transfers in past years, maybe even Cranie & Keogh, but that'll be a complex web.. outsiders can't get details
5) Rent for the Arena, its £1.2M p.a. isn't it?
6) Travel & accomodation for away matches.
7) Matchday staff wages.
8) Web site & program production & editorial.
9) Design & production of Club shirts & other gear
10) Other office and sales staff.
11) Various promotional & community activites
12) Cost of running Academy & Ryton
I'm sure there are more items, if I see/told of something wrong I'll revise..