wrestle mania (1 Viewer)


New Member
Anyone see the city flag in the crowd?...im only watching it cuz my mate is....


New Member
Bullshit you love it! Lol

I haven't watched it in years! I actually went to see it live in Newcastle one year! Was a really good show!

Who wrestles these days??


New Member
Haha...iv took the day off work to watch it!...rock vs cena main match...its all about randy orton though <3

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Bring back British Bulldog! ................ Oh I forgot, he and many others died from heart attacks brought on by steroid overuse.


New Member
Stone Cold Steve Austin was my fav wrestler, but in my younger years it was the Ultimate Warrior.


Well-Known Member
Ultimate Warrior, Jake the Snake, The Bushwhackers, Legion of Doom, Macho Man Randy Savage, The Hart Foundation, Super Fly Jimmy Snuka.

Always remember the arcade next to the chippy by Theatre One had the 4 player Royal Rumble game, wasted many a Saturday in there as a kid!


Well-Known Member
Their choice though.

Plenty of horses die whilst racing but I still love a day out at the races.

Saying this anyone who is into wrestling after the age of about 15 needs to take a serious look at themselves.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Yeah, but the horses don't actually have a choice do they. They're forced by a trainer and a jockey to charge around a race course. Bit of a difference there.


New Member
a little inside bet for all you guys who like ripped, waxed and faked tan men, undertaker to win it all! from a reliable source - my bookie!


New Member
Haha generally didn't know it was last night my bad! lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but the horses don't actually have a choice do they. They're forced by a trainer and a jockey to charge around a race course. Bit of a difference there.

Not the best analogy granted but no-one is forcing these guys to pump em selves with roids either?


New Member
Back to the original post....there was a sky blue in the crowd with a flag :)


New Member
Wrestling isnt real? Of course its not real in the sense that when they go down theyre not genuinely knocked out etc, but having read a few wrestlers autobiographys Mick Foley (Mankind) in particular highlights that the blood bruises and broken bones are definitely real, you cant fake being thrown off a 25 foot steel cage....

WWE markets itself as Sports Entertainment, yeah they have writers to plot storylines and most if not all matches outcomes are predecided, but that doesnt take away from the showmanship, the physical endurance and the thrill of someone kicking out after a 2 3/4 count!


the thrill of someone kicking out after a 2 3/4 count!

:eek::eek: I can't really say it does it for me. Obviously I can see they need to be strong to lift each other up and it is well planned and practiced but it is still setup.

At least with boxing or UFC it literally is real.


New Member
Yeah Boxing and UFC are a lot more brutal, but i think WWE is more of a family show, a prime example being that they dont show chair shots on TV anymore to stop kids copying them, also they have a disclaimer before the show saying 'dont do what we do...' as they have a responsibility to their audience!

I like to thing of WWE as a type of theatre production, you know the baddie isnt really dead but you go along with the show and applaud the efforts of the performers at the end.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Great. What a fantastic "sport"! All the "wrestling" fans on here might like to take a look at this site and see some of the ages of these guys when they died. Most of them through heart attack.....

here's another...

While you're breaking out these fresh revelations you should go find a Star Wars thread and inform them that C3-PO is just a man in a costume and not an actual robot. Maybe a meteorologist forum can be told that rain is wet too.

It isnt real...
I don't think there's really anyone watching who believes it to be sporting competition, they gave up sticking to that pretence a good while ago. It's enjoyed as a work of fiction based around the notion of combat sport.
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Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
While you're breaking out these fresh revelations you should go find a Star Wars thread and inform them that C3-PO is just a man in a costume and not an actual robot. Maybe a meteorologist forum can be told that rain is wet too.

I don't think there's really anyone watching who believes it to be sporting competition, they gave up sticking to that pretence a good while ago. It's enjoyed as a work of fiction based around the notion of combat sport.

I've never seen a Star Bores film either so I couldn't make the comparison. Some people need to get a life! :D


New Member
Why do people feel the need to talk tosh!!! How many people die a year due to fags and booze compared to steroids?

And as for it not being real?? Behave, nothing on tv is real, eastenders, corrie, only fools and horses etc. it's all entertainment. Acting.


Well-Known Member
Guys just over in America (Miami and Orlando) for 2 weeks. Watched Wrestlemania and Raw live (both amazing). We were part of history now I guess for those YES YES YES chants!
I even wore my Cov shirt for Raw at the Miami Heat Arena!

Ill post some pics up when I get back!

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