Asked if, given City’s current financial situation, it would look to avoid going down that route [going for a manager currently in a job], Waggott said: “It’s a good question and the answer is that if it was deemed to be that the person who was the absolute stand-out candidate and it involved some sort of money – but it couldn’t be what I would call a huge or significant compensation because that’s not where we’re at and there would have to be careful consideration given to that – it may be that a bit of a short-term hit in terms of finance could mean a long-term goal achieved by the club.
“You have to keep it on context. This season is a big one for us. We’re trundling through cups and everything else but the league is what we are really focused on and we all know the figures which could mean an uplift of £4-5million on promotion in terms of income.
"So we would have to consider that if there was to be an approach to someone involving compensation.”