Wolf of Wall Street (1 Viewer)


Anybody else watched it yet? Great film!



Super Moderator
On my to see list. Watched Gravity last night. Very good film. Visually stunning (has to be seen in 3d). Watched 12 Years a Slave a couple of weeks back. Excellent film.


Well-Known Member
Very good film. A good half hour too long though. Love the bit where they're getting a telling off In the office with them going on like kids.

12 years a slave is very good. As is American hustle.


Well-Known Member
I loved it. By far my favourite of the Oscar nominated films this year.

DiCaprio is great, Jonah Hill is great and with Scorcese directing you know you're in safe hands.

Some people have criticised it for being too long (running time of 3 hrs) but for me it was the shortest 3 hours of my life, never felt long or boring to me.

It's also hilarious.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
12 Years a Slave: Awful. I preferred the TV series of Roots. Far superior.
Gravity: Brilliant
Capt. Phillips: Very good
Not seen Wolf of Wall St yet so can't pass judgement, although probably won't bother with it.
Will be watching Rush and Philomena later in the week.


Super Moderator
Never seen Roots so can't comment on that. However, certainly wouldn't class 12 years a Slave as awful. Think it followed the book reasonably well, obviously a little bit of Hollywood in there as always.

Gravity is the best film I've seen in a long time but don't think it will have the same impact on TV at home.

Captain Phillips looks good from what I've seen in clips over the last couple of days. Think I may have to give it a try.

Can't believe I haven't seen rush yet as an F1 fan. Will be on sky soon so will probably wait now.


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed Wolf of Wall Street, theres no need tor the film to go on for three hours but both Jonah Hill and LDC are very good in it.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Leonardo DiCaprio is one of my favourite actors of recent years. Best film of his IMO? Blood Diamond. He plays a great part in it. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it.


Super Moderator
Leonardo DiCaprio is one of my favourite actors of recent years. Best film of his IMO? Blood Diamond. He plays a great part in it. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it.

Agree. The guys come a long way in the last few years. He's up there with the best these days.


Well-Known Member
If so, I take it he got it off a man with a wooden leg, a patch over his eye and a parrot on his shoulder.


Well-Known Member
watched it on wednesday. possibly the best film I've seen in years.

brilliant from start to finish. plus loads of naked girls :guitar2:


Well-Known Member
Great film.

Although very crazy and off the walls!

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